My Members Only – Membership for WordPress

January 09, 2024

My Members Only – Membership for WordPress Plugin

Protect content in posts and pages with shortcodes.

My Members Only WordPress Plugin makes it easy for anyone to protect content on a WordPress site in any post or page using members-only content type and shortcodes.

[membersonly] Protected Content Here [/membersonly] 

The shortcode can be used along with other shortcodes, this plugin is very simple and light weight making it a very useful tool for any WordPress website.

[membersonly] [myshortcode title="Post title here"] Protected Content [/membersonly] 

Restrict access to

  • Downloads
  • Articles in Whole or Part
  • Videos
  • Private Forums
  • Premium Support
  • And so much more.


Superb “Plugin is Superb! exactly what I wanted thanks – zala5958

Built-In Protected Members Only Content

What is Members Only Content, Members Only content allows you to create special content that only your members can see.

all post in the members-only content area is protected.

Only if a user is logged in they will be able to access, the default access level is a subscriber for all content in the “members-only content” section.

members-only content does not affect shortcode content restrictions, this feature allows for full content protection.

New in 4.5

  • Present Users who are not logged in with a link to “Register or Login Here”,
  • Redirect Users to current page after login.
  1. Create a Post or Page or protect existing content.
  2. Place the shortcodes around the content you wish to protect.

New Shortcode Options Use With Options

  • display=”Custom text” change the message for none logged in user (default: You Must be Logged in to view this content)
  • linkto=”/wp-admin/” Link to a specific page, recommended usage would be to use /wp-admin/ without http://www this is very good practice in case if you are using SSL or custom subdomain, Note that this will also disable Auto redirect (default: WordPress Login Page)
  • linktext=”Click Here” change the text for the link (default: Register or Login Here)

Example Shortcodes

[membersonly] Premium Content Here [/membersonly] 

With Options

[membersonly display="Login To Download" linkto="/wp-admin/" linktext="Login Here"] protected content here [/membersonly] 

the user will then have to be logged in to view.


  1. Upload iCEYi Members Only to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Use the shortcode [membersonly] protected content here [/membersonly] the user must be logged in to view.


  1. ...


  2. ..



What about custom Post Types

You can use the shortcode on any post types and also pages.

Where can I find the Admin Settings

Admin Settings for this plugin is a sub-menu under Settings in the WordPress Admin Dashboard.

How Do I lock Down the Entire Website

This Plugin does not support full website lock-down at this time.

Will this work with my current theme

Yes, this plugin will work with any WordPress theme.


  • Version: 6.8.9
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 5.3.0
  • Tested up to: 5.7.12
  • PHP Version: 7.4


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