Grid Plus – Unlimited grid layout

March 08, 2024

Grid Plus – Unlimited grid layout Plugin

Grid Plus is a WordPress plugin which allows you create unlimited layout and display all post types in a fully customizable.

Main Site | Demo | Docs | Premium Version

Create unlimited layout and display all post types.

Grid Plus is a WordPress grid plugin which allows you create unlimited layout and display all post types in a fully customizable and responsive grid system. It is perfectly suited for displaying your blog, portfolio, e-commerce or any kind of WordPress post type.

Grid Plus features

  • Responsive Ready: Grid looks great from small resolutions to large displays.

  • Unlimited color: You can set your own color scheme or choose from custom css for each grid.

  • Media Metabox Ready: provide media metabox for post and custom post type.

  • Layout builder: With layout builder, you can build many layout follow what you want:

    • Grid layout
    • Masonry layout
    • Carousel layout
  • Add more skin: Grid provide action hook for developer can be add more item skin

  • Well documented.

  • Developer friendly. Grid Plus is built to be extensible.


Video how to

  1. How to create grid layout.
  2. How to create masonry layout.
  3. How to create carousel layout.
  4. How to create metro layout. (Pro Feature)
  5. How to import & export layout. (Pro Feature)
  6. How to manage image and video.

Become a Premium user

Grid Plus has a Premium version which comes with several additional benefits.

  • Import & Export: You can export grid layout from another site and import to new site easy
  • Unlimited Layout: include layout builder for Metro layout
  • More item skin

View more Premium features


Installing the plugin

  1. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > New Plugin, search for Grid Plus and click “Install now
  2. Alternatively, download the plugin and upload the contents of to your plugins directory, which usually is /wp-content/plugins/.
  3. Activate the plugin


  1. Grid Plus: Manage grid layout.

    Grid Plus: Manage grid layout.

  2. Grid Plus: Grid config in add grid layout screen.

    Grid Plus: Grid config in add grid layout screen.

  3. Grid Plus: Choice data source in add grid layout screen.

    Grid Plus: Choice data source in add grid layout screen.

  4. Grid Plus: Choice pagination type in add grid layout screen.

    Grid Plus: Choice pagination type in add grid layout screen.

  5. Grid Plus: Choice animation effect in add grid layout screen.

    Grid Plus: Choice animation effect in add grid layout screen.

  6. Grid Plus: Choice item skin in add grid layout screen.

    Grid Plus: Choice item skin in add grid layout screen.

  7. Grid Plus: Choice color and add custom css in add grid layout screen.

    Grid Plus: Choice color and add custom css in add grid layout screen.

  8. Grid Plus: Layout builder in add grid layout screen.

    Grid Plus: Layout builder in add grid layout screen.


More documentation

More detailed documentation can be found in the Grid Plus knowledge base.


1.3.5 – March 08, 2024

** Fix: prevent Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

1.3.4 – November 23, 2023

** Fix: prevent extract() any form of user controlled inputs (in shortcode grid_plus)

1.3.3 – November 08, 2023

** Fix: Security exploit via extract function when using shortcode
** Fix: Missing or insufficient authorization issues
** Fix: Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery

1.3.2 – November 22, 2020

** Fix error page not found when preview page

1.3.1 – October 22, 2020

** Fix meta box with WordPress 5.5

1.3.0 – August 28, 2020

** Fix color picker alpha with WordPress 5.5

1.2.9 – November 09, 2019

**Fix display excerpt for html format

1.2.8 – Oct 18, 2019

Add: View video for attachment

1.2.7 – Oct 14, 2019

Add: Options to decide load image with thumbnail or full

1.2.6 – Oct 07, 2019

Fixed error loading Grid Stack

1.2.5 – May 18, 2019

Fixed error conflict script clipboard with wordpress 5.0

1.2.4 – November 24, 2018

Fixed Loading Information do not stop when Edit Grid Plus Shortcode

1.2.3 – November 21, 2018

Fixed conflict js library between Underscore and Lodash
Fixed Color picker on “Color & CSS” tab

1.2.2 – September 07, 2018

Updated: Allow Choose media items on Data Source tab
Fixed and Updated: Some css and js file
Fixed Show all on Data Source tab

1.2.1 – June 04, 2018

Updated: Allow Choose Page as post type in Data Source tab
Updated: Allow Choose exact posts in Data Source tab

1.2.0 – February 08, 2018

Fixed color picker on WordPress newest version 4.9.4

1.1.9 – September 29, 2017

Updated: Fixed some warning when check in

1.1.8 – June 24, 2017

Updated: Compatible with WordPress 4.8
Updated: Allow download image in lightbox popup
Fixed: Some css attributes

1.1.7 – June 02, 2017

Fixed: Fix category filter
Fixed: Fix re-generate layout error

1.1.6 – May 06, 2017

Fixed: Fix “orderby” error

1.1.5 – May 04, 2017

Fixed: Fix “Show all” error
Fixed: Fix Import Grid

1.1.4 – April 25, 2017

Fixed: Fix conflicts with tabs, accordions
Added: Allow select show category filter multi line

1.1.3 – April 20, 2017

Fixed: View image on click icon gallery

1.1.2 – April 14, 2017

Fixed: Calculate the image size on mobile

1.1.1 – April 12, 2017

Fixed: Crop image size
Remove “boostrap” from lib
Fixed: Expanded category filter

1.1.0 – April 10, 2017

Added: Allow “disable link” to item detail
Added: Add “Thumnail Only” for Skins
Fixed: Gutter layout masonry

1.0.9 – April 01, 2017

Added: View gallery attachment by item index
Fixed: Fix pagination, category filter on mobile, tablet

1.0.8 – March 31, 2017

Added: Add “None” for item animation option
Added: Save when pressing “ctrl + s”
Fixed: Tooltip error in woocommerce
Fixed: Re-style for woocommerce skin
Fixed: for selecting total item show all
Update: optimized js
Added: maintain the “active element” status while running ajax
Fixed: Handling “owl-carousel” conflict between plugin and theme
Added: Allow to select grid from editor

1.0.7 – March 31, 2017

Update & Fixed: Allow crop image by size
Added: Add some color attributes in Back-end
Added: Allow link to item detail on thumbnail click
Update: Re-style some css attributes
Fixed: Re-init paging navigation after click on Category filter item
Update: Auto-narrow category when too long
Update: Change style for dots, nav in Carousel layout

1.0.6 – March 23, 2017

Update order category filter

1.0.5 – March 06, 2017

Fix filter category for post-type media
Add skin for woocommerce
Add dynamic crop image size

1.0.4 – March 04, 2017

Fix warning post format-ui when theme not define post-format

1.0.3 – February 27, 2017

Add woocommerce skin

1.0.2 – February 21, 2017

Add media skin

1.0.1 – February 20, 2017

update function gf_enqueue_custom_css

1.0.0 – February 17, 2017

Initial version


  • Version: 1.3.5
  • Active installations: 5,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.5
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5


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