HostPlugin – WooCommerce Points & Rewards

December 16, 2019

HostPlugin – WooCommerce Points & Rewards Plugin

Reward your loyal customers for purchases and other actions using points which can be redeemed for discounts on future purchase.

Reward your loyal customers for purchases and other actions using points which can be redeemed for discounts on future purchases.

Key Features:

  • Free Rewards Points System for WooCommerce
  • Reward points for product purchase, signup & product review
  • Define how many reward points can be earned for purchases
  • Define the value of points for discounts
  • Purchase products using points
  • Works on simple products, grouped products and variable products
  • Show points history on both admin side and customer side (Under My account section)
  • Admin can increase / decrease customer points manually
  • Most features can be turned on and off
  • Support Translation (front-end only)
  • Option to remove points for refunded / cancelled orders (Premium Feature)
  • Option to refund redeemed points for refunded / cancelled orders (Premium Feature)
  • Option to disable points redemption when using coupons (Premium Feature)
  • Option to disable customers from earning points if coupons are use (Premium Feature)
  • Option to set which roles (Admins, Customers, Editors etc) can earn signup points (Premium Feature)
  • Option to set maximum points for reviewing products (Premium Feature)
  • Option to set which roles (Admins, Customers, Editors etc) can earn review points (Premium Feature)
  • Option to disable rewarding points for reviewing the same product (Premium Feature)
  • Set the minimum purchase amount in order to redeem points (Premium Feature)
  • Completely control the maximum discount available when redeeming points (Premium Feature)
  • Customize the frontend messages that are shown on the product, cart, checkout & order received page (Premium Feature)
  • Change the points label (ie. customers could earn “Coins” or “Bucks” instead of “Points”) (Premium Feature)


Minimum Requirements

  • PHP version 5.3.8 or greater
  • WooCommerce plugin installed and activated

Automatic Installation

  • Login to your WordPress WP-Admin
  • Click on Plugins -> Add New
  • In the search field type “Hostplugin Woocommerce Points Rewards” (without quotes)
  • Click on “Install Now”
  • Click on “Activate”

Manual Installation

  • Go to
  • In the search field type “Hostplugin Woocommerce Points Rewards” (without quotes)
  • Click on “Download”
  • Login to your WordPress WP-Admin
  • Click on Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin
  • Click on choose file and select the zip file you have downloaded
  • Click on “Install Now”
  • Click on “Activate”


  1. Settings (1)

    Settings (1)

  2. Settings (2)

    Settings (2)

  3. Sign up Page

    Sign up Page

  4. Product Page (Simple Product)

    Product Page (Simple Product)

  5. Product Page (Variable Product)

    Product Page (Variable Product)

  6. Product Page (Grouped Product)

    Product Page (Grouped Product)

  7. Shoppint Cart Page

    Shoppint Cart Page

  8. Customer Points Table

    Customer Points Table

  9. Admin can adjust points balances manually

    Admin can adjust points balances manually

  10. Points Table on Client side (my-account)

    Points Table on Client side (my-account)

  11. Email




Minor bug fix when displaying points for grouped / variable products (Thanks Kim K)
Make sure plugin compatibles with WP 5.3.1


Added premium feature – Option to include tax in points calculation
Fixed Product page point not calculated correctly if price includes tax


Support Translation (customer-side aka front-end only)
Added new translations: zh_HK, zh_TW, zh_CN
Fixed Product message not displaying on product page
Removed error log traces


Added feature – reward points for reviewing products
Added premium feature – Maximum review points one can get
Added premium feature – Option to disable points for reviewing the same product
Added premium feature – who can earn product review points
Fixed – Who can earn signup points not working when setting to All
Fixed – Signup points cannot be set to blank
Fixed – Sometimes points sidebar link not showing up on customer login area
Fixed – Points not showing up on theme: product page


Added premium feature – ability to customize the color of the front-end messages
Allow Admin Settings reset back to defaults


Fixed minor bug
Make sure the plugin compatibles with WP 5.0


Added premium feature – who can earn signup points


Fixed minor bugs


Fixed minor bugs




  • Version: 1.1.2
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 4.6
  • Tested up to: 5.3.18
  • PHP Version: 5.3.8


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