FP Testimonials

July 04, 2013

FP Testimonials Plugin

This plugin will display testimonials in sidebar with several effects. You can manage the options from backend.Also you can use Shortcode for pages.

FP Testimonials allows you to create testimonials and display the associated testimonials on your sidebar using widgets. The sliding options are managable from wordpress admin area. You can use shortcode ([textimonial limit=5]) for showing in page, here 5 is for example, you can place yours, if you don’t want to place limit then just place [testimonial], it will display 10 posts by default.

You can control over your testimonial sliding transion effect, time, direction etc.

** Pagination is available when you use shortcode.
** Client image can be added now.

Plugin Settings

  • Div ID – textbox (by default it is – testimonial, you can use anything but no space between words)
  • Speed – textbox (You can use 300, 400, 500 etc, Remember they are in Milisecond)
  • Delay Time – textbox (You can use 3000, 4000, 5000 etc, Remember they are in Milisecond)
  • Direction – Options
  • Slide Limit – Options
  • Pagination – Options
  • Hover Control – Options
  • Control Buttons – Options
  • Pagination – Options
  • Show – Options (Full Text, Excerpt)
  • Auto Play – Options
  • Link Title – Options
  • Image – Options (Client Image)
  • Image Size – textbox (Image Width in pixel[px])


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Download the plugin file to your computer and Unzip the downloaded archive
  2. Upload the folder fp_testimonials to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin from Plugins > FP Testimonials > Activate, under WordPress admin interface
  4. Use this shortcode in your post or page to display FP Testimonial [testimonial] or [textimonial limit=5].
  5. Manage Widget Settings.


  1. View of Backend Testimonial area.

    View of Backend Testimonial area.

  2. View Backend Widget Settings.

    View Backend Widget Settings.

  3. View Frontend Widget View.

    View Frontend Widget View.

  4. View Frontend Testimonial Page with Pagination.

    View Frontend Testimonial Page with Pagination.


  1. What is slide ID?
    Answer: Slide ID is mainly the container ID which contains the testimonials and the JS file animate the contants in it.

  2. What is Hover Control ?
    Answer: When the slide running on and you hover on it, if you assign TRUE, then it pauses the transition until you remove the mouse.

  3. How i show the testimonials in a pge?
    Answer: Just use [testimonial]. By default it will display 10 posts if you don’t set the limit. Otherwise, you can set as [testimonial limit=5], then it will display 5 posts.

  4. How i add client image?
    Answer: You need to add client image using featured image option.



  • initial release of FP testimonials


  • Pagination is added for Page view, when you use shortcode.


  • Backend Style Modification.


  • Backend Style Modification.


  • Pagination screenshot added.


  • Widget Query updated for WordPress 3.5.2.


  • Client Image Option is added.


  • Small CSS Modification.


  • Version: 1.0.7
  • Active installations: 70
  • WordPress Version: 2.0.0
  • Tested up to: 3.5.2


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