Flatty – Flat Admin Theme

June 15, 2017

Flatty – Flat Admin Theme Plugin

Professional flat admin theme for Wordpress Admins. A modern taste to Wordpress. Your backend will look like 2017+.

We all love WordPress,
but the admin theme is outdated.
Give it a fresh modern look with Flatty!

Made with love in Italy.


  • Complete restyle of the login page
  • Add Google Recaptcha to the login page
  • Custom Login Logo
  • Custom Login Background
  • Custom Login CSS
  • Show custom footer on Login
  • WordPress white-labeling
  • Hide widgets from the dashboard
  • Custom Logo in Admin Area
  • Modern look for admin sidebar
  • Customer service support box for your clients
  • Choose any WordPress admin color scheme
  • Use the new simplified Flatty’s Top Bar
  • Display your site name in the admin area

Tested with

  • Jetpack
  • Akismet
  • Yoast SEO
  • W3 Total Cache
  • Woocommerce
  • Broken link checker
  • Yoo Theme Pro
  • Divi Theme
  • Ninja Forms


Just hit ‘Install Now’ or download the plugin and copy to the plugins directory, then click “Activate”.


  1. Wordpress Dashboard

    Wordpress Dashboard

  2. Flatty’s Settings Pages

    Flatty’s Settings Pages

  3. Wordpress Pages

    Wordpress Pages


Installation Instructions

Just hit ‘Install Now’ or download the plugin and copy to the plugins directory, then click “Activate”.

Can you do it better?

I would greatly appreciate it if you kindly give me some feedback on this 😉



  • New – Flatty’s User Interface
  • New – Flatty’s admin Bar design
  • New – Flatty’s tall bar option
  • New – Flatty’s top bar background blending
  • New – Flatty’s top bar background type
  • New – Flatty’s Business card widget
  • New – Checkboxes & Radio
  • New – Remove help button
  • Improved – Now using internal WordPress ColorPicker plugin
  • Improved – General loading performance
  • Improved – Reset css to mantain compability
  • Improved – Mobile queries
  • Improved – Ui for common components
  • Improved – Loading speed of Google Font
  • Improved – Performance of “Always folded sidebar” (no more glitches)
  • Fixed – Bug when no bkg color was specified
  • Fixed – Sidebar scrolling
  • Fixed – Compatibility with Ninja Forms
  • Fixed – WordPress admin bar removal
  • Fixed – Compatibilty with PressThis


  • New – New style for checkbox
  • Fixed – Index on topbar
  • Fixed – Ninja Forms fix for Flatty’s TopBar
  • Fixed – Login css


  • New – Translation to Italian
  • New – Option to make Flatty’s topbar fixed


  • New – Compatibility with Ninja Forms


  • Fixed – Stupid SVN bugs


  • Changed – Pages names
  • New – Custom text in the custom footer
  • New – Posts & Pages settings
  • New – Ability to remove meta boxes from posts & pages
  • New – Now you can force removal of the WordPress toolbar from the front-end
  • New – Custom Topbar background color
  • New – Custom Topbar background image
  • Removed – Flatty’s new post styling removed (newer version coming soon)
  • Removed – Option to disable welcome screen
  • Fixed – Woocommerce status widget
  • Fixed – Removing wordpress meta tags
  • Fixed – Worpdress body content height fix


  • Wtf – I hate SVN
  • Fixed – Stupid svn didn’t added login css


  • Fixed – Show/Hide sidebar button now change state
  • Fixed – Bug on loading login css
  • New – Now you can add a custom background to the login screen
  • New – Click on profile icon in Flatty’s topbar now link to profile page
  • New – Option to remove Welcome Panel in the dashboard


  • Fixed – Login themes screenshots


  • Fixed – Upgrading fix


  • New – New login themes area
  • New – New login themes
  • New – Custom css on login page
  • New – Button to open last article/page
  • Fixed – Css on checkboxes


  • Fixed – Fix for Google Recaptcha


  • Fixed – Included footer in general css


  • Fixed – Readme file


  • New – Flatty’s custom footer
  • New – Show MySql version in Flatty’s custom footer
  • New – Show PHP version in Flatty’s custom footer
  • New – Show server protocol (HTTP/1.1)
  • New – Show server address
  • New – Show server identification string


  • Fixed – Login now working if Recaptcha is not used but configured
  • Fixed – Article Editor not messing up
  • Fixed – jQuery was loading on login when not requested


  • Fixed – Missing Icons in the topbar for the Customer Support box


  • Fixed – Minimal sidebar
  • Fixed – Some JS bugs
  • Fixed – Temporary using default sidebar for mobile issues
  • Fixed – Integration with Google Recaptcha
  • Renamed – ‘Support box’ in ‘Customer Service Box’
  • New – Refreshed settings pages
  • New – Restyled Flatty’s topbar
  • New – Use a custom header instead of the site/blog name
  • New – Place the sitename in the Flatty’s topbar
  • New – Show a smaller sitename header
  • New – Place the customer service box in the Flatty’s topbar
  • New – Place the customer service box in his personal panel (home sweet home)
  • New – Place the customer service box in a dashboard widget
  • New – Upload a custom logo for the customer service box
  • New – Option to disable custom Google Font and use Default System font
  • New – Use Google Recaptcha to increase security on login
  • New – Show user profile and image in the top bar
  • New – Finished first part of translation
  • New – Remove FontAwesome dependency

  • Fixed – Stupid not closed div


  • Fixed – Translation error


  • New – Starting the translation process 😉


  • Fixed – Various fixes
  • Fixed – Now “view site” points to site address and not root installation
  • Fixed – Default background color removed


  • Fixed – Bugs in minimal sidebar now are fixed
  • Fixed – Now the sidebar stay on top if support box is not enabled


  • Fixed – Bug in support box


  • Fixed – Reduced size of the sidebar to maintain compatibility with Jetpack and iThemes Security


  • Fixed – update


  • New – integration with support box for Flatty’s Minimal sidebar
  • New – support box is now responsive
  • Fixed – gap on menu collapsed
  • Fixed – some bugs on mobile view


  • Completely new settings area
  • Better interface for settings fields
  • Remove WordPress widgets from the dashboard

  • Fix for mobile sidebar

  • Added option to enable Flatty’s light login style
  • Fixed some issues on minimal sidebar


  • Added option to enable Flatty’s Minimal Sidebar
  • Fixed some media queries on mobile


  • Changed body container
  • Fixed css glitch when updating plugins
  • Fixed conflict with Jetpack
  • Other little fixes


  • Re-enabled wp top bar on mobile screen
  • Fixed bug in JS when trying to upload logo and favicon
  • Fixed ‘max lenght’ of 20 char in developer name


  • Added option to edit login logo link
  • Added option to edit login logo title
  • Improved UX on Flatty’s Option page
  • Improved general UX
  • Fix for empty custom logo & fav icon
  • Fixed a JS error


  • Added option to upload a custom Favicon for the backend
  • Added option to hide the custom logo on backend (displaying it only on login)
  • Added option to remove Worpdress generator meta tags
  • Added option to disable Flatty ‘new post’ page styling
  • Added dynamic preview of custom logo and favicon
  • Better buttons animation and style
  • Better code for sitename and topbar
  • Removed the option to remove top padding
  • Fixed some glitches on buttons
  • Fixed incompatibility issue with jQuery


  • Better ‘css registering’


  • Added custom logo upload (more coming soon…)
  • Added new Top bar instead of WordPress classic
  • Added option to hide “lost password”
  • Added option to hide “back to blog”
  • Added option to hide login messages
  • Added option to hide login errors
  • Added option to remove the top padding
  • Added option to remove the WordPress separator in the sidebar


  • Added Company Support Box
  • Added Settings shortlink in plugin page
  • Fixed some issues about WordPress color schemes


  • Hotfix for options


  • Restyled plugin structure
  • Added option to choose between WordPress default styles
  • Added option to enable Flatty Light Style
  • Added option to show your Sitename on top of the page
  • Added option to hide logo on login
  • Added option to hide WordPress Top bar
  • Added option to hide WordPress logo in the top bar
  • Added option to hide WordPress footer
  • Fixed some glitches


  • Added options menu
  • Added support for “Broken Link Checker”
  • Fixed trash button for article
  • Fixed media queries
  • Added license


  • New notices
  • Fixed body on update
  • Added support for Shiny Updates


  • Fixed trash icon in firefox
  • Better select input on firefox
  • Other little fixes in sidebar
  • Changed plugin update icon
  • Tested on WordPress 4.5


  • Added minor Yoast Seo support
  • Fixed padding for featured image


  • Topbar now is absolute
  • Sidebar now is full height


  • Hotfix for sidebar


  • Redefined all the theme


  • Fix for buttons padding


  • Fixed conflicts


  • Cleaned code, fixed things around (again).
  • Reduced font size overall (thanks to geekninjah)
  • New shiny permalink bar
  • More “fixed” buttons


  • Cleaned code, fixed things around.
  • Better sidebar
  • Better topbar
  • Better login


  • Fix for the previous update


  • Better style for sidebar
  • Better style for article sidebar
  • Other fixes


  • Initial version
  • Restyle of the login page
  • Restyle of the article page
  • Restyle of the plugin page


  • Version: 2.0.0
  • Active installations: 700
  • WordPress Version: 4.0
  • Tested up to: 4.8.0


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