Adds a secondary image on product archives that is revealed on hover. Perfect for displaying front/back shots of clothing and other products.
A very simple plugin that adds a secondary product thumbnail on product archives that is revealed when you hover over the main product image.
This plugin is ideal if you’d like to display more than one image on product archives, and perfect if you want to display front and back images of clothing for example.
Please feel free to contribute on github.
Based on plugin by jameskoster & gabriel-kaam! Thanks!
to the /wp-content/plugins/
directoryWhichever image is first in the order of product gallery images will appear on hover.
This is due to the secondary image being positioned absolutely. This is the cleanest way I can think to do this with CSS alone. You may want to consider hard cropping your product catalog thumbnails to ensure all images are the same dimensions in product archives.
First of all check that the product you’re checking has a gallery attached to it.