I3geek Baidu Xiongzhang Submit. 百度熊掌号(原百家号、百度站长平台)链接提交,原创保护内容提交,自动提交最新文章以保证24小时内可被百度收录,提高站点SEO
** This plugin relying on a 3rd party i3geek.com as a service, in order to get the latest official Baidu’s protocol. (more details see FAQ)**
After installing BaiduXZH Submit, you can quickly and completely submit webpages to Baidu. Include:
It helps you with the following:
安装BaiduXZH Submit后,能又快又全的向百度提交内容(包括文章和页面),主要功能有:
获得专业版:GET PRO
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly./log
directory write permission (777).安装:
It is an auto submit site content link to Baidu official platform plugin. It can protect original content (articles or pages) by Baidu, included the articles in 24 hours, increase Baidu index and improve website popularity.
BaiduXZH Submit是一款自动提交站点内容链接到百度官方平台的插件,可以对内容(文章或页面)进行百度原创保护,24小时内对文章进行收录,增加百度索引量提高网站的知名度。
Baidu Xiongzhanghao is a new platform integrating the eight functions of search resource platform (the original Baidu webmaster platform), the Baijiahao platform, the business platform, the service platform, the data opening platform, the operation center, the open platform and the certification center. Can be included not only the content displayed in the Baidu search results, it can be included in Xiongzhanghao platform.
More: https://xiongzhang.baidu.com
This plugin’s official API : http://xzh.i3geek.com/baiduXZH.php – in order to get the latest official Baidu’s protocol, the content submitted to Baidu is more legal. Don’t worry, ONLY require the url which your website’s home page, and we will also ensure it securit.
Firstly, the latest Baidu’s protocol requires developers permissions, url:http://ziyuan.baidu.com/xzh/home/index
Secondly, Baidu xiongzhang’s current version is still a beta, therefore its protocol is constantly updated. According to the protocol, more importantly, different structural themes must use different code to optimize webpages.
For example, according to the current Baidu protocol, our service needs to be done:
(1)For H5 structure theme, need to add
(2)For MIP structure theme, need to add
(3)Pages of all structures needs to be added JSON_LD. JSON_LD’s format is often changed.
As a result, we have to use our own services(i3geek.com) to get the latest protocols and to parse different result according to the structure of sites.
Finally, it can also show you official notifications or help in time (such as hot issues and answers in this page).
NO. I3geek.com’s service provides page optimization support. If it is closed, the plugin does not provide part of the unique function.
Questions: http://www.i3geek.com/archives/1681