WP Forum Server

May 07, 2015

WP Forum Server Plugin

This Wordpress plugin is a complete forum system for your wordpress blog.

WP Forum Server : A complete forum system for your wordpress blog.
The forum is a plugin, so no additional work is needed to integrate it into your site.

WP Forum Server is a an advanced, stable fork of WP Forum.

If there are any problems installing this plugin
please visit the site at http://forumpress.org/
and download the plugin from there.

If you want to show off your forum please
visit: http://forumpress.org/support/forumpress-g5/forum-server-1.4-and-previous-archive-f19
and leave a link to your site.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload forum-server folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

  3. Make a new page to place your forum into. Make sure you have it on the HTML editor.

  4. Simply place the tag <!--VASTHTML--> or [forumServer] in the new page content area.

Please visit http://forumpress.org/ for usage instructions.

Complete Installation Instructions: http://forumpress.org/installation-setup

For a complete demo visit http://forumpress.org/support/


  1. Choose a forum skin.

    Choose a forum skin.

  2. The home page for the forum options.

    The home page for the forum options.

  3. About the forum page.

    About the forum page.


Do you have a demo?

Yes- it’s located here: http://forumpress.org/support

The file from WordPress.org does not work

Go to http://forumpress.org/
and download from there.

Is there a gallery i can see other people using the plugin?


How do I translate interface in another language?

To make a translation of any wp plugin use this plugin

When the .mo file is ready:

  1. Prefix the .mo file with “vasthtml-“, for example: vasthtml-en_EN.mo.

  2. Copy this file to /wp-content/plugins/forum-server/languages/

  3. Go to Admin > WP Forum Server > General Options and choose your language

Also you can add description to your translate file: create file vasthtml-en_EN.txt with short description and put it info language directory.

May I recommend some new features?

Yes please do. http://vasthtml.com/support/?vasthtmlaction=viewtopic&t=20.0

Where can I get support?

In the support forums on Vast HTML: http://forumpress.org/support



  • updating version number


  • SEO-friendly clean URLs added


  • fixing harmless “exploits”


  • fixing harmless “exploits”


  • minor changes to fix version


  • restored missing files from SVN


  • wpf-insert.php injection vulnerability fixed


  • Added automatically create forum page and example content


  • Fixed bug: modules loading errors


  • Fixed bug: SEO-friendly URLs in PRO-version
  • Fixed bug: dropdown select in admin moderators and users
  • Fixed bug: subject encoding in topic reply
  • Added “Upgrade to Pro” links


  • Fixed bug with wordpress html editor in admin


  • Fixed major security bug with RSS feed
  • Fixed BBCodes php errors on some of installation
  • Names of users on forum now displays the same as throughout wordpress ( using ‘Display name’ instead of ‘user name’ )
  • Improved usabiity of changing languages. Now available through wordpress admin panel in a simple way


  • Fixed bug: warning php message


  • Fixed bug: duplicate topic forms
  • Fixed bug: default encoding in database tables changed to UTF-8
  • Fixed bug: parsing ‘$’ character
  • Fixed bug: width for posts with embedded video or code listings
  • Fixed bug: login form when wordpress is installed in it’s own directory (not in root folder)
  • Fixed bug: ‘show new posts since last visit’ feature
  • Fixed bug: links to posts in RSS feed
  • Fixed bug: database error when deleting forum
  • Fixed bug: interface of adding users to users’ groups


  • Fixed bug: Fix icon for my hot topics
  • Fixed bug: Fix minimize forum header button
  • Fixed bug: Fix deleting single post in topic
  • Fixed bug: Fix deleting category when there’s some topics in it
  • Fixed bug: Fix redirect after posting in topic on non first page
  • Fixed bug: Fix checking user_level for sticky post function
  • Fixed forum related errors (undefined variables) with debug-mode enabled


  • Fixed bug: Incorrect formatting in replies subject for topics and posts containing apostrophes
  • Fixed bug: Disallow ability to modify guest posts by other guests
  • Fixed bug: Fix the topic links in the rss feed and email-notifications
  • Added line breaks in post/answer body for better text formatting


  • Fixed bug: Duplicate launch of plugin with sfc-like plugin
  • Fixed bug: Fix youtube video insertion (allow html embed object)
  • Was added support SEO-frendly URLs


  • Fixed bug: Duplicate launch of plugin on certain themes and WordPress installations
  • Fixed bug: Localization support on WordPress 3.0+
  • Fixed bug: Javascript error when using “Show or hide header” feature on certain Forum Server skins


  • Fixed bug: Path problems if wordpress is in subdirectory


  • Fixed bug: Incompatibility with FireStats plugin and possibly certain other plugins, the bug also could cause a lot of database errors
  • Fixed bug: Duplicating topics due to plugin incompatibility with certain plugins
  • Fixed bug: No post body inside the topic due to plugin incompatibility with certain plugins
  • Fixed bug: BBCode content inside e-mail notifications
  • Fixed bug: Closing a topic didn’t work as expected
  • Fixed bug: sending e-mail notifications of your own replies when subscribed on topic
  • Fixed bug: When subscribing to replies on topic, a blank screen was showing up
  • “Unmake sticky” renamed to “Unstick” (for sticky topics)
  • Fixed bug: Unstick function now works
  • Fixed bug: search system now works
  • Improved search system, now it searches in topic titles and can search in both titles and content
  • Fixed bug: Email notifications were not sent in some cases
  • New placeholder for inserting forum into WordPress page: [forumServer] can be used instead of


  • Added admin ability to close a topic
  • Added admin ability to move a topic
  • Fixed bug with message width on narrow theme column
  • Fixed bug with Google Analytics hiding message textarea
  • Fixed bug when user manually changes url parameters


  • The link to edit categories now works.
  • Made a work around for those having trouble deleting categories.


  • Link to FORUM in Breadcrumb
  • Group Link and Group Page
  • Fixed the blank page redirection stuff


  • Fixed database errors


  • Code clean up
  • Changed menu style to match WordPress 2.7+
  • Changed all images to a more updated look


  • Version: 1.8.2
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 2.6
  • Tested up to: 4.2.38


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