Generate QR Code through Widgets and Shortcodes, without any dependencies.
Why use “Kaya QR Code Generator”?
This plugin creates QR Codes (Quick Response codes) through a widget or a shortCode for easy insertion into your pages, posts, sidebars, WooCommerce products, etc.
Easy install and use, generate dynamic QR Codes with your custom settings. Content can be any text, link and even a Bitcoin address or the current page URL.
The QR Code generator library is included (based on qr.js written by Kang Seonghoon) and don’t need any dependencies.
[kaya_qrcode content="my encoded content"]
.This plugin does not collect or store any user data. It does not set any cookies and does not connect to any third-party applications. This plugin only generate QR Code image based on your custom content.
Any suggestions or feedback is welcome, thank you for using or trying one of my plugins. Please take the time to let me know about your experiences and rate this plugin.
The quickest way:
The other way:
The ‘Kaya QR Code Generator’ panel available in a page, a post, a WooCommerce product or in any public custom post type, is not used as custom fields for the post and don’t affect anything in the page content.
The shortcode generator assistant, is used to assist on the shortcode structure construction. The generated shortcode must be pasted on a “shortcode block” or directly in the page content.
No, the QR Code shortcode must be present in a WordPress page, because it uses JavaScript functions to generate the QR Code image.
But you can download the generated image on Shortcode generator assistant for example and use it as you want.
No problem, Kaya QR Code Generator is easy to use with dynamic content (other shortcodes).
If you want to display dynamic content by a widget, the generator is used by default and you just need to check the checkbox “Use dynamic content (other shortcodes)”.
If you want to display dynamic content by a shortcode, use this following shortcode: [kaya_qrcode_dynamic][example_shortcode][/kaya_qrcode_dynamic]
No problem, Kaya QR Code Generator is fully customizable.
You can add a query string or an anchor link to the automatic current page URL.
You can modify the image size in pixels, the error correction level (Low ~7%, Medium ~15%, Quarter ~25% and High ~30%).
You can add a title, shadows on image, modify the horizontal alignment, and use custom colors and background colors.
No problem, Kaya QR Code Generator is fully customizable.
You can add a destination URL (or use automatic current page URL / QR Code content URL) as clickable link, and make it open in a new window.
No problem, Kaya QR Code Generator is easy to use.
If you want to display the qr-code by a widget, the generator is used by default.
If you want to display the qr-code in a page, a post, a WooCommerce product or in any public custom post type, the generator is under the administration primary content of your page / post / product.
If the ‘Kaya QR Code Generator’ panel is not displayed, verify that ‘Kaya QR Code Generator’ is checked in the page / post / product options, in ‘Show more tools & options’ > ‘Options’ and ‘Advanced Panels’.
The shortcode generator assistant is also available in the plugin options page.
Any suggestions or feedback is welcome, please take the time to let me know about your experiences and rate this plugin.
You can help to support the advancement by donate to this plugin, see more details on
To read the changelog of earlier versions of Kaya QR Code Generator, please navigate to the “changelog.txt” file.