WordPress meets APIs: Get API-data and show it with a Shortcode or a JCI Block. Generate a template with the JCI Block. New: ContactForm7 Integration
The simplest method to link WordPress with external APIs
JCI simplifies the task of retrieving data from a third-party REST API. The returned data can be neatly arranged and showcased on your WordPress site via a shortcode or a JCI Block. Generate a template with the JCI Block.
20 seconds: Load API and display data
7 minutes: Basic intro to JCI free
Check out the live demonstration to explore how we’re interfacing with various APIs
LIVE PREVIEW – WordPress and a external API
Video: How to use the Wikipedia API
There’s a wealth of resources and support at your fingertips. Explore the articles listed below to begin your journey:
Both the free and PRO JCI Plugins serve the same purpose: retrieving data, transforming it, and publishing the results.
However, while the free Plugin can only handle basic challenges, the PRO JCI Plugin offers nearly full control over WordPress, the database, and applications.
Compare: Free vs. JCI PRO Plugin
PRO features:
* application building by creating a searchform and connect it to a JSON-API in the background: pass GET-Variables to use a dynamic JSON-Feed-URL (“talk to API / webservice”)
* much better and more flexible templateengine: twig
* create and use Custom Post Types
* store Templates independent of pages
* more Shortcode-Parameters
* executing Shortcodes inside a template
* more features…
Welcome to JCI! Thank you!
Check your JCI installation and its requirements.
Configure your JCI settings: SSL? Cache? Gutenberg?
Step 1: Retrieve data. Highly recommended: Use the JCI Block.
Step 2: Use data. Generate a template with the JCI Block and try it out.
Locate the JCI Block.
JCI Block: Welcome to the JCI Block. Familiarize yourself with the JSON example.
JCI Block: Turn debug mode on to see what is happening.
JCI Block: Generate a template from JSON.
Give it a try: The JCI plugin’s block comes with a simple, easy-to-understand example. This lets you learn how JCI works without any risk.
This plugin enables you to insert a WordPress shortcode or a Gutenberg Block within any page, post, or Custom Post Type (CPT). This facilitates the retrieval of data from an API, which you can then manipulate, such as converting it to HTML for display purposes.
Connecting an API to WordPress offers enhanced content management, extended functionality, personalization and scalability. It enables real-time data display, third-party service integration, and process automation, making your website dynamic and powerful.
The plugin parses almost any JSON-feed and allows you to display all data on your website: Import data from an API or Webservice to display it on your website.
Select the ‘JSON Content Importer’ option from the Admin Menu. Upon doing so, you’ll be presented with various tabs, one of which is labeled ‘Check Installation.’ Ensure all the tests conducted here are successfully passed for the optimal functioning of the plugin.
Then use the Shortcodes from Tab “Step 1: Get data” and if successful “Step 2: Use data”. If that does not work, check Tab “Support”.
This plugin is made in munich, bavaria, germany!
Famous for Oktoberfest, FC Bayern Munich, AllianzArena, TUM, BMW, Siemens, seas, mountains and much more…
* url=”http://…json”
* numberofdisplayeditems=”number: how many items of level 1 should be displayed? display all: leave empty or set -1″
* urlgettimeout=”number: who many seconds for loading url till timeout?”
* basenode=”starting point of datasets, the base-node in the JSON-Feed where the data is”
* oneofthesewordsmustbein=”default empty, if not empty keywords spearated by ‘,’. At least one of these keywords must be in the created text (here: text=code without html-tags)”
* oneofthesewordsmustbeindepth=”default: 1, number: where in the JSON-tree oneofthesewordsmustbein must be?”
This is the template:
Any HTML-Code plus “basenode”-datafields wrapped in “{}”
{subloop:”basenode_subloop”:”number of subloop-datasets to be displayed”}
Any HTML-Code plus “basenode_subloop”-datafields wrapped in “{}”. If JSON-data is HTML add “html” flag like “{fieldname:html}”
= 1.5.6=
* Additional CSS class(es)” defined in the “Advanced” settings of the JCI free Block are now considered
* Enhanced CF7 Integration: Submitted data is now sent successfully even without defining all CF7 Additional Settings
= 1.5.5=
* Plugin ok with WordPress 6.4.3
* ContactForm7 Integration: Populate CF7 forms with JSON data and forward CF7-submitted data to an API.
* Set Shortcode Parameter ‘execshortcode=y’ if a Shortcode in the enclosed Content of a JCI-free Shortcode should be executed. To mask [ and ] use #BRO# / #BRC# in the enclosed content
= 1.5.4=
* Plugin ok with WordPress 6.4.1
* Improved Security in the Backend
= 1.5.3=
* Enhanced, see Tab “Basic Settings”: Send Header “HEADER_KEY:HEADER_VALUE”: Insert ‘header HEADER_KEY1:HEADER_VALUE1#HEADER_KEY2:HEADER_VALUE2’ in the following text field, and no ‘Bearer’ will be added. E.g.: ‘header User-Agent:JCIfree’
* Enhanced: The internal communication within a WordPress block relies on APIs, typically accessed via GET requests. For larger datasets, POST requests are more suitable. This new JCIfree version now utilizes POST instead of GET.
* Changed: Some server have problems, using jcifree-block.php as JavaScript-Applicaton (strict mime policy). Solution: Renamed to jcifree-block.js
* Some Backend-Bugfixes for Block-React, PHP8…