Extra Shortcodes

April 13, 2023

Extra Shortcodes Plugin

[extra_archives], [extra_taxonomies], [bloginfo show="name"], [date format="l jS \of F Y"], [date_i18n], [time]


  • [extra_archives] – list of monthly archives links sorted by date;
  • [extra_archives type="yearly"] – list of yearly archives links;
  • [extra_archives type="monthly"] – list of monthly archives links;
  • [extra_archives type="weekly"] – list of weekly archives links;
  • [extra_archives type="daily"] – list of daily archives links;
  • [extra_archives type="postbypost"] – list of all posts links sorted by date;
  • [extra_archives type="alpha"] – list of all posts links sorted by title;
  • [extra_taxonomies] – list of categories, tags or any other taxonomies;
  • [bloginfo show="name"]bloginfo params;
  • [date format="l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A"] – Monday 23rd April 2012 09:37:57 AM; php date format params;
  • [date format="l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A" timestamp="+2 years +3 months -20 days -10 hours +30 minutes"] – Thursday 3rd July 2014 06:52:57 AM; relative datetime formats;
  • [date format="h:i:s A" use_wordpress_timezone="1"] – use WordPress timezone from Settings section;
  • [date_i18n format="l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A" timestamp="+2 years +3 months -20 days -10 hours +30 minutes"] – Четвер, 3 Липня 2014 06:52:57; shortcode based on date_i18n;
  • [time format="h:i:s A"] – 01:35:08 PM; php time format params;
  • [year] – 2012, [year plus="3"] – 2015, [year minus="2"] – 2010;
  • [month] – 4 (in April), [month plus="10"] – 2, [month minus="8"] – 8;
  • [month_name] – April, [month_name plus="10"] – February, [month_name minus="8"] – August;
  • [day] – 8, [day plus="3"] – 11, [day minus="2"] – 6;
  • [weekday] – Monday, [weekday plus="5"] – Saturday, [weekday minus="5"] – Wednesday;
  • [hours], [minutes], [seconds];

more info about shortcodes


Parameters for [extra_archives]:

  • [extra_archives] – list of monthly archives links sorted by date;
  • [extra_archives type="yearly"] – list of yearly archives links;
  • [extra_archives type="monthly"] – list of monthly archives links;
  • [extra_archives type="weekly"] – list of weekly archives links;
  • [extra_archives type="daily"] – list of daily archives links;
  • [extra_archives type="postbypost"] – list of all posts links sorted by date;
  • [extra_archives type="alpha"] – list of all posts links sorted by title;
  • limit – how many links to be included in the list: [extra_archives limit="10"]; by default all links are shown: [extra_archives limit=""];
  • show_post_count – display counter of posts in the archive: [extra_archives show_post_count="1"]; by default counter is not shown: [extra_archives show_post_count="0"];
  • order – how to sort archives links: [extra_archives order="ASC"]; by default links are sorted by descending order (Z-A): [extra_archives order="DESC"];

[extra_archives] is based on wp_get_archives function.

Parameters for [extra_taxonomies]:

  • orderby – sort list by specific field: [extra_taxonomies order="count"]; by default list is sorted by name: [extra_taxonomies order="name"]; possible values: ID, name, slug, count, term_group;
  • order – the sort order of the list of pages (either ascending or descending): [extra_taxonomies order="DESC"]; by default: [extra_taxonomies order="ASC"]; possible values: ASC, DESC;
  • show_count – display counter of posts in the list: [extra_taxonomies show_count="1"]; by default counter is not shown: [extra_taxonomies show_count="0"];* limit – how many links to be included in the list: [extra_archives limit="10"]; by default all links are shown: [extra_archives limit=""];
  • hide_empty – show or hide empty categories or taxonomies: [extra_taxonomies hide_empty="0"]; by default empty categories are hidden: [extra_taxonomies hide_empty="1"];
  • use_desc_for_title – use description for title: [extra_taxonomies use_desc_for_title="0"]; by default the description is used as link title: [extra_taxonomies use_desc_for_title="1"];
  • child_of – only display categories that are children of the category identified by this parameter: [extra_taxonomies child_of="77"];
  • exclude – exclude one or more categories (comma-separated list of category ids) from the results: [extra_taxonomies exclude="5,7,9"];
  • exclude_tree – exclude category-tree (comma-separated list of category ids) from the results: [extra_taxonomies exclude_tree="5,7,9"]; The parameter include must be empty. If the hierarchical parameter is true, then use exclude instead of exclude_tree.
  • include – only include the categories detailed in a comma-separated list by category id: [extra_taxonomies include="5,7,9"];
  • hierarchical – list is hierarchical (tree-like) or flat: [extra_taxonomies hierarchical="0"]; by default the list is hierarchical: [extra_taxonomies hierarchical="1"];
  • number – sets the number of categories to display: [extra_taxonomies number="10"]; by default the number is unlimited: [extra_taxonomies number=""];
  • depth – how many levels in the hierarchy of pages are to be included in the list: [extra_taxonomies depth="3"]; by default the depth is unlimited: [extra_taxonomies depth="0"];
  • taxonomy – show list of registered taxonomy: [extra_taxonomies taxonomy="post_tag"]; by default shows the list of categories: [extra_taxonomies taxonomy="category"];

[extra_taxonomies] is based on wp_list_categories function.

Parameters for [bloginfo]:

  • [bloginfo show="name"]bloginfo params;
  • [site_name] – Name of the site;
  • [site_desc] – Description of the site;
  • [site_url] – http://site.url;
  • [wp_version] – 4.5 (WordPress version);

    [bloginfo] is based on bloginfo function.

Parameters for [date]:

  • [date format="l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A"] – Monday 23rd April 2012 09:37:57 AM; php date format params;
  • [date format="l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A" timestamp="+2 years +3 months -20 days -10 hours +30 minutes"] – Thursday 3rd July 2014 06:52:57 AM; relative datetime formats;
  • [date format="h:i:s A" use_wordpress_timezone="1"] – use WordPress timezone from Settings section;
  • [date_i18n format="l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A" timestamp="+2 years +3 months -20 days -10 hours +30 minutes"] – Четвер, 3 Липня 2014 06:52:57; shortcode based on date_i18n;
  • [time format="h:i:s A"] – 01:35:08 PM; php time format params;
  • [year] – 2012, [year plus="3"] – 2015, [year minus="2"] – 2010;
  • [month] – 4 (in April), [month plus="10"] – 2, [month minus="8"] – 8;
  • [month_name] – April, [month_name plus="10"] – February, [month_name minus="8"] – August;
  • [day] – 8, [day plus="3"] – 11, [day minus="2"] – 6;
  • [weekday] – Monday, [weekday plus="5"] – Saturday, [weekday minus="5"] – Wednesday;
  • [hours], [minutes], [seconds];


  1. install and activate the plugin on the Plugins page
  2. add shortcodes to pages or posts: [bloginfo show="name"], [site_name], [site_desc], [date format="Y-m-d"], [time], [year plus="3"], [month minus="2"], [month_name]



  • added [extra_taxonomies] shortcode
  • updated readme.txt


  • added [extra_archives] shortcode
  • updated readme.txt


  • code refactoring
  • shortcodes cleanup


  • added ‘use_wordpress_timezone’ param to [date] shortcode;


  • added [date_i18n] (thanks to HeldZ)


  • minor changes



  • added “timestamp” param to [date] shortcode


  • added [bloginfo]


  • initial release


  • Version: 2.2
  • Active installations: 2,000
  • WordPress Version: 3.0
  • Tested up to: 6.2.6


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