Evergreen Post Tweeter

October 01, 2014

Evergreen Post Tweeter Plugin

Evergreen Post Tweeter enables you to schedule and automatically tweet out links to old posts.

Unfortunately this plugin is not currently being actively supported. We recommend this as an alternative: https://wordpress.org/plugins/tweet-old-post/

Evergreen Post Tweeter enables you to schedule and automatically tweet out links to old posts.

Your Twitter followers will thank you for exposing them to more of your great content and you will get even more traffic to your site! I recently boosted Twitter referrals to my site by approximately 250% with Evergreen Post Tweeter. Enjoy!


  • Schedule by day and time, just like Buffer
  • Tweet out posts and/or pages
  • Filter posts to be tweeted by category and/or tag
  • Filter posts by age
  • Add additional text to the tweet
  • Choose from a selection of URL shorteners

If you have any comments or questions you can find me on Twitter @tomewer!

Evergreen Post Tweeter is forked from the excellent Tweetily plugin developed by Flavio Martins, which in turn is a reloaded version of Tweet Old Post by Ajay Matharuajay.



  1. Upload “evergreen-post-tweeter.zip” to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress


  1. Search for the plugin from within your WordPress Dashboard and install it there.


  1. Basic options for the tweets that will be published.

    Basic options for the tweets that will be published.

  2. Additional variables you can set for your tweets + category/tag selectors.

    Additional variables you can set for your tweets + category/tag selectors.

  3. The tweet scheduling area.

    The tweet scheduling area.


Why does nothing happen when I click on the Twitter logo to link my account?

The first thing you should do is attempt the process in a different browser.

If that doesn’t work, the issue is almost always related to your hosting provider. The most common causes are:

  1. The server that your website resides on is blocking the attempted connection to Twitter.
  2. Twitter is blocking any connection from the server that your website resides on, possibly due to a spamming issue by another website stored on the server.
  3. There is some sort of Javascript issue.
  4. Your server’s clock is not synchronized (this is a rare problem).

You should contact your hosting provider and provide them with a link to this page. They should then be able to resolve the issue.

Worst case scenario, you will have to move hosting providers – these issues are not something the plugin has any control over.



  • Add FAQ


  • Fix CSS


  • Add admin notice


  • Fix bug on new scheduling feature


  • Add admin notice for plugin upgrade


  • Change option for scheduling tweets from interval based to days and times scheduling.
  • Remove option Time Between Tweets.
  • Remove option to Prevent Automatic Tweeting Between Certain Hours.


  • Add option to tracking url click on Twitter (Google Analytics).
  • Add function to detect CURL. If it’s not installed, then you can’t use URL Shortener
  • Add option to log for debugging purpose.


  • Stable Tag.


  • Add option to Prevent Automatic Tweeting Between Certain Hours.


  • Fix Twitter API.


  • Fix bug on pause time option.


  • Add pause time option.
  • Fix error for categories and tag option.


  • Quick fix missing CSS.


  • Add categories option.
  • Fix some functions that conflict with Tweet Old Post or Tweetily.


  • Fix some functions that conflict with Tweet Old Post or Tweetily.


Minor fix


  • First public release.


  • Version: 1.8.9
  • Active installations: 70
  • WordPress Version: 3.5
  • Tested up to: 3.9.40


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