Nested image caption shortcode
tychay By tychay

May 13, 2015

Nested image caption shortcode Plugin

Allows caption shortcode to have shortcodes

The core img_caption_shortcode() function doesn’t process shortcodes when they’re in the caption (just when they’re in the image). This simple plugin changes it so that captions can contain shortcodes.

It also fixes some other small edge-case bugs in the original code.


See “Installing Plugins” article on the WP Codex

Once installed and activated, there’s nothing more you need to do (though you
can use filters in your themes functions.php to change the behaviors)


How do I use it

Just activate the plugin.

What else does it fix

  • When there is no image, core WordPress forgets to process content for shortcodes
  • When there is no image or width specified, core WordPress prunes out the entire caption, this tries (sort of) to restore that caption and process it for shortcodes.



  • Initial release


  • Version: 1.0
  • Active installations: 90
  • Tested up to: 4.2.38


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