Coding Chicken – JetEngine Importer

June 07, 2024

Coding Chicken – JetEngine Importer Plugin

Easily import JetEngine meta box fields using WP All Import.

Quickly import your JetEngine Meta Box data to posts, users, and taxonomies using this add-on along with WP All Import free or Pro.


  • Import Crocoblock JetEngine Meta Box data for posts (including custom post types), users, and taxonomies.

Supported Fields

  • Text
  • Date
  • Time
  • Datetime
  • Textarea
  • Checkbox
  • Radio
  • Select
  • Number
  • Colorpicker
  • HTML
  • Switcher
  • Iconpicker

Pro Pack Upgrade

The Pro Pack adds support for additional fields and supports CCTs that have an associated post type.

Crocoblock JetEngine fields supported by the Pro Pack

  • Repeater
  • Media
  • Gallery
  • Posts
  • Map
  • CCTs are limited to those with an associated post type due to a limitation in WP All Import. We’re working to resolve that limitation.
  • Relations (including initial support for relation meta)


The Pro Pack includes professional support to assist you along the way.


Purchase the Pro Pack now at our website.


What version of WP All Import do I need to use this?

The JetEngine Importer is made to support both free and Pro versions of WP All Import.

Why aren’t all the fields included for free?

The additional fields require much greater development and maintenance resources to manage. In order to provide the best experience possible and ensure the ongoing development of this add-on it was necessary to offer a paid Pro Pack. Even with the nominal fee for the Pro Pack, it’s a small fraction of what it would cost to have a developer create a one-time custom solution.



  • improvement: add support for new ‘bulk options’ source for fields such as ‘select’


  • bug fix: correct importing to checkboxes with the ‘Save as array’ option enabled


  • bug fix: resolve issue where some JetEngine objects may not appear in the import configuration


  • improvement: add support for Pro Pack
  • bug fix: resolve miscellaneous PHP notices


  • initial release


  • Version: 1.2.2
  • Active installations: 300
  • WordPress Version: 5.0
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 7.2.5


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