ExS Widgets
ExS By ExS

July 16, 2024

ExS Widgets Plugin

Add your posts with various layouts in your theme's widget areas.

Adds four additional widgets: Posts, Category, Spacer, Meta. Also adds ExS Posts Gutenberg block


ExS widgets is originally designed for working with ExS theme, but you can use in with any theme if you want.
In addition to the default WordPress Recent Posts widget you can add a posts with thumbnails, with a various layouts.
Also you can use ExS Blog Posts widget in your page as your Gutenberg Block Editor block.


Use the WordPress.org forums for community support where we try to help all users.

If you need help or have any questions, please send us a note.


Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t even need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install, log in to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.

In the search field type “ExS widgets” and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found the plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by clicking Install Now.

Manual installation

The manual installation method involves downloading the plugin and uploading it to your web server via your favorite FTP application.

  • Download the plugin file to your computer and unzip it
  • Using an FTP program, or your hosting control panel, upload the unzipped plugin folder to your WordPress installation’s wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  • Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu within the WordPress admin.

Getting started

Once installed:

Go to your Appearance -> Widgets admin menu and add our widgets in your theme sidebar


  1. Blog posts widget options

    Blog posts widget options

  2. Blog posts widget front end examples

    Blog posts widget front end examples

  3. Category widget options

    Category widget options

  4. Category widget front end example

    Category widget front end example

  5. Spacer widget options

    Spacer widget options

  6. ExS theme meta widget options (will displayed only if ExS theme is active)

    ExS theme meta widget options (will displayed only if ExS theme is active)

  7. ExS theme meta front end example (will displayed only if ExS theme is active)

    ExS theme meta front end example (will displayed only if ExS theme is active)



  • July, 15, 2024
  • New ExS Blog Posts widget option – ‘Read More’ link text for each post
  • New ExS Blog Posts widget option – images size select for grid layouts
  • Whitelist available posts layout to prevent custom PHP file includes
  • WordPress 6.6 support


  • July, 19, 2022
  • Fixes for ExS Posts block
  • WordPress 6 support


  • July, 21, 2021
  • WordPress 5.8 support for new blocks widgets page


  • March, 09, 2021
  • New option to display post categories in posts widget and posts block


  • November, 26, 2020
  • ExS Posts block editor block added


  • September, 7, 2020
  • Initial release.


  • Version: 0.3.2
  • Active installations: 2,000
  • WordPress Version: 5.5
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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