Expand Divi
Faycal Boutam By Faycal Boutam

August 02, 2019

Expand Divi Plugin

Adds more functionlity to the Divi theme.

An easy to use plugin to add some theme features missing from Divi theme.

See all included options here: https://wajba.club/ed/home/

Pre-Loader :

A nice animated loader image (of your chosen) spinning while your page is loading.

Font Awesome :

Use font icons inline with your text.

Lightbox :

Opens the images in posts/pages in a lightbox.

Coming Soon Mode :

Redirect all your traffic to one page, while you -as admin- can see and design the site.

Archive Blog Style :

Sets a “grid” or a “list” blog style to categories, tags, search and archive pages.

Author Box :

Adds the author bio below posts with social icons.

Single Post Pagination :

Adds a pagination (next/previous) below posts.

Related Posts :

Shows related posts below posts (by category or by tag).

Single Post Tags :

Shows the post tags below post or in the post meta.

Sidebar Removal :

A way to remove the sidebar globally, on archive or posts.

Social Share Icons :

Adds social network buttons below posts, a shortcode is also available to add the icons anywhere on the site.
You can choose which icons to show, current supported social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, WhatsApp, Linkedin, Reddit, Gmail, Email.

Social Follow Icons :

A shortcode to add social follow icons anywhere on the site.
You can choose which icons to show, you can also add a text/followers count. Current supported social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Email, Linkedin, Instagram, WhatsApp, RSS, Soundcloud.

Change login page’s wp logo and URL :

A way to add your own logo image and link to redirect to on the WP login page.

Add terms of service checkbox to register form :

Users will have to agree to your TOS before registering.

Divi Builder shortcode :

Use Divi Builder’s items (layouts, sections…) anywhere on your site with a shortcode.

Recent Posts Widget :

You can choose which post type, the order (latest, random, popularity… etc) and the number of posts to show.

Twitter Feed Widget :

Display x number of the latest tweets.

Contact Info Widget :

A way to display the site info in a widget, show contact details with icons.



  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->Tools->Expand Divi screen to configure the plugin.
  4. Go to Appearance->Widgets to add Expand Divi widgets.


  1. Admin dashboard.

    Admin dashboard.

  2. Widgets in footer area.

    Widgets in footer area.

  3. Widgets in sidebar.

    Widgets in sidebar.

  4. About author, tags, related posts and pagination options.

    About author, tags, related posts and pagination options.

  5. Tags above content.

    Tags above content.



  • Added option to change login page’s logo image and URL.
  • Added option to enable terms of service checkbox to register page.
  • Added ability to use Divi library items anywhere with a shortcode.
  • Updated FontAwesome to 5.0.12.
  • Updated POT file.


  • Miner changes in author box styles (responsive).
  • Author box name linking to author page.
  • Added social links to author box.
  • Added rounded images option to recent posts widget.


  • Added list blog style to archive pages.
  • Added shortcode for social follow icons.
  • Added icons and animation to social share buttons.
  • Added WhatsApp to social share.
  • Added order (ASC and DESC) and orderby (date, title, random, popularity) to recent posts widget.
  • Added contact info widget.
  • Style changes in the page options.
  • Fix issue with lightbox apply to images in the Divi builder.
  • Fix issue with FontAwesome style file loading twice (if it’s already loaded by other


  • Added list blog style to archive pages.
  • Added shortcode for social follow icons.
  • Added icons and animation to social share buttons.
  • Added WhatsApp to social share.
  • Added order (ASC and DESC) and orderby (date, title, random, popularity) to recent posts widget.
  • Added contact info widget.
  • Fix issue with lightbox apply to images in the Divi builder.
  • Fix issue with FontAwesome style file loading twice (if it’s already loaded by other plugins).


  • Fixing some “Undefined variable” notices.
  • Fixing a bug where content is missing when there’s no tags for the post, and the display tags option is enabled.
  • Add Coming soon mode.
  • Now you can set a loader image of your chosen for the preloader.


  • Fixing “Undefined variable” notices.
  • Fixing preloader stuck on the new back end builder.


  • Fixing “Undefined variable” notices.


  • Added lightbox for posts and pages.


  • initial release.


  • Version: 1.6.0
  • Active installations: 1,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.9
  • Tested up to: 5.2.21
  • PHP Version: 5.6


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