Events Addon for Elementor

July 17, 2024

Events Addon for Elementor Plugin

Events Addon for Elementor is an Elementor Addons for Event Websites.

Events Addon for Elementor covers all the must-needed elements for creating a perfect Event website using Elementor Page Builder. 30+ Unique & Basic Elementor widget covers all of the Event elements. Including getting a list of event posts from the most popular Events WordPress plugins. Like, Accommodation, Venue, Conference, Event Timing Countdown, Organizer, Speakers, Schedules, Upcoming Events, and Tickets.

Learn More

All Elements List | Demo Event Website

Create a 100% FREE Event Website

35+ Event Website Widgets

Each elementor widget crafted based on Event Websites in Mind. So, this plugin covers all 35+ free must-needed elementor widgets to fulfill your event website needs. At the same time, it grabs your visitor’s attention. 🙂

Easy to Customize

User-Friendly wise Elementor is the best choice of Page Builder in WordPress. We assured that same editing experience in our Addons plugin too. Every widget comes with plenty of options with easy to edit user experience.

Professional Support

Our experienced Team supports your every question carefully, and your points/notes will take to the core development team to improving our plugin gradually.

Detailed Documentation

We’ve explained everything about the plugin in our detailed documentation, it does not only explain the (How to’s?) instead it’ll explain the effective way of using the addon.

Basic Elements Documentation
Unique Elements Documentation
Pro Elements Documentation

Supported Event Plugins

  1. Eventbrite
  2. The Events Calendar
  3. All-in-One Event Calendar
  4. Events Manager
  5. Event Organiser
  6. Event Espresso 4 Decaf – Event Registration Event Ticketing

35+ Event Free Widgets & Counting

You can find all of the following 35+ most useful widgets of your Awesome Event Website.

All elements list: Elements List

Event Elements – FREE

  1. Information Box – Icon, Title, Days, Date, Address, Stylings.
  2. Event Listing – Two Styles, Date, Title, Time, Description, Address, Stylings.

Event Elements – PRO

  1. Upcoming Events – Three Styles, Name, Time, Speaker, Location, Days Left, Ticket Price, Stylings.
  2. Event Category – Boxes Size, Background Image, Columns & Stylings.
  3. Event Schedule – Two Styles, Carousel Settings, Background Image, Stylings.
  4. Event Conference – Title, Sub-Title, Day Counter, Description, Location, Speaker, Alignment & Stylings.
  5. Event Organizer – Two Styles, Name, Photo, Date, Learn More Button & Stylings.
  6. Event Listings – Three Styles, Carousel Settings, Title, Image, Date, Location, Speakers, Stylings.
  7. Event Countdown – Title, Date Picker, Stylings.
  8. Event Slider – Title, Category, Speakers, Date, Location, Stylings.
  9. Event Sessions – Title, Time, Location, Stylings.
  10. Eventbrite Events – Four Styles, Name, Time, Speaker, Location, Days Left, Ticket Price, Stylings.
  11. Eventbrite Carousel – Two Styles, Title, Date, Location, Days Left, Stylings.
  12. Eventbrite Event – Three Styles, Name, Time, Speaker, Location, Days Left, Stylings.

Event Unique Elements – FREE

  1. Accommodation – Two Styles, Place Name, Pricings, Ratings, Image, Short Content, and Read More link.
  2. Conference – Title, Content, Location, Organizer, Countdown, Date & Time and more.
  3. Countdown – Two Styles, Counter for Specific Date.
  4. Discussions – Tab styled information for event discussion topics, Tag, Date, Title, Short Content, and Tab Informations.
  5. Event – Two Styles, Title, Date, Timing, and Short Content.
  6. Info Box – Icon, Title, and Short Content.
  7. Organizer – Two – Three – Four Column Controls, Image, Name, Profession, Short Content, and Read More link.
  8. Pricing Table – Title, Price, Tickets Left, Features, and Button.
  9. Schedule List – List of schedules Timing, Speaker, Location, Title, Short Content, and Read More link.
  10. Schedule Tab – “Schedule Tab” – Day, Date as a tab option for above element.
  11. Schedule – Schedule Slider & Grid. Date, Place, Title, Short Content, and Read More link.
  12. Sessions – Two – Three – Four Columns, Day, Session, Timing, Room Numbers.
  13. Ticket – A Call to Action for dedicated Ticket element, Title, Sub-Title, Short Content and, Buy Now button.
  14. Upcoming Events – Two Styles, Days left, Title, Date, Speaker, and Place.
  15. Venues – Two – Three – Four Columns, Date, Title, Short Content, and Read More link.

Event Unique Elements – PRO

  1. Pricing – Two Styles, Title, Description, Pricing, Features, Button & Stylings.
  2. Schedule – Days, Time, Icon, Title, Description, Location, Spearker & Stylings.
  3. Chart – Four Styles, Numeric Values, Stylings.
  4. Venues – Title, Description, Photos, Alignment & Stylings.

Basic Elements – FREE

  1. About Me – Name, Profession, Social Media Links, Description, and Button link.
  2. About Us – All Basic Company Details Meta Information, Social Icons, Description, and Alignments.
  3. Blog – Columns up to four, Limit, Order & Order by, Certain Category posts, Certain ID’s, Excerpt and it’s length, Pagination, and more.
  4. Chart – Contains – Bar and PIE Charts.
  5. Contact – Contact form box, Title, Short Content and Contact form shortcode.
  6. Gallery – Filter, Title, Subtitle, Positioning Controls, Zoom, and Links.
  7. Get Apps – App Store, Play Store, and Chrome Browser Extension images, and links. Title, Sub-title, and short content.
  8. History – Time or Year, Title, Short Content, and Read More link. With Swappable Image.
  9. Image Compare – Before and After Images with a vertical and horizontal controller.
  10. Process – Includes Three Types of Different Design Layouts, Title, Icon, or Numbers and, Short Content.
  11. Separator – Vertical Alignment and Horizontal Alignment with Headings, Icon, or Text between separator lines.
  12. Services – Five style types of a service element, icon or image, Headings, Short Content and, Read More link.
  13. Slider – Sider animation control, background image uploads, Heading, Short Content and, two buttons.
  14. Subscibe – Title, Short Content with Shortcode Placement area. That you can able to install any third-party subscribe form plugin and include that shortcode into this design.
  15. Table – Easy to add rows and columns, Supported multiple inside elements.
  16. Team Single – Name, Profession, Meta Informations, Contact Details, Social Links, and, Short Content.
  17. Team – Four Styles, Name, Short Content, Social Links, and Profession.
  18. Testimonials – Three Styles, Images, Content, and Client Name, Professions.
  19. Type Writter – Typing Animation Controls, Speed, and Cursor Controls.
  20. Video – Title, Cover Image with Animated Button – Video Popup.


  • Make sure you already have a WordPress site and the Elementor plugin installed and activated.

Default Installation

  1. Install “Events Addon for Elementor” via the WordPress plugin directory.
  2. Once installed Activate “Events Addon for Elementor.”

Manual Installation

  1. Upload the plugin folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” screen in WordPress


  1. Events Addon for Elementor

    Events Addon for Elementor

  2. Basic Widgets

    Basic Widgets

  3. Event Specific Widgets

    Event Specific Widgets

  4. Easy to Customize - Elementor Native Way

    Easy to Customize - Elementor Native Way

  5. Supported Popular Plugins

    Supported Popular Plugins

  6. Supported Popular Plugins

    Supported Popular Plugins


This plugin work with any theme?

Yes, for sure! It will work with any theme that “Elementor Page Builder” works.

Is this plugin work without Elementor Page Builder?

No, it’ll not work without Elementor Page Builder, it’s an addon for Elementor.


= 2.2.0
* Swiper classes updated

= 2.1.7
* Security Improvements: Basic slider

= 2.1.6
* Security Improvements: Sanitization & data validation have been added

= 2.1.5
* Icon issues fix for several widgets

= 2.1.4
* Capability updated

= 2.1.3
* Security updated

= 2.1.2
* Header redirect issue fix

= 2.1.1
* Add image updated

= 2.1.0
* New admin panel added
* Swiper slider error fix
* Minor PHP warning fix
* Translation

= 2.0.4
* New style added for Upcoming Events widget
* Few resposive issue fix
* PHP warning fix
* Translation

= 2.0.3
* Freemius Update 2.5.10
* Translation

= 2.0.2
* Added color options for pro schedule widget
* Translation

= 2.0.1
* Added facility to add more than 3 images in schedule list widget.
* Translation

= 2.0.0
* Added new icon controls for all widgets as per elementor guideline.
* Translation

= 1.9.9
* Timezone field added for all Event Widgets.
* Improvements & Bug Fixes.
* Translation

* Date Format
* Translation

* Table Widget Fixes
* Translation

= 1.9.8
* Security Fixes and Improvements

= 1.9.7
* Colors for event listing
* Translation

= 1.9.6
* Style tab fixes for
* about me – content
* about us – content
* Accommodation – content
* Event category
* Event slider
* Organizer
* Popup toggle added for venue widget

= 1.9.5
* Added 2 more layout styles in eventbrite widget
* Added 2 more layout styles in event widget
* Fixed venue image popup issue, replaced with link
* Swiper slider updated with latest elementor

= 1.9.4
* Fixes & Improvements

= 1.9.3
* Integrate Eventbrite API
* Added 2 New Elementor Addons (Eventbrite Events, Eventbrite Event) – For Pro Users
* Eventbrite Events – 4 Styles Applied – 2 With Existing Design & 2 New – Carousel & Timeline Features Added
* Eventbrite Event – Designed to Get Info from Single Event – 3 Styles Available
* Translation

= 1.9.2
* Scheme_Color & Scheme_Typography Removed
* Translation

= 1.9.1
* Upcoming past events fixes
* Events Slider Thumbnail
* Organizer Listing
* Some styling improvements
* Translation

= 1.9
* Security Freemius Update
* Translation

= 1.8.9
* Events Sort by Date fixes
* Plugin Activation Improvements
* Translation

= 1.8.8
* Search field improved for Event Manager Plugin
* Event list improved for Event Manager Plugin
* Translation

= 1.8.7
* Search Field Improve – Event Manager Plugin
* New Styles Added for Event Listing – Event Manager Plugin
* Translation

= 1.8.6
* Event Search Added for Event Manager Plugin
* Events Manager Listing Widget
* Date format customize – Event Organiser Plugin
* Date format customize – The Events Calendar Plugin
* Speakers Hover Fixes
* Translation

= 1.8.5
* The Events Calendar Slider Fix
* Translation

= 1.8.4
* Pro Version Added
* New Widgets Added:
* Events Manager Conference
* Events Manager Countdown
* Event Organiser Conference
* Event Organiser Countdown
* Event Organiser Schedule
* Event Organiser Upcoming
* Modern Event Calendar Conference
* Modern Event Calendar Event Listing
* Modern Event Calendar Event Slider
* Modern Event Calendar Schedule
* Modern Event Calendar Sessions
* The Events Calendar Conference
* The Events Calendar Countdown
* The Events Calendar Event-category
* The Events Calendar Event-listing
* The Events Calendar Event-slider
* The Events Calendar Organizer
* The Events Calendar Schedule
* The Events Calendar Sessions
* The Events Calendar Upcoming
* Chart
* Pricing
* Schedule
* Venues
* Update: Translation

= 1.8.3
* Schedule Widget – W3 Validator Ul direct Child
* Translation Updated

= 1.8.2
* Style Three Added on Schedule Widget
* History Widget Two Extra Styles Added
* Schedule List Equal Height
* Get Apps – Style Improvement
* Subscribe – Style Improvement
* Schedule Tab – Improvement
* Venues – Improvement
* Events Manager List
* Translation Updated

= 1.8.1
* Image link added on Schedule List widget

= 1.8
* Default Placeholder Image Removed
* AppStore and PlayStore Button Updated
* Pricing Disable Animation for Button
* New Button Widget Added
* Get Apps Button Icon & Text
* Translation

= 1.7.1
* TEC Event Widget – Timing Improvement
* Translation

= 1.7

  • Team social on hover
  • Subscribe margins control
  • Team widget improvement
  • Testimonial widget improvement
  • Schedule list overlay color
  • Upcoming widget venue color
  • Translation
  • Other minor improvements

= 1.6

  • Supports PHP 5.6 or higher
  • Service Widget New Design Added
  • Service Icon Gradient Color
  • Team Social Icons Open & Close
  • Team New Design
  • Subscribe Element Lable Width
  • Team Single Widget: Content & Image Padding
  • Testimonial Widget New Design Added
  • Pricing Widget Gradient Color Added
  • Schedule List Widget New Design Added
  • Schedule Tab Widget New Design Added
  • Upcoming Widget New Design Added
  • Minor Improvements & Fixes
  • Translation Updated

= 1.5

  • Schedule List Widget – Stylings

= 1.4

  • Services Widget – Added Image Link
  • Event Espresso – Now Supports Free & Pro Plugins
  • Event Espresso – 4 Widgets

= 1.3

  • Responsive Fixes
  • Styling Improvements
  • Padding control for About Me Widget
  • Gallery – Info Background Color
  • History – Vertical Style
  • Service – Styles, Icon
  • Slider – Improvements
  • All-in-One Event Calendar plugin – Call to Action
  • Events Manager – Call To Action
  • Event Organiser – Call To Action
  • Event Organiser – Event Widget
  • Event Organiser – Info Box Widget
  • TEC Calendar Button Widget
  • Date Format Added in Event Widget

= 1.2

  • The Events Calendar – Elements added
  • Translation POT file Updated
  • Date Picker field for Countdown Element
  • Minor Improvements

= 1.1

  • Naming Confirmations
  • Readme text file
  • Translation POT file Updated
  • Overall Improvements

= 1.0

  • Initial release


  • Version: 2.2.0
  • Active installations: 8,000
  • WordPress Version: 6.0
  • Tested up to: 6.6.1
  • PHP Version: 7.4


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