Kento WordPress Stats

June 09, 2015

Kento WordPress Stats Plugin

Easy website stats for wordpress sites.

Trace your website visitors by user id or guest
see who is online by user id and where they come from and other important information about visitors like visit duration, operating systems, browsers, location, screen size, unique visit or not and many others


  1. Install as regular WordPress plugin.
  2. Go your Pluings setting via WordPress Dashboard and activate it.

after activating plugin please go Settings -> Kento WP Stats
you will see live visitors stats.

take a test by visiting any page of your website.

How does this work ?

When someone visit your website the script on plugin will collect following data

  • userid
  • event (visit, login, logout, published post, comments and etc.)
  • browser
  • platform(Operating system)
  • ip(IP Address)
  • city(By IP Address)
  • region(By IP Address)
  • country Name(By IP Address)
  • url_id(Which is visiting)
  • referer doamin
  • referer_url
  • screensize
  • is unique visit
  • page view landing count

and store table ‘kento_wp_stats’ and ‘kento_wp_stats_online’

and display on admin for live visitors.

N.B. Initial version display only live online visitors. we are updating and will display more stats about visitors.


  1. Total user online.

    Total user online.

  2. Visit data.

    Visit data.



  • Update admin settings.
  • Update Live Stats.
  • Update Visitors List Data.


  • Initial release


  • Version: 1.1
  • Active installations: 70
  • WordPress Version: 3.8
  • Tested up to: 4.2.38


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