EV Widget Post

April 04, 2016

EV Widget Post Plugin

Widget for showing posts from a Category. You can easily configurate how to display it.

This plugin allow you to insert a widget for showing posts from a Category. You can easily configurate how to display it. This can be especially useful for your home page, or sidebar.

Features & options

  • Customizable widget title
  • Get posts from specific category
  • Set order by: Date, Modified, Title and Random
  • Set order mode: Ascending or Descending
  • Set number of post to display
  • Show/hide Exceprt
  • Show/hide Thumbnail (Also choose the size: Thumbnail, Medium, Large)
  • Set a Seconday format with all the options above
  • Show/hide “See more” link

Included translations

  • Spanish (es_ES)


  1. Upload the folder ‘ev-widget-post’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. In the Widgets section create a new ‘Ev Widget Post’ widget


  1. Basic widget options

    Basic widget options

  2. Extended widget options

    Extended widget options

  3. Example of the widget in the default twentyten theme

    Example of the widget in the default twentyten theme

  4. Example of the widget using the main and secondary post format

    Example of the widget using the main and secondary post format


Where it takes the images?

The images are taken through the_post_thumbail function, as set in post’s edit screen

Where can I change the image size ?

The image sizes are definied in the Media Settings of WordPress options. The default are:

  • thumbnail 150px x 150px max
  • medium 300px x 300px max
  • large 640px x 640px max

How can I change the styles ?

You can define the styles in your style.css file, the widget has its own CSS classes (you can see it with Firebug, Web Inspector, Dragonfly or tools like that). For example, if you want to change the size of title you can define a class like:
h3.ev-widget-post-tittle {font-size:16px;}



  • Typo


  • Typo
  • Added banner & icons (wordpress stuff)


  • Typo
  • Better Readme.txt


  • Back to life: I will support this plugin again.
  • Tested with WordPress 4.4.2
  • From now I will use semantic versioning


  • New Feature: Designates the ascending or descending order
  • Show ’empty’ categories in the category dropdown
  • Display the category dropdown in a hierarchical structure
  • fix the style of checkbox in the admin area (chrome fix)
  • Added ‘order by title’ option


  • New Feature: split post format (main and secondary posts)
  • Add Enable secondary format option
  • Dynamic options
  • Fix some Notices
  • Tested in WordPress 3.2.1


  • Add ‘order by modified’ option
  • Tested in WordPress 3.1


  • Add show thumbnail option
  • Add show excerpt option
  • Add thumbnail size option


  • Add support for I18n
  • Include Spanish traslation


  • First version of the plugin


  • Version: 0.6
  • Active installations: 200
  • WordPress Version: 2.8
  • Tested up to: 4.4.33


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