Eonet Live Search

October 04, 2018

Eonet Live Search Plugin

Search dynamically in real time through all your site, including pages, posts, members, products & so on.

Add to your site a top-notch live search field.

Eonet Live Search can be added to any search field.
It’ll create a nice popup box with the search’s result in real time. It plays very well with Buddypress, Woocommerce
and any other custom post type. Specific integration can be added by us.

Live Demo

Featured features:

  • Options panel
  • Buddypress Members integration
  • Buddypress Groups integration
  • Buddypress Activities integration
  • Works with any custom post types
  • Pages / Posts integration
  • AJAX powered, no page reload
  • User search history
  • Options to restrain the search sections
  • Results listed within organized tabs

For developers:

  • Hooks/Filters available in all the plugin code
  • Minified files
  • Documented code
  • GPL license
  • Secure development using tokens and WordPress native functions

If you’re looking for a next generation live search plugin, you should give it a go!

We’re open to any feature suggestion.

This plugin has been developed as a side project by the Alkaweb developers team.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/eonet-live-search directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Eonet screen to configure the plugin


  1. Options panel for the component. You'll find here all the options to customize it.

    Options panel for the component. You'll find here all the options to customize it.

  2. The live search results fetched displayed as a tab

    The live search results fetched displayed as a tab


(C) stands for updates to the core of Eonet. Not its components.

1.1.6 – October 4th 2018

  • (FIXED) Scrolling error

1.1.5 – September 13th 2018

  • (FIXED) Fixed BuddyPress Group name
  • (FIXED) Fixed draft posts showing up in the search result

1.1.4 – February 22th 2018

  • (FIXED) Conflicts with Eonet theme settings

1.1.3 – September 20th 2017

  • (FIXED) Dropdown menu doesn’t open yet in certain conditions
  • (FIXED) Some settings come back to default after saved them

1.1.2 – July 21th 2017

  • (FIXED) Javascript error in the backend (Woffice conflict)

1.1.1 – July 20th 2017

  • (UPDATED) The Eonet core inside the plugin
  • (FIXED) The conflict with Bootstrap dropdown menu

1.1.0 – April 3rd 2017

  • (NEW) Multiple live search boxes on the same page
  • (NEW) Box width option
  • (IMPROVED) Responsive view
  • (IMPROVED) Main design
  • (IMPROVED) Custom scroll bars

1.0.5 – March 12th 2017

  • (C)(IMPROVED) Options Style
  • (C)(FIXED) Missing Font Awesome icons

1.0.4 – February 11th 2017

  • (IMPROVED) Overall design
  • (FIXED) Double click to search
  • (C)(IMPROVED) Translation management

1.0.3 – 6th January 2017

  • (NEW) Translation file
  • (NEW) Button to use the default search from WordPress
  • (IMPROVED) Historic tab only displayed if there is a first request
  • (FIXED) Overflow issue on tabs content

1.0.2 – 28th November 2016

  • (NEW) Option to remove the “All” results tab
  • (NEW) Filter “eonet_search_tab_title” to override any tab title
  • (FIXED) BP activity items issue with HTML tags
  • (FIXED) Long titles due to bad CSS
  • (C)(NEW) WP Upload Attachment Option
  • (C)(NEW) WP Tag Option for any taxonomy
  • (C)(NEW) Settings link in the plugins page
  • (C)(FIXED) Saved option for switcher input type

1.0.1 – 1st November 2016

  • (IMPROVED) CSS compatibility with themes
  • (C)(IMPROVED) CSS loading by splitting core / components CSS and SCSS files
  • (C)(FIXED) the built-in component installer
  • (C)(FIXED) version number

1.0.0 – 28th October 2016

  • Initial Release


  • Version: 1.1.6
  • Active installations: 100
  • WordPress Version: 3.0.1
  • Tested up to: 4.7.29


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