f(x) Categories Widget

December 08, 2016

f(x) Categories Widget Plugin

Categories widget with taxonomy option.

f(x) Categories Widget will register a custom widget “Categories +” it’s just like WordPress default Categories Widget, but with taxonomy option just like in Tag Cloud widget.


  1. Simple and easy to use.
  2. Works flawlessly for multiple widget instances.
  3. Select all build in taxonomy (such as category and tag) and all custom taxonomy.
  4. Now you can display your Post Tags as list or drop down (not only as tag cloud).
  5. The GPL v2.0 or later license. 🙂 Use it to make something cool.
  6. Support available at Genbu Media.
    Notes for developer:


Development of this plugin is hosted at GitHub. Pull request and bug reports are welcome.


  1. Navigate to “Plugins > Add New” Page from your Admin.
  2. To install directly from WordPress.org repository, search the plugin name in the search box and click “Install Now” button to install the plugin.
  3. To install from plugin .zip file, click “Upload Plugin” button in “Plugins > Add New” Screen. Browse the plugin .zip file, and click “Install Now” button.
  4. Activate the plugin.
  5. Re-configure your widgets from “Appearance > Widgets” or “Appearance > Customize”.


  1. Widget Options

    Widget Options


How to change my categories widget ?

Go to “Appearance > Widgets” or “Appearance > Customize” remove your default “Categories” widget with “Categories +”.

Can I select tag in taxonomy ?

Yes, you can list category, post tag, or any custom taxonomy and display it as list or drop down just like categories.


1.0.1 – 08 Dec 2016

  • Fix typo in “show_option_none” language domain in widget output. Reported by Julien Brousse via Email.

1.0.0 – 9 Jan 2015

  • Initial relase


  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Active installations: 60
  • WordPress Version: 4.0
  • Tested up to: 4.7.29


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