WordPress FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions Plugin

February 06, 2024

WordPress FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions Plugin Plugin

Easy to create multiple accordion FAQs, with different pretty templates, display FAQs grouped by category, use any existed post or custom post as FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions is a simple & fast jQuery faq solution to help webmaster create / manage / edit FAQs easily.

Features in our wordpress faqs plugin:

  • Responsive FAQ design
  • Unlimited FAQs
  • Unlimited FAQ categories
  • Opt to select multiple templates and color schemes for FAQ
  • Create FAQ categories and assign FAQ posts to categories
  • Display FAQs grouped by category: you can use You can use shortocde [faq catid=1] to show FAQs by categories, in the case you have multiple products, you can build multiple faq lists which grouped by FAQ categories
  • Display limited FAQ items: Just use shortcode parameters like this: [faq limit=’20’]. If you want to display all faq items, use shortcode [faq] directly
  • Wocommerce FAQ: In “FAQ Global Settings” panel, you will find new option “Enable Woocomemrce F.A.Q Tab”, You can display / hide F.A.Q tab in woocommerce product tabs
  • Opt to import WP existed post in FAQ list: Just input the id of existed wordpress post, you can import existed wordpress post / custom posts to create FAQ items automatically, wordpress faq plugin will import the post title as FAQ title automatically, and import the post content as FAQ content
  • Opt to add No Index meta for any FAQ post to tell google do not index this FAQ post
  • Opt to custom faq bar background color, you can change color of faq bar background from color picker, in front-end, the faq bar background color will be changed as you settings in back-end
  • Create multiple FAQs for different usage.
  • Lightweight & load fast & easy to use, just 2 minutes, you can build your own faq lists
  • Add / Edit / Delete / Manage FAQ in Frequently Asked Questions via WYSIWYG wordpress standard editor
  • Support wordpress F.A.Q Index / Archive Page: In wordpress faq global settings page, support opt to enable or disable faq archive page, opt to enable or disable faq permalinks
  • SEO-Friendly, we added faq link for each faq term, for help your site to get a better SEO rank, In FAQ editor, you can edit / custom the permalink of faq post, default permalink looks like this: https://tooltips.org/faq/how-to-use-wordpress-tooltips-pro-plugin
  • Support all morden browser
  • In frontend, you can use shortocde [faq] to show all accordion faq in any wordpess post or page
  • In frontend, users can toggle between hiding and showing large amount of faq content via a few clicks
  • Developer can add their customized effect on faq items via filter api

> * more…

You can find demo at FAQ DEMO

Features in our WordPress FAQ pro plugin ( only $5 )

  • AI FAQ — Support use OpenAI ChatGPT to generate high-quality original content for WordPress F.A.Q and wordpress post automatically
  • Opt to customize background color of FAQ question and FAQ answer
  • Opt to customize background color of FAQ question and FAQ answer
  • Opt to customize font color of FAQ question and FAQ answer
  • Opt to customize font size of FAQ question and FAQ answer
  • Opt to customize FAQ accordion activate item border color
  • FAQs grouped by category
  • Specified number of FAQ items for each FAQ
  • Support create multiple FAQs for different usage
  • more…

Change Log of WordPress Frequently Asked Questions Plugin

= Version 3.8.3 =

Enhanced code security

Version 3.7.9

follow wordpress security to enahnce security

Version 3.7.7

In wordpress FAQ Global Settings panel, added new option to allow admin to custom faq bar background color, you can change color of faq bar background from color picker, in front-end, the faq bar background color will be changed as you settings in back-end

Version 3.7.5

follow wordpress security to use sanitize_text_field enhance security for wordpress admin

Version 3.7.3

our tooltips plugin support add tooltips effect with videos / audio / images in faq items, but a user said he cannot add his customized function on faq items, in this version we added two filter for developer to add specific effects on FAQ title or FAQ content of faq items:
You can use filter_faq_item_title to change content of faq title or something more, for example, add tooltip effects on faq title
apply_filters( ‘filter_faq_item_title’, $ffw_faq_for_wp_how_to_bar_title);
You can use filter_faq_item_content to change content of faq item content or something more, for example, add tooltip effects on faq content
apply_filters( ‘filter_faq_item_content’, $ffw_faq_for_wp_how_to_bar_content);

Version 3.7.1

Opt to add No Index meta for any FAQ post to tell google do not index this FAQ post
You can enable faq archive in the page yourdomain.com/faqs, also you can one click to disable faq archive in faq settings panel

Version 3.6.7

Support woocommerce faq
In “FAQ Global Settings” panel, you will find new option “Enable Woocomemrce F.A.Q Tab”
You can display / hide F.A.Q tab in woocommerce product tabs

Version 3.6.5

Support to display only the specified number of FAQ items
Just use shortcode parameters like this:
[faq limit=’20’]
If you want to display all faq items, use shortcode [faq] directly

Version 3.6.3

Support wordpress F.A.Q Index / Archive Page
In wordpress faq global settings page, support opt to enable or disable faq archive page, opt to enable or disable faq permalinks

Version 3.5.9

Added a new Black Blue F.A.Q Template

Version 3.5.3

You can use any existed post or even custom post as FAQ, so you will not need re-write duplicated content in FAQ, we will reuse the post title as FAQ title, and reuse the post content as FAQ content.
For example, if you have a bbpress topic, and you think that is helpful for users, you can just add post id in FAQ editor, and we will use the specified bbpress topic title as FAQ title and use bbPress topic content as FAQ content… and so on
When you edit a FAQ term, in the right hand of the FAQ editor, you will find “Use existed post as FAQ post?” metabox, just enter the existed post id in the input box, then the title and content of this FAQ will be replaced with your specificed post

Version 3.4.3

Added a new Pretty Yellow faq Template, in “FAQ Global Settings” panel, in “Select FAQ Template” option,
you will find the new pretty yellow faq template

Version 2.4.3

Added faq link for each faq term, for help your site to get a better SEO rank
It looks like this: https://tooltips.org/faq/wordpress

In FAQ editor, you can edit / custom the permalink of faq post

Version 2.1.3

Added FAQ demo Url in readme

Version 2.1.1

Support FAQ temeplate
In FAQ admin area, you will find new menu “Global Settings”
In “Global Settings” panel, you will find “Select FAQ Template” option
In “Select FAQ Template” option, you can select different FAQ template
Also we build a demo at: https://tooltips.org/faq/

Version 1.2.3

Load jQuery-UI.js for more functions

Version 1.1.3

Support display FAQs grouped by category
You can use shortocde [faq catid=1] to show faq which
In faq categories manage panel, Updated label to “Add New FAQ Categories”
In faq categories manage panel, Updated label to “Parent FAQ Categories”
In faq categories manage panel, change button to “Add New FAQ Categories”

Version 1.0.3

Add icons for faq items
Upgrade jquery UI theme
Add images

Version 1.0.0

  • Spell out that the license is GPLv3
  • Finished the first version
  • General code clean up

My Other Plugins You Might Also Like:

  • WordPress Tooltips Pro
  • WordPress Tooltips Free
  • WordPress Frequently Asked Questions
  • Download



    1:Upload the Frequently Asked Questions to your blog
    2:Activate it
    3:You will find FAQ menu item in admin area, you can add new faq posts in wordpress custom post editor.
    And you can add/edit/delete faq posts just like wordpress standard posts.
    4: In “Select FAQ Template” option, you can select different FAQ template
    1, 2, 3, 4: You’re done!



    Can I Add category for FAQ posts?

    Yes, you can add / edit / delete categories in faq category menu item


    Yes, faq pages is responsive


    Version 3.8.3

    Enhanced code security

    Version 3.7.9

    follow wordpress security to enahnce security

    Version 3.7.7

    In wordpress FAQ Global Settings panel, added new option to allow admin to custom faq bar background color, you can change color of faq bar background from color picker, in front-end, the faq bar background color will be changed as you settings in back-end

    Version 3.7.5

    follow wordpress security to use sanitize_text_field enhance security for wordpress admin

    Version 3.7.3

    our tooltips plugin support add tooltips effect with videos / audio / images in faq items, but a user said he cannot add his customized function on faq items, in this version we added two filter for developer to add specific effects on FAQ title or FAQ content of faq items:
    You can use filter_faq_item_title to change content of faq title or something more, for example, add tooltip effects on faq title
    apply_filters( ‘filter_faq_item_title’, $ffw_faq_for_wp_how_to_bar_title);
    You can use filter_faq_item_content to change content of faq item content or something more, for example, add tooltip effects on faq content
    apply_filters( ‘filter_faq_item_content’, $ffw_faq_for_wp_how_to_bar_content);

    Version 3.7.1

    Opt to add No Index meta for any FAQ post to tell google do not index this FAQ post

    Version 3.6.7

    Support woocommerce faq
    In “FAQ Global Settings” panel, you will find new option “Enable Woocomemrce F.A.Q Tab”
    You can display / hide F.A.Q tab in woocommerce product tabs

    Version 3.6.5

    Support to display only the specified number of FAQ items
    Just use shortcode parameters like this:
    [faq limit=’20’]
    If you want to display all faq items, use shortcode [faq] directly

    Version 3.6.3

    Support wordpress F.A.Q Index / Archive Page
    In wordpress faq global settings page, support opt to enable or disable faq archive page, opt to enable or disable faq permalinks

    Version 3.5.9

    Added a new Black Blue F.A.Q Template

    Version 3.5.5

    Ise wordpress ABSPATH to enhance wordpress security

    Version 3.5.3

    You can use any existed post or even custom post as FAQ, so you will not need re-write duplicated content in FAQ, we will reuse the post title as FAQ title, and reuse the post content as FAQ content.
    For example, if you have a bbpress topic, and you think that is helpful for users, you can just add post id in FAQ editor, and we will use the specified bbpress topic title as FAQ title and use bbPress topic content as FAQ content… and so on
    When you edit a FAQ term, in the right hand of the FAQ editor, you will find “Use existed post as FAQ post?” metabox, just enter the existed post id in the input box, then the title and content of this FAQ will be replaced with your specificed post

    Version 3.4.3

    Added a new Pretty Yellow faq Template, in “FAQ Global Settings” panel, in “Select FAQ Template” option,
    you will find the new pretty yellow faq template

    Version 2.4.3

    Added faq link for each faq term, for help your site to get a better SEO rank
    It looks like this: https://tooltips.org/faq/wordpress

    In FAQ editor, you can edit / custom the permalink of faq post

    Version 2.1.3

    Added FAQ demo Url in readme

    Version 2.1.1

    Support FAQ temeplate
    In FAQ admin area, you will find new menu “Global Settings”
    In “Global Settings” panel, you will find “Select FAQ Template” option
    In “Select FAQ Template” option, you can select different FAQ template
    Also we build a demo at: https://tooltips.org/faq/

    Version 1.2.3

    Load jQuery-UI.js for more functions

    Version 1.1.3

    Support display FAQs grouped by category
    You can use shortocde [faq catid=1] to show faq which
    In faq categories manage panel, Updated label to “Add New FAQ Categories”
    In faq categories manage panel, Updated label to “Parent FAQ Categories”
    In faq categories manage panel, change button to “Add New FAQ Categories”

    Version 1.0.3

    Add icons for faq items
    Upgrade jquery UI theme
    Add images

    Version 1.0.0

    • Spell out that the license is GPLv3
    • Finished the first version
    • General code clean up


    • Version: 3.8.3
    • Active installations: 60
    • WordPress Version: 4.0
    • Tested up to: 6.4.5


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