Helpfulcrowd Product Reviews
Helpfulcrowd By Helpfulcrowd

December 04, 2023

Helpfulcrowd Product Reviews Plugin

HelpfulCrowd is a review marketing platform that collects, manages and displays video and photo reviews for your WooCommerce online shop and much more

Why You Need A Product Review App with Video and Q&A
HelpfulCrowd video product reviews + Q&A boosts engagement and conversions better than any other review app format.

  • Video product reviews boost engagement up to 4x more compared to photo and text only product reviews and retaining 95% more information
  • Video product reviews demonstrate authenticity, building even more trust and credibility
  • Video is 12x more likely to be shared than text and photo product reviews = more free traffic!
  • Video boosts SEO with more onsite screen time
  • Q&A used with product reviews has been shown to result in shoppers 2x more likely to buy, and spend 11% MORE

And remember that 87% of shoppers trust product reviews as much as family and friend recommendations.

Here’s Why the HelpfulCrowd Video Product Review App and Social Proof App is the Only WooCommerce/Wordpress Review App You’ll Ever Need

1. Easy and Fast to Get Started

Product review widgets only take a minute to install. You can use our free plugin forever and collect reviews from your storefront, or go premium and turbo-charge your reviews and collect reviews from customers after purchase.

2. Industry Leading Review Collection Rates

Automated single email multi-product review requests and up to 3 reminders maximises review collection rates on our premium plugin.

3. Rich Review Content

Up to 5 videos/photos for each review. Offer rewards for customers who sharing videos, photos & long text reviews in our premium plugin.

4. Brand Protection

Full review moderation control on what product reviews get published. Profanity and competitor filter is standard in all plans.

5. Beautiful, Professional, Customizable Review Widgets

Engaging professional media ready product review widgets immediately build trust and social proof. Collection ratings, media gallery, review sidebar, full review page, carousel.

6. Leverage collection and reach of review content

Go beyond reviews with our marketing suite of tools to increase collection, build loyalty, generate repeat sales, cross sell and create social chatter on social channels.

7. International WordPress/WooCommerce Review App

Automatic support 28 languages. Select your language in HelpfulCrowd and all store front widgets and email templates update.

8. World-class support

Our own reviews speak for themselves. You can check them out on our homepage at

Privacy Policy:
Terms & Conditions:

Take us for a test drive. You’ll see we’re refreshingly different 😉

Integrates with

Facebook, Twitter, Aftership, Google My Business, Weglot


  1. Download plugin.
  2. Login to WordPress Admin. Plugins > Add New
  3. Click Upload Plugin and select an archive or search for ‘Helpfulcrowd Product Reviews’ at WordPress plugins screen directly.
  4. Activate plugin after installation. (You must have woocommerce installed before activating Helpfulcrowd.)
  5. You will be asked to allow app to read your email and Store URL to connect store to using admin email and Store URL. Click on “Connect” link to continue activation. Activation will auto configure Rest API’s and Webhooks to sync products and Orders with our external service.
  6. On Helpfulcrowd settings you will have recent Reviews, QA’s and the products synced and many more from external Helpfulcrowd API’s. And a link to explore your Helpfulcrowd Dashboard.


  1. Easy and Fast to Get Started

    Easy and Fast to Get Started

  2. Industry Leading Review Collection Rates

    Industry Leading Review Collection Rates

  3. Rich Review Content

    Rich Review Content

  4. Brand Protection

    Brand Protection

  5. Beautiful, Professional, Customizable Review Widgets

    Beautiful, Professional, Customizable Review Widgets

  6. Leverage collection and reach of review content

    Leverage collection and reach of review content

  7. International Wordpress/WooCommerce Review App

    International Wordpress/WooCommerce Review App

  8. World-class support

    World-class support


How much does HelpfulCrowd cost?

The HelpfulCrowd plugin is completely free. We also have a free 14-day trial of our premium Review marketing platform for businesses looking to build trust faster and accelerate growth.

Can I import my existing product reviews into HelpfulCrowd?

Yes, you can import your existing reviews to HelpfulCrowd. We have made this process very easy for you by allowing you to export your existing reviews straight from within the main HelpfulCrowd platform.

Can I collect reviews on my storefront and also send review requests after a customer buys?

Yes. Our free plugin lets you display our review widgets, collect reviews from your storefront and also let customers ask product questions that you can then respond to and display on product pages. Increasing your review content is easy by starting the free trial of the premium version which unlocks a number of powerful growth features including automatic post purchase review requests.

Does HelpfulCrowd support different languages?

Yes, we currently support 27 different languages out-of-the-box for our storefront reviews widget and review request emails. Our website widgets can be displayed in the same language as the visitors browser language, or you can force a specific language for all visitors irrespective of browser language setting.

Can I decide which reviews to publish and which to hide on my storefront?

While we strongly recommend that you publish all reviews received, you also have the ability to moderate reviews and hide them from your storefront. Naturally if a review does not comply with our review publishing guidelines then these shouldn’t be published on your storefront.

Can I automatically publish reviews on my storefront?

Yes. Auto publishing is a feature to help with managing reviews. If you wish to manually review and publish every review then you do this simply in the premium version of the HelpfulCrowd app. Regardless of whether you have auto published enabled or disabled you will receive an email when new reviews are received and you can also decide to publish or archive reviews from the email.

Can I automatically share my best reviews on social channels?

Yes. To connect your social accounts login to our main app after starting the free trial and then connect your social accounts under the “Marketing” menu. After connecting, you can then either choose to manually share each review from the reviews moderation page or use the automatic sharing feature “Social transmit” to automatically share your best reviews on a preset frequency.



  • Added: Widget Settings Sync with App.
  • Updated Design Settings
  • Updated: To use Store URL as Store Name if bloginfo is empty


  • Added: More Rating Positions to support Ultimate Elementor Addon Woo Products list


  • Added: Feature to either Use Shortcodes or positions for Summary and Tabs widgets.
  • Fixed Settings Sync Bug.


  • Fixed Shortcodes issue for Tabs and Product Summary widgets.
  • Fixed Widget Settings Sync.


  • Duplicate Widget Issue


  • Custom Styles for front end.


  • Fixed Review Slider and journal widgets showing twice.


  • Fixed JS issue when using Embed Codes.


  • Version: 1.2.6
  • Active installations: 60
  • WordPress Version: 5.2
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5
  • PHP Version: 7.0


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