A responsive image rotator plugin that easily creates WordPress slideshows. Now 100% Organic!
HG Slider creates a new ‘Slides’ area in your WordPress admin and allows you to easily setup multiple sliders around your site. It uses the standard WordPress user interface so you (and your clients) will know how to use it instantly.
It has a full interface for creating Sliders and can simply put but anywhere on your site using a simple shortcode.
directoryYou can also use the new shortcode [flexslider slug=”homepage”] to include the rotator in certain posts, pages, widgets, etc.
To include the rotator in your theme include the Slider ‘slug’ and add the following line to your template:
if(function_exists('show_flexslider_rotator')) echo show_flexslider_rotator( 'homepage' );
The size of the rotator is set from your WordPress Image Size settings. You can set those with the following function (also in your functions.php file).
add_image_size( 'homepage-rotator', '550', '250', true );
For the rotator itself it uses FlexSlider by WooThemes. To setup custom options like making the rotator slide, you can add FlexSlider options. The below example shows how and all the options can be found at http://www.woothemes.com/FlexSlider/
$rotators['homepage'] = array( 'size' => 'homepage-rotator', 'options' => "{slideshowSpeed: 7000, direction: 'vertical', animation: 'slide'}" );
To include the rotator in your theme include the ‘slug’ found from your function above ($rotators[‘homepage’]) and add the following line to your template:
if(function_exists('show_flexslider_rotator')) echo show_flexslider_rotator( 'homepage' );
You can also use the new shortcode [flexslider slug=”homepage”] to include the rotator in certain posts, pages, widgets, etc.
New in version 1.3: If you want to display the image attachments for a give post or page simply add the shortcode [flexslider] and it will automatically grab the images. You can click the standard ‘Add Media’ button above the WordPress Content Editor and then reorder the images to the order you want them to display.
Used to be called: Responsive Slider for Developers