Easy juxtapose 2 images in your posts. Places one image over the other and adds a slider to let the user change the view.
This plugin let you juxtapose 2 images with a slider that can be moved to show one image or the other.
With Juxtapose Images you can create beautiful effects like showing a picture in the past and compare with nowadays, or
a night/day contrast, a before and after view, etc…
Very easy to use, just use the [juxtapose]..[/juxtapose] shortcode, adding 2 images in between the shortcode. No configuration needed. Very little overhead in the loading speed. Only a small javascript and css is added when needed.
directory.Currently in any place where you can use a wordpress shortcode. Basically post and pages.
No. There are no SQL queries or big processing. Just a small code that adapt the html output and adds a small javascript and css.
It only includes javascript and css when needed (When there is a slider in the current post). The code is only
executed when you use a shortcode, so your other posts that doesn’t include a slider will not be affected in any way.
We started developing the plugin with wordpress 4.4, but almost any version that can handle shorcodes should work.
Absolutely yes. Just use a shortcode in your post or pages. No admin, no configuration
You could add some css code to your theme for visual customizations.
Ask for any functionality in the support section. Probably, the future
of the plugin will be to extend some functionalities demanded by users.