Frontend Dashboard Custom Post and Taxonomies

September 03, 2020

Frontend Dashboard Custom Post and Taxonomies Plugin

Frontend Dashboard Custom Post is an add-on to add and customize the custom posts and taxonomies (category and tag) inside the Frontend Dashboard.


This is an Add-on plugin of Frontend Dashboard, So please install Frontend Dashboard to use this plugin **

Frontend Dashboard Custom Post is an add-on to add and customize the custom posts and taxonomies (category and tag) inside the Frontend Dashboard.

Post Status

Allow users to either publish or pending their post

Disable Default Post

Disable the default post attributes like content, featured image, comments of that post type.

Customize Menu

Customize the post name, icon and order of the each post types shown in Frontend Dashboard

Disable User Roles

Disable user roles to access the post/custom post type

Disable Taxonomies

Disable user roles to access the assigned Taxonomies (Category/Tags) of the post/custom post

Add/Edit/Delete Custom Post

Easy to add, edit and delete the custom post

Add/Edit/Delete Taxonomies

Easy to add, edit and delete the taxonomies (category/tag)


  1. Upload the “frontend-dashboard-custom-post” directory to the plugins directory.
  2. Go to the plugins setting page and activate “Frontend Dashboard Custom Post”
  3. Go to Frontend Dashboard Menu | Custom Post to configure.
  4. Do save.


  1. Dashboard Settings

    Dashboard Settings

  2. Settings


  3. Add Taxonomy - Settings

    Add Taxonomy - Settings

  4. Add Taxonomy - Label Settings

    Add Taxonomy - Label Settings

  5. Add Taxonomy - Basic Settings

    Add Taxonomy - Basic Settings

  6. Add Custom Post - Built-in Taxonomies

    Add Custom Post - Built-in Taxonomies

  7. Add Custom Post - Supports

    Add Custom Post - Supports

  8. Add Custom Post - Label Settings

    Add Custom Post - Label Settings

  9. Add Custom Post - Basic Settings

    Add Custom Post - Basic Settings

  10. Admin Post/Custom Post Taxonomies

    Admin Post/Custom Post Taxonomies

  11. Admin Post/Custom Post Menu

    Admin Post/Custom Post Menu

  12. Admin Post/Custom Allow user role to Add/Edit/Delete Post

    Admin Post/Custom Allow user role to Add/Edit/Delete Post


1.5.10 [03-Sept-2020]

  • Added filter hooks [fed_cp_list_details] (Thanks to @corne)

1.5.9 [30-July-2019]

  • Pagination updated and added an filter hook to show all post or single post to admin.(fed_show_all_post_to_admin)

1.5.8 [18-May-2019]

  • Added new features and styles to Post and Custom Post.

1.5.7 [14-May-2019]

  • Bug fixes

1.5.6 [11-May-2020]

  • Frontend Dashboard Custom Post new features added and some bug fixes, now admin can see all post and can able to change the post status.

1.5.5 [19-Apr-2019]

  • Bug fixes

1.5.3 [23-Oct-2019]

  • Post and Custom Post will be soft delete.

1.5.2 [20-Oct-2019]

  • Bug fixes

1.5.1 [17-Oct-2019]

  • Frontend Dashboard Post Ordering Fixed
  • Added Few Translation

1.5 [12-Oct-2019]

  • Support Frontend Dashboard 1.5

1.4.10 [05-Sept-2019]

  • Bug Fixes – Custom post not updating the custom taxonomy for few user roles.

1.4.9 [27-August-2019]

  • Bug Fixes – Custom post not able to delete and save.

1.4.8 [04-August-2019]

  • Bug Fixes

1.4.7 [21-Jun-2019]

  • Bug Fixes: Post/Custom post show the post content.

1.4.6 [20-Jun-2019]

  • Few minor Bug fixes and supports to latest Frontend Dashboard.

1.4.5 [26-Apr-2019]

  • Taxonomies (Tags and Categories) inside the post has been changed to multiselect Dropdown.
  • Few bug fixes.

v 1.4.4 [23-April-2019]

  • Added local translation for Javascript files
  • Few bug fixes

v 1.4.3 [09-April-2019]

  • Added local translation

v 1.4.2 [22-Feb-2019]

  • Bug fixes : Sorting the Post items.

v 1.4.1 [03-Oct-2018]

  • Bug fixes

v 1.4 [13-Apr-2018]

  • Enable/Disable the View/Edit/Delete of post/custom post

v 1.3.2 [20-Feb-2018]

  • Bug:Post section url are not working properly on custom URL.

v 1.3.1 [16-January-2018]

  • Taxonomy and Custom post not able to delete
  • Show the empty Category/Tag Names

v 1.3 [6-December-2017]

  • Completely renovated for flexibility.

v 1.2.1 [26-November-2017]

  • Bug: Added to notify users to install Frontend Dashboard as a core plugin to use this plugin

v 1.2 [24-November-2017]

  • Bug: Mandatory to fill the Menu name, order and icon.
  • Bug: Post status pending not working

v1.1 [20-November-2017]

  • Bug: Post type name and image missing in Frontend Dashboard

v1.0 [07-November-2017]

  • Public release


  • Version: 1.5.10
  • Active installations: 300
  • WordPress Version: 4.6
  • Tested up to: 5.5.15


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