Invisible reCaptcha for WordPress
Mihai Chelaru By Mihai Chelaru

April 07, 2020

Invisible reCaptcha for WordPress Plugin

Invisible reCaptcha for WordPress plugin helps you to protect your sites against bad spam bots using the new Invisible reCaptcha by Google.

Invisible reCaptcha for WordPress is an extremely powerful plugin which integrates the new Invisible reCaptcha by Google with your WordPress site.

Summary of features

WordPress Invisible reCaptcha

- Login form protection - annihilates Brute Force attacks - Registration form protection - Comments form protection - Forgot Password form protection 

WooCommerce Invisible reCaptcha

- Login form protection - Registration form protection - Product Review form protection - Lost Password form protection - Reset Password form protection 

Contact Form 7 Invisible reCaptcha
– Protect your Contact Form 7 forms with Invisible reCaptcha

Gravity Forms Invisible reCaptcha
– Protect your Gravity Forms with Invisible reCaptcha

Ultra Community Invisible reCaptcha
– Login form protection
– Registration form protection

BuddyPress Invisible reCaptcha
– Protect your BuddyPress registration form with Invisible reCaptcha


On a WP Multisite you can either activate the plugin network wide or on a single site.

How-To and Troubleshooting

Check out our Invisible reCaptcha for WordPress Support Forum

Extending Invisible reCaptcha

Here are some useful hooks to help developers integrate Invisible reCaptcha with any plugin or custom form


- google_invre_render_widget_action - renders the recaptcha widget 


- google_invre_is_valid_request_filter - used to check if Google approved the request (returns bool true/false) - google_invre_widget_output_html_filter - used to change the recaptcha widget output - google_invre_language_code_filter - used to change the badge/challenge language code - google_invre_badge_position_filter - used to change the badge position (possible returning values are: 'bottomright', 'bottomleft', 'inline') 

Examples of using Invisible reCaptcha hooks

  • Add Invisible reCaptcha into any form

    Just call
    anywhere before form closing tag

  • Validate form post request

    $is_valid = apply_filters(‘google_invre_is_valid_request_filter’, true);
    if( ! $is_valid )
    // handle error here
    // continue with your logic

  • Change the badge/challenge language code

    add_filter( ‘google_invre_language_code_filter’, ‘myprefix_change_recaptcha_language’ );
    function myprefix_change_recaptcha_language($language_code){
    $language_code = ‘fr’; // French
    return $language_code;

See all reCaptcha Language Codes

Note: This plugin requires PHP 5.3 or higher to be activated.




  • Fixed the compatibility with WPML 4.x – the multilingual WordPress plugin




  • Fixed PHP wrong Namespace issue
  • Fixed PHP warning when contact forms settings were saved for the first time
  • Moved Plugin Menu to Settings
  • Fixed PHP warning when contact forms settings were saved for the first time
  • Moved Plugin Menu to Settings



  • Fixed WooCommerce login and registration issue
  • Added Invisible reCaptcha for BuddyPress


  • Fixed Contact Form 7 issue reported by @silvercode
  • Added Invisible reCaptcha for Gravity Forms


  • Multisite compatible
  • Network interface ready
  • Fixed PHP7 warning


  • Added WordPress hooks for custom forms/plugins integrations


  • Added Badge Position option
  • Added Badge Custom CSS option
  • Added Language option


  • Fixed the Strict Standards Warning on PHP 5.4+


  • Initial release


  • Version: 1.2.3
  • Active installations: 100,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.0
  • Tested up to: 5.4.16


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