Frontier Buttons
finnj By finnj

April 03, 2020

Frontier Buttons Plugin

Full control of your WP editor toolbars. Adds Table, Search/Replace, Preview & Code sample tinymce plugins. Enable visual editor for comments.

Frontier Buttons is intentionally made simple 🙂

Main Features

  • Drag and drop design your own toolbar setup for your site.
  • Enable visual editor for comments
  • 5 different editor layouts
    • Standard
    • Advanced
    • Basic
    • Teeny
    • Comment
  • 6 Different roles supported (each role can be assigned a editor layout)
    • Administrators
    • Editors
    • Authors
    • Contributors
    • Subscribers
    • Guests
  • Auto detection of new buttons (from other plugins or themes)
  • The following tinyMCE moduls added to WordPresss
    • Table Control
    • Search & Replace
    • Preview
    • Code (preview raw html)
    • Code Sample (code styling)

Version 2.0 and later versions does not support WordPress versions below WordPress 3.9 – For earlier wordpress versions please download Frontier Buttons version 1.4.0 from the developers tab.

Frontier plugins


  • Danish

Let me know what you think, and if you have enhancement requests or problems let me know through support area


  1. Upload frontier-buttons to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or search for Frontier Editor Buttons from add plugin.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    3: Update Frontier Editor Buttons settings (settings menu)


  1. Editor layout

    Editor layout

  2. Main Settings

    Main Settings

  3. Extra buttons

    Extra buttons


Known Issues and limitations

  • Drag and drop button on toolbars does not work on monile devices, and requires a newer browser.


  • Please post a link in support to translation files and I will include them in next release.


  • On deactivation: no cleanup.
  • On deletion options are deleted, and role capabilities are removed.
  • If you accidental delete the frontier-post plugin folder, you should:
    • Delete all options starting with frontier_buttons



  • Tested with WP version 5.4
  • Warning in settings menu add, if plugin Classic Editor is not Activated, this is required for Frontier Buttons after WP version 5


  • Tested with WP version 5.2.2 & php 7.2.2
  • Upgraded tinymce plugins to version 4.9.5


  • Fixed problem where new update plugins did not load
  • Tested with WP version 4.8 & 4.9
  • Upgraded tinymce plugins to version 4.6.7


  • Set mobile editor
  • Ability to disable media button per toolbar
  • Added quicktags option to toolbar selection
  • Added no toolbar option to toolbar selection
  • Added Custom Editor to the list of optional editors


  • Fixed problem where new update plugins did not load
  • Tested with WP version 4.7
  • Tinymce plugins upgraded to version 4.4.3 (aligned with WP 4.7)


  • Fixed problem when not using role editors – Editor was nit initialized correctly
  • Tested with WP version 4.6
  • Tinymce plugins upgraded to version 4.4.0 (aligned with WP 4.6)


  • Tinymce upgraded to version 4.3.12


  • Complete re-write
  • Drag and drop of buttons to toolbars
  • Role Based Editors.
  • Multiple editor layouts
  • Auto detection of buttons (from other plugins or themes)


  • Updated table, searchreplace and preview modules to tinyMCE version 4.2.5
  • Fixed problem with load of tinyMCE plugins
  • Tested up to wp version 4.4.1
  • Plugin will only support WordPress version 4.2 and later
  • tinyMCE plugin emoticons removed, as WordPress implemented native support for emoji in WordPress version 4.2


  • Tested up to: 4.1.1


  • Only enable comment reply fix if Frontier Buttons is enabled for comments.


  • Added fix for visual editor not working on comments reply
  • Select editor layout for comments


  • Fixed issues with saving settings


  • Disabled media button for comments editor


  • Tested and works with Wordpres version 4.1


  • New function: frontier_buttons_full_buttons() – Will return array with theme_advanced_buttons1-4, can be called from themes and other plugins


  • Support for WordPress versions before 3.9


  • Removed error message – frontier-buttons.php line 160


  • Will respect buttons inserted by other plugins (they will be added at the end of toolbar they were placed)
  • Show unused buttons on settings page


  • Use WP editor for comments (optional)
  • Change Teeny buttons (the simple editor)


  • Danish translation added


  • Wrong name for settings menu – Collission with Frontier Post plugin


  • Initial Version
  • Editor buttons moved from plugin Frontier Post to separate tinyMCE functions in separate plugin


  • Version: 2.5.4
  • Active installations: 90
  • WordPress Version: 4.0
  • Tested up to: 5.2.21


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