Gravity Forms Related Fields Add-On

December 05, 2018

Gravity Forms Related Fields Add-On Plugin

A plugin to dynamically populate Gravity Form fields with form submissions.

Any Gravity Form multiple choice field (select, checkbox or radio) can be mapped to have the submission entries
of another form as their values.

To create related fields edit a Gravity Form and go to ‘Related Fields’ from the Form Settings menu.

Any multiple choice field (select, checkbox or radio) can be mapped to have the submission entries
of another form as their values.

To create related fields edit a Gravity Form and go to ‘Related Fields’ from the Form Settings menu.


  1. Upload gravity-forms-related-fields to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


  1. Adding a new related field connection. This will map the entries in the form "B2B Buyer Personas" to be Checkbox options.

    Adding a new related field connection. This will map the entries in the form "B2B Buyer Personas" to be Checkbox options.

  2. You can have multiple related field connections for each form and disable them when they are not needed.

    You can have multiple related field connections for each form and disable them when they are not needed.


My populated field only displays the first 200 entries

This limit is set to reduce database timeouts. There is a filter gfrf_entry_limit to increase the limit. As an example add the following code to your functions.php file:

function my_theme_change_gfrf_entry_limit( $entry_limit ) { return 500; } add_filter( 'gfrf_entry_limit', 'my_theme_change_gfrf_entry_limit' ); 

I have found a bug

Please raise a ticket on the issue tracker. Pull requests also accepted!



  • Fixes issue with saving.
  • Bump tested with version.


  • No code changes, re-releasing 1.0.4 as it was incorrectly tagged on WordPress.


  • Fix PHP warnings if form fields aren’t initialized.


  • Fix list table error in WordPress 4.3


  • Add filter for populated entries limit


  • Increase populated entries limit to 200 from 20


  • First public release


  • Version: 1.0.6
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 2.8.0
  • Tested up to: 4.9.26


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