Download and execute JavaScript on user interaction.
Download and execute JavaScript on user interaction.
Flying Scripts delay the execution of JavaScript until there is no user activity. You can specify keywords to include JavaScripts to be delayed. There is also a timeout which executes JavaScript when there is no user activity.
JavaScript is very resource-heavy. By delaying the execution of non-critical JavaScript (that are not needed for the initial render), you’re prioritizing and giving more resources to critical JavaScript files. This way you will reduce render time, time to interactive, first CPU idle, max Potential input delay etc. This will also reduce initial payload to browsers by reducing the no. of requests.
Any script that is not crucial for rendering the first view or above fold contents. 3rd party scripts like tracking scripts, chat plugins, etc are ideal.
Any keyword inside your inline script that uniquely identifies that script. For example “fbevents.js” for Facebook Pixel, “gtag” for Google Tag Manager, “customerchat.js” for Facebook Customer Chat plugin.
defer tells browser to download the script when found and execute it when HTML parsing is complete. When you include a script in Flying Scripts, those scripts won’t be executed until there is a user interaction.
Events from the user like mouse hover, scroll, keyboard input, touch in mobile device, etc.
Even if there is no user interaction, scripts will be executed after the specified timeout.
instead of type='lazy'
. Removed setting type='text/javascript'
via JavaScript