Jetpack Post Statistics Link

September 16, 2016

Jetpack Post Statistics Link Plugin

Adds a custom column to the "Posts" and "Pages" Administration pages that provides a link to the JetPack Statistics for post/page …

Adds a custom column to the “Posts” and “Pages” Administration pages that provides a link to the JetPack Statistics for post/page on your blog.


  • You must have Jetpack installed and active on your wordpress blog.
  • First released against Jetpack version 1.2.4.
  • Tested to work with JetPack 4.3.1 / WordPress 4.6.1 (Sep 2016)


Manual Installation

  1. Download the zip from
  2. Extract to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, the zip will create the homedev_jetpack_post_stats directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  1. Post Admin Page with Jetpack Post Statistics Link

    Post Admin Page with Jetpack Post Statistics Link


Where are your FAQ’s

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  • Tested against WordPress 4.6.1 / JetPack 4.3.1
  • Updated as it has been working so well for over 2 years without needing to update that it dropped out of the plugin directory


  • Added the ability to show the statistics link on the Pages administation page
  • Tested against WordPress 3.6.1 / JetPack 2.4.2


  • Update to handle support issue, see final posts. (
  • Plugin now generates the full path to your wordpress site to handle situations where people have non-standard wordpress installations.
  • Tested against WordPress 3.5.1 / JetPack 2.1.1


  • Update to remove the &blog=nnnn parameter.
  • removes the need to access the database so will remove any performance hit
  • Tested against WordPress 3.3.1 / JetPack 1.2.4


  • First Release as for version 3.2.1 – JetPack 1.2.?


  • Version: 1.3.1
  • Active installations: 100


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