EMC2 Popup Disclaimer

May 25, 2012

EMC2 Popup Disclaimer Plugin

EMC2 Popup Disclaimer places a specified post into a lightbox and adds buttons so that your visitors must click through to agree to your terms!


Installation is straighforward:

  1. Upload the /emc2-popup-disclaimer/ folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Configure settings at wp-admin/options-general.php?page=emc2-popup-disclaimer/emc2pdc-admin.php


  1. Dashboard view with settings.

    Dashboard view with settings.

  2. Initial page view with popup display.

    Initial page view with popup display.


My Cufon styles aren’t showing in the popup

You can add your own callback function for the Fancybox call in /wp-content/plugins/emc2-popup-disclaimer/js/emc2pdc.js in the .fancybox() call:
‘onComplete’: function(){ Cufon.refresh(); }

Are you available for help?

I might be able to help you – it totally depends on my schedule and workload. Send me an email! [email protected]. You could also post here on the forums.

If you want to jump the gun, make me a temporary user (with that email up there) and I will be more inclined to give you a hand. In return for my help, all I ask for is a rating! 🙂



  • File name change: jquery.cookie.js > jquery_cke.js to avoid mod_security rule match and 406 error


  • Added Debug mode
  • Added shortcode ID argument
  • Improved function call arguments
  • Improved function handling


  • Fixed post display selection input
  • Added screenshots
  • Set up demo site: http://popup.emc2innovation.com
  • Admin styles
  • Shortcode support
  • Function call support


  • Helloooooo World.


  • Version: 1.2.1
  • Active installations: 90
  • WordPress Version: 3.0.0
  • Tested up to: 3.3.2


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