Get Post Content Shortcode

April 20, 2016

Get Post Content Shortcode Plugin

This plugin provides a shortcode to get the content of a post based on ID number.

This plugin provides a shortcode to get the content of a post based on ID number.
By default, the content will be passed through wpautop() and do_shortcode() unless you tell it not to by using attributes or filters as shown below.


[post-content id="42"] 

This gets the content of post 42.

[post-content id="42" autop="false"] 

This gets the content of post 42 and does not call wpautop on the content.

[post-content id="42" shortcode="false"] 

This gets the content of post 42 and does not call do_shortcode on the content.

[post-content id="42" autop="false" shortcode="false"] 

This gets the content of post 42 and does not call wpautop or do_shortcode on the content.

[post-content id="42" status="publish,future"] 

This gets the content of post 42 only if the post_status is “publish” or “future”.

[post-content id="42" field="excerpt"] 

This gets the excerpt of post 42.

The containing post may still have wpautop called on it’s content.


  1. id – integer

    The post ID

  2. autop – boolean – default: true

    The following values equal true: true, 1, yes. All other values equal false.

  3. shortcode – boolean – default: true

    The following values equal true: true, 1, yes. All other values equal false.

  4. status – text – default: publish

    Any default or custom WordPress status value (publish, draft, future, etc.).

    The default value will be used if the status is not registered with WordPress.

  5. field – text – default: post_content

    The name of the database column you want to retrieve.

    This default value will be used if the column name is not in the array of allowed field names.


You can modify the fields that are allowed to be retrieved with this filter.

add_filter('post-content-allowed-fields', function($allowed_fields) { // Do your filtering here. return $allowed_fields; }); 

You can specify the default shortcode attribute values.

add_filter('post-content-default-attributes', function ($default_attributes) { // Your code here. return $default_attributes; }); 

You can filter attributes per shortcode usage

add_filter('shortcode_atts_post-content', function ($out, $pairs, $attributes) { // Your code here. return $out; }, 10, 3); 


  1. Upload get-post-content-shortcode folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Place [post-content id="SOME OTHER POST ID"] in your content.



  • Added a filter to allow you to specify the default values for the shortcode attributes.


  • Added field attribute so you can specify what content to return.


  • By default, this shortcode will only get content of published posts, unless you specify the status attribute.


  • I updated the code to temporarily switch to the other post so that shortcodes in the other post will work as expected.


  • I updated the code to use the get_post_field function instead of get_post.


  • Initial build


  • Version: 0.4.0
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 3.6.0
  • Tested up to: 4.5.0


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