Iconic Navigation
Cadros By Cadros

October 06, 2015

Iconic Navigation Plugin

Adds image/font responsive icons to menu items via upload or Media Library or over 1400 of Font Icons choice. Custom options for each location.

Upload image icon of a desired size and format to any menu item or chose from over 1400 ready font icons that you can style whatever appeals to you. All you do is click, choose and save.

Icon type

Choose icon type to use at each menu theme location so that the same menu at your site header may look different from that at the footer.

Mobile display

Choose to show icons only or display full at the smaller screens for each menu location.

Native Uploader

Iconic Navs uses the native WordPress uploader, meaning that you can choose from your image galleries or featured images that are already at the site.

Js and Jsless

The uploader as well as the font icons set list works both with javascript enabled and javascript disabled

Live Demo

Iconic Navs Demo

Please contact me at : Iconic Navs Demo if your support request is urgent.

Features request


  1. Upload iconic-navigation folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Find settings page under the Settings menu

Minimum Requirements

WordPress 3.5


  1. Iconic Navs Image Iconed Menu screenshot-1.png

    Iconic Navs Image Iconed Menu screenshot-1.png

  2. Iconic Navs Font Iconed Menu screenshot-2.png

    Iconic Navs Font Iconed Menu screenshot-2.png

  3. Iconic Navs Font Icons Chose Table screenshot-3.png

    Iconic Navs Font Icons Chose Table screenshot-3.png

  4. Iconic Navs Settings screenshot-4.png

    Iconic Navs Settings screenshot-4.png

  5. Iconic Navs Icons Add screenshot-5.png

    Iconic Navs Icons Add screenshot-5.png






  • Fixed activation error
  • Fixed some icons not showing at Firefox


  • Increase font support added
  • Base64 encoded font optional added
  • Backend label tag fixed


  • PHP open tag activation error fixed


  • Version: 1.1.6
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 3.5
  • Tested up to: 4.3.34


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