WordPress Portfolio Plugin – A Plugin for Making Filterable Portfolio Grid, Portfolio Slider and more

April 18, 2024

WordPress Portfolio Plugin – A Plugin for Making Filterable Portfolio Grid, Portfolio Slider and more Plugin

The best portfolio plugin is a great way to showcase your work in grid, slider, filter layout and more

GS Portfolio is a WordPress plugin which creates custom post types to showcase your project works as a portfolio. Best Responsive Portfolio plugin for your WordPress site. Display anywhere at your site using shortcode like [gs_portfolio hover_effect=”effect-sadie”]

GS Filterable Portfolio plugin is simple, flexible & powerful.

GS Filterable Portfolio by GS Plugins

Live Demo | Upgrade to PRO | Documentation | Support

Plugin Features

  • Responsive Portfolio
  • Portfolio Shortcode System
  • Supported 2/3/4 columns portfolio.
  • Portfolio image popup.
  • Custom post type for Portfolio posting.
  • Featured Image supported for the post type.
  • Very light weight.
  • Work with all WordPress themes.
  • Easy to use.
  • Developer friendly & easy to customize.
  • All modern browsers supported.
  • It’s easy to use interface allows you to manage, edit, create, and delete Portfolio with no new knowledge.

Pro Features

  • 20+ different themes
    • Theme 01 : Grid – Sadie
    • Theme 02 : Grid – Julia
    • Theme 03 : Grid – Kira
    • Theme 04 : Grid – Winston
    • Theme 05 : Grid – Zoe
    • Theme 06 : Horizontal – Square Right
    • Theme 07 : Horizontal – Square Left
    • Theme 08 : Horizontal – Circle Right
    • Theme 09 : Horizontal – Circle Left
    • Theme 10 : HexGrid & Popup
    • Theme 11 : Slider & Popup
    • Theme 12 : Masonry
    • Theme 13 : Filter & Sadie Hover
    • Theme 14 : Filter & Julia Hover
    • Theme 15 : Filter & Kira Hover
    • Theme 16 : Filter & Winston Hover
    • Theme 17 : Filter & Zoe Hover
    • Theme 18 : Filter Selected Cats
    • Theme 19 : Grid Slide
    • Theme 20 : Masonry Animated
    • Theme 21 : Theme 3D
    • Theme 22 : Theme Timeline
  • Advance settings panel with all necessary options.
  • Tons of shortcode parameters.
  • Category wise Filtering.
  • Filter from selected Category only.
  • 5 different portfolio hover effects.
  • 6 different portfolio popup effects.
  • Custom metabox for external link of portfolio.
  • Portfolios Order by (date, ID, title, modified, ran)
  • Order (Descending, Ascending)
  • Text Widget compatible.
  • Single Portfolio Template included
  • Archive Portfolio Template included
  • Works with any WordPress Theme.
  • Priority Email Support.
  • Free Installation ( If needed ).
  • Free updates for one year.
  • Auto update notification.
  • Auto update from dashboard.
  • Well documentation and support.
  • And many more..
  • View live Demos »
  • Upgrade to PRO »

Available fields to add info

  • Portfolio Title
  • Portfolio Details
  • Portfolio URL
  • Portfolio Categories
  • Portfolio Image
  • Select Single / Multiple Images / Audio / Video (Youtube)

Portfolio Settings (Pro)

  • Columns ( 2 Columns, 3 Columns, 4 Columns )
  • Filter Category Position
  • Portfolio Button Text
  • Primary Color (Background, Popup Navigation & close)
  • Theme (Select from available 22 themes)
  • Portfolio Link Target
  • Portfolio Slug New
  • On / off controls for – Popup Link, Single Portfolio Link, External Portfolio Link

GS Portfolio’s shortcode usage

Basic Usage – Use the following shortcode to display Portfolios. –

[gs_portfolio hover_effect="effect-sadie"] 

Shortcode attributes Usage

[gs_portfolio posts="10" order="ASC" hover_effect="effect-zoe" popup_effect="mfp-newspaper"] 

More details list available at Shortcode attributes »


🔥 You may like other plugins from GS Plugins

Testimonial Slider – Testimonials slider displays rotating customer endorsements and recommendations, helping to build trust and credibility for a business or product.

Logo Slider – Logo slider displays rotating logos of partners, clients, or sponsors, showcasing a business’s relationships and endorsements.

Team Members – Build a Stunning Team Page or Section and Show off Your Team’s Talents!

Projects – Projects showcase displays detailed information including client reviews, ratings, galleries, and videos for a business’s work.

Books Showcase – Books showcase displays detailed information including author, published date, reviews, ratings, and gallery, allowing users to easily find and explore books.

Coaches – Coaches plugin displays coaches’ experience, skills, reviews, ratings, and certifications, helping users find the right coach for their needs.

Posts Grid – WordPress Posts Grid plugin displays the latest posts in an elegant grid format, allowing for easy navigation and quick access to new content on a website.

Posts Widget – WordPress Posts Widget plugin displays the latest posts in an elegant format on the sidebar or any widget area, allowing for easy navigation and quick access to new content on a website.

🎯 WooCommerce Plugins

WooCommerce Products Slider – WooCommerce Product Slider plugin displays products in a visually pleasing, sliding manner, making it easy for customers to browse and find the products they want on an online store.

WooCommerce Variation Swatches – WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin replaces the default dropdown fields for variable products with visually appealing swatches, making it easier for customers to select product options and improve the overall shopping experience.

WooCommerce Brands – WooCommerce Brands taxonomy plugin allows for easy cataloging of products by adding a brand taxonomy, making it simple to organize and filter products on an online store.

📣 Social Plugins

Dribbble Portfolio – Dribbble Portfolio WP plugin enables you to display your Dribbble shots on your website in a portfolio layout, allowing you to showcase your design work to a wider audience.

Behance Portfolio – Behance Portfolio WordPress plugin allows you to display your Behance projects on your website in a visually appealing layout, making it easy for your audience to view and appreciate your work.

Pinterest Portfolio – Pinterest plugin for WordPress allows you to display your Pinterest pins on your website, giving your audience a chance to view and interact with your boards, and potentially drive more traffic to your Pinterest profile.

Instagram Portfolio – Instagram plugin for WordPress allows you to display your Instagram posts on your website, making it easy for visitors to view and interact with your content and also to increase engagement on your website.

Portfolio – Envato – Envato Portfolio Plugin allows you to display your Themeforest and Codecanyon items on your website, showcasing your digital products and making them easily accessible for potential customers.

Youtube Gallery – YouTube Gallery plugin allows you to display videos from a YouTube channel or playlist on your website, creating a visually appealing gallery and making it easy for visitors to access and watch your videos.

Twitter Feeds – Twitter Feeds plugin displays Twitter feeds, hashtags, user cards, and collections on a website, making it easy for visitors to view and interact with your Twitter content.

🏆 Branding Plugin

Custom Login – GS Custom Login allows you to customize the WordPress login screen, providing an easy way to create a unique and visually appealing login experience for your website users.

PowerUp – Enhance Your WordPress Experience with the Ultimate Security & Convenience Solution – Hide Admin Bar, Login & Logout Redirection, Disable Comments & Restrict WP-Admin Module.


Install GS Portfolio plugin as a regular WordPress plugin. Here is different ways to install GS Portfolio plugin :

Install by Search Plugin

  • In your Admin, go to menu Plugins > Add New
  • Search GS Portfolio
  • Click to install
  • Activate the plugin
  • GS Portfolios post type will show below POSTS

Install by Upload Plugin

  • Download the latest version of GS Portfolio (.zip file)
  • In your Admin, go to menu Plugins > Add New
  • Select “Upload Plugin”
  • Click on “Choose File”
  • Select downloaded gs-portfolio.zip & click on ‘Install Now’ button
  • Activate the plugin
  • GS Portfolios post type will show below POSTS

Install Plugin using FTP

  • Upload gs-portfolio folder inside the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  • Go to WordPress dashboard > Plugins & Activate the GS Portfolio
  • GS Portfolio post type will show below POSTS

  • Put [gs_portfolio hover_effect=”effect-sadie”] shortcode, where you need to show your portfolios.


  1. GS Portfolio output on pages/post after adding shortcode [gs_portfolio hover_effect="effect-sadie"]

    GS Portfolio output on pages/post after adding shortcode [gs_portfolio hover_effect="effect-sadie"]

  2. GS Portfolio output on pages/post after adding shortcode [gs_portfolio hover_effect="effect-zoe" popup_effect="mfp-zoom-out"] At Pro version 5 different hover & popup effects available.

    GS Portfolio output on pages/post after adding shortcode [gs_portfolio hover_effect="effect-zoe" popup_effect="mfp-zoom-out"] At Pro version 5 different hover & popup effects available.

  3. GS Portfolio's output on popup.

    GS Portfolio's output on popup.

  4. GS Portfolios > Add New Portfolio. Then add Portfolio Name, Portfolio Description, Portfolio external URL, Portfolio Categories.

    GS Portfolios > Add New Portfolio. Then add Portfolio Name, Portfolio Description, Portfolio external URL, Portfolio Categories.

  5. GS Portfolios > All Portfolios. View all Portfolios at a glance.

    GS Portfolios > All Portfolios. View all Portfolios at a glance.

  6. GS Portfolios > Portfolio Settings (Available only at PRO version)

    GS Portfolios > Portfolio Settings (Available only at PRO version)

  7. GS Portfolios > Advance Settings (Available only at PRO version)

    GS Portfolios > Advance Settings (Available only at PRO version)


How do I add a new Portfolio?

Portfolio post type will show below POSTS. To add a new portfolio, go to GS Portfolios > Add New Portfolios, then add Portfolio Title, Portfolio Description at Editor, Add Portfolio Image & also add site URL with http:// for external portfolio link .. then Finally Publish.

What will be the Portfolio image dimension?

Add minimum image size 600px X 400px. It’ll automatically create thumbnails for different templates. Existing users have to regenerate images.

How to use shortcode inside page templates?

WordPress has a great function, do_shortcode(), that will allow you to use shortcodes inside your theme files. For example, to output Portfolios in a Theme file, you would do this:

<?php echo do_shortcode('[gs_portfolio hover_effect="effect-sadie"]'); ?> 


Version 1.6.3 [16th Mar 2023]

  • [Fixed]: Appsero Popup.
  • [Removed]: Admin Notices From the Portfolio help page.

Version 1.6.2 [14th Mar 2023]

  • [Fixed]: Free Pro Conflicts.

Version 1.6.1 [30th Jan 2023]

  • [Fixed]: Sanitize Issue.
  • [Updated]: Free, Pro Plugins Pages & Help Page.
  • [Removed]: All Admin Notices From the Portfolio Post Type.

version 1.6.0 [23rd May 2021]

  • [Fixed]: PHP 7.3 Compatibility.
  • [Fixed]: Deprecated Function Warning.

version 1.5.9 [18th Dec 2020]

  • [Updated]: AppSero Client.
  • [Removed]: Affiliate Admin Notice.
  • [Updated]: WordPress 5.6

version 1.5.8 [14th Sep 2020]

  • [Updated]: link with UTM.

Version 1.5.7 [13th Sep 20]

  • [Added]: Admin Notice.

Version 1.5.6 [16th Aug 20]

  • [Updated]: Folder path for star rating.

version 1.5.5 [13th Aug 2020]

  • [Added]: Compatibility with Latest WP version.

version 1.5.4 [24th Jun 2020]

  • [Updated]: Appsero Client.
  • [Removed]: Admin Notice.

version 1.5.3 [21st Apr 2020]

  • [Added]: Compatibility with Latest WP version.
  • [Added]: Admin Notice.

version 1.5.2 [23rd Nov 19]

  • [Fixed]: Domain name with www & fixed all urls.
  • [Updated]: With WordPress latest version.

version 1.5.1 [21st Oct 19]

  • [Fixed]: Domain name changed & fixed all urls.
  • [Fixed]: Admin CSS.
  • [Added]: New Contributors.

version 1.5

  • Added Review system
  • Activation redirects added
  • Coupon Code added

version 1.4

  • Released 4 Themes with lite version & added NEW 17 themes at PRO version.
  • Theme 02: Grid – Julia (available with lite version)
  • Theme 03: Grid – Kira (available with lite version)
  • Theme 04: Grid – Winston (available with lite version)
  • Theme 05: Grid – Zoe (available with lite version)
  • Limited Settings Panel released.

version 1.0.3

  • Fixed padding issue on Bootstrap based theme
  • Removed 10px padding from .gs_portfolio_area
  • Fixed screen columns thumbnails issue
  • Fixed minor css issues

version 1.0.2

  • Fixed query issue for WP 4.4

version 1.0.1

  • Domain name changed & fixed all urls
  • Donate link added
  • Css fixed

version 1.0

  • Initial release


  • Version: 1.6.3
  • Active installations: 300
  • WordPress Version: 4.3
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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