Genealogical Tree – WordPress Family Tree

November 13, 2023

Genealogical Tree – WordPress Family Tree Plugin

Genealogical Tree is a ultimate solution for creating and displaying family trees, family history, builds ancestor profiles on WordPress.

Genealogical Tree is a plugin for display family trees and create Ancestor Profiles. This is a perfect plugin for genealogists and family history enthusiasts to display a family information and tree on your website


  • Display a family tree with unlimited family members (Up to 5th generation of descendants, and 2 generation of ancestors).
  • 1 Tree Layout.
  • Drag, zoom in, zoom out for better viewing experience.
  • Automatic root finder.
  • Set any member as root.
  • Add family member information according genealogical method.
  • Add life events like – Burial, Adoption, Engagement, Marriage, Divorce and more.
  • Display family member informations into member page.
  • Show all members informations of a family listing page.
  • Add contact information.

Pro Features

  • Import Gedcom format (.ged) files.
  • Export Gedcom format (.ged) files.
  • Create unlimited family groups.
  • Create unlimited family trees.
  • Total 7 Tree layout with many customizable options
  • Horizontal and Vertical view of each layout.
  • Showing member image into tree.
  • Showing member image into member page.
  • Support multiple birth and death recored with different source.
  • Support multiple spouses.
  • Support multiple parents.
  • Display children separately by each spouse.
  • Load tree with ajax .
  • Manage Sibling Order to display on tree.
  • Manage tree style including color, border etc.
  • Use of Google Fonts.
  • Collapsible features on tree.
  • Collaboration / Contribution to build family tree / history.
  • Option to add multiple contact information.
  • Option to add multiple life event information.
  • Display pedigree tree.


This may have bugs and lack of many features. If you want to contribute on this project, you are more than welcome. Please fork the repository from Github.


Getting Started with Genealogical Tree is only a matter of moments.
Check out the detailed documentation created by us to help you out to run Genealogical Tree in the best way.


Pro Version


  • Arabic (ar) / العربية
  • German (de_DE) / Deutsch
  • Spanish (es_ES) / Español
  • Persian (fa_IR) /فارسی
  • French (fr_FR) / Français
  • Italian (it_IT) / Italiano
  • Dutch (nl_NL) / Nederlands
  • Portuguese (pt_BR) / Português do Brasil
  • Russian (ru_RU) / Русский
  • Turkish (tr_TR) / Türkçe


Search for “Genealogical Tree” under “Plugins” “Add New” in your WordPress dashboard to install the plugin.


  1. Tree Style 1 Without Image

    Tree Style 1 Without Image

  2. Tree Style 1 With Image

    Tree Style 1 With Image

  3. Tree Style 1 With Image Horizontal Orientation (Pro)

    Tree Style 1 With Image Horizontal Orientation (Pro)

  4. Tree Style 2 (Pro) (Support with Image, No image, Horizontal Orientation)

    Tree Style 2 (Pro) (Support with Image, No image, Horizontal Orientation)

  5. Tree Style 3 (Pro) (Support with Image, No image, Horizontal Orientation)

    Tree Style 3 (Pro) (Support with Image, No image, Horizontal Orientation)

  6. Family Root (Automated)

    Family Root (Automated)

  7. Tree Management

    Tree Management

  8. Member (Individual) page (Front end)

    Member (Individual) page (Front end)

  9. Members page (Front end)

    Members page (Front end)

  10. Member page (Admin area)

    Member page (Admin area)

  11. Multiple birth, death, contact, event record (Pro)

    Multiple birth, death, contact, event record (Pro)

  12. Shortcode for each family group

    Shortcode for each family group

  13. Auto generated page with shortcode

    Auto generated page with shortcode

  14. Import GED (Pro)

    Import GED (Pro)

  15. Import GED Success (Pro)

    Import GED Success (Pro)

Changelog – 18 December 2022

  • This update may break your genealogy data if you are upgrading from version before 2.1.9. Please keep backup you data before update.
  • Bug fix – fix ajax fmaliy and spouse issue – 9 December 2022

  • This update may break your genealogy data if you are upgrading from version before 2.1.9. Please keep backup you data before update.
  • Bug fix – Get default tree setings on tree setting pages – 6 December 2022

  • This update may break your genealogy data if you are upgrading from version before 2.1.9. Please keep backup you data before update.
  • Bug fix
  • Updating freemius version to 2.5.3. – 4 December 2022

  • Bug fix – family tree broken since update – 29 November 2022

  • Bug fix

2.2.0 – 29 November 2022

  • Bug fix
  • Core rewrite

2.1.9 – 29 May 2022

  • Bug fix

2.1.8 – 28 May 2022

  • New Features
  • Bug fix

2.1.7 – 8 March 2022

  • New Features
  • Bug fix

2.1.6 – 3 March 2022

  • New Features
  • Bug fix

2.1.5 – 1 Febuary 2022

  • New Features
  • Bug fix

2.1.4 – 21 January 2022

  • Bug fix

2.1.3 – 06 January 2022

  • New Features
  • Bug fix

2.0.0 – 09 Jun 2021

  • New Features
  • Bug fix

1.9.0 – 09 January 2021

  • Ajax Bug fix

1.8.0 – 14 November 2020

  • Improve features
  • Bug fix

1.7.0 – 15 July 2020

  • New Trees
  • New trees
  • Improve features

1.6.0 – 04 June 2020

  • Bug fix
  • New trees
  • Improve tree

1.5.0 – 25 December 2019

  • Bug fix
  • New trees
  • Improve tree

1.4.0 – 27 September 2019

  • Bug fix
  • New tree
  • Improve tree

1.3.0 – 29 August 2019

  • Show birth / death date of father and mother of tree root.
  • Add gender icon for siblings.
  • Member image size on tree page
  • Optimize for find automatic root.
  • Hide deleted family.

1.2.0 – 23 August 2019

  • Rename post type, taxonomy with to avoid other plugin conflict.
  • Add ability to multiple birth, death, contact, event record.
  • Added new shortcode to display tree list.
  • Added tree link into member details.
  • Fix display issue on members / member page

1.0.1 – 04 August 2019

  • Optimize css and js

1.0.0 – 03 August 2019

  • First Release


  • Version: 2.2.2
  • Active installations: 600
  • WordPress Version: 4.4
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5


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