Elements Hive for Breakdance

March 24, 2024

Elements Hive for Breakdance Plugin

Elements Hive for Breakdance extends the Breakdance Website Builder with unique creative elements and extensions.

Elements Hive for Breakdance is a Breakdance Addon and requires Breakdance to work.

Power up your Breakdance Website Builder with unique Elements and Extensions allowing you to create interactive web experiences with ease.

100% Breakdance Experience

All the elements are usable from within the Breakdance Editor. Allowing you to add advanced web development techniques to your creations without writing any code.

14+ FREE Elements, Extensions and Growing

  1. WebGL Kinetic Typography A versatile background extension to the Breakdance Section element that allows you to create your own interactive 3D backgrounds by mixing a geometric shape, an image and any number of the available effects.

  2. Magnetic Cursor Turns your mouse cursor into a magnet that automatically wraps around links, buttons or any element that you specify using an ID or class selector.

  3. WebGL Slideshow ( Extension ) A background extension to the default Breakdance section that implements a WebGL Slideshow with a number of cool effects.

  4. WebGL Slideshow ( Element ) An element version of the WebGL Slideshow that can be put anywhere on the page

  5. Link Media Reveal An Interactive UI Pattern where a user can reveal an Image or Video when hovering on a link using buttery smooth animations.

  6. Link Media Reveal Menu A version of the Link Media Reveal element compatible with the Breakdance Menu Builder.

  7. WebGL Media Hover Distortion WebGL & 3D are without a doubt the hottest web design trends. This element allows you to swap 2 Images, 2 Videos or a combination of both via a WebGL distortion effect. It includes 20 effects to choose from and you can use any image you like for the distortion effect.

  8. Ink Mouse Cursor An extension to the Breakdance Section element that turns your mouse cursor into a smoothly animated fluid ink. It comes with a 3 different styles to choose from.

  9. Glue Button A button element that adds a Glue Effect which centers and sticks the button to the mouse position on hover.

  10. Glue Menu Button A version of the Glue Button element compatible with the Breakdance Menu Builder.

  11. Gooey Link A link element that turns your text links into gooey like entities. You can switch between 2 different texts using a Gooey Effect. 6 style effects and the ability to control the strength of the Gooey effect allows for a vast number of variations.

  12. Gooey Menu Link A version of the Gooey Link element compatible with the Breakdance Menu Builder.

  13. WebGL Fluid Simulation Background An extension to the Breakdance Section element that allows you to add a WebGL Fluid Simulation with a number of customization options.

  14. On Scroll Color Switcher Change the page background color on scroll based on the triggers that you define, optionally change the color of elements you choose.


  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


Can I use the plugin without Breakdance?

No. Breakdance has to be installed in order for the plugin to work.

Where can I access the Elements?

The elements are available in the Add Element panel under the Elements Hive category.

Where can I access the Extensions?

The extensions are accessible via the Design tab of the Section element under the Elements Hive category.



1.0.1 – 11/12/2022

  • Fixed: WebGL Fluid Extension > Stacking issue when ‘Relative to Parent’ is set to page.
  • Fixed: Glue Menu Button > Missing breakdance default styling issue.
  • Added: New micro WebGL library ( ChibiGL ) dependency.

1.1.0 – 26/12/2022

  • Added: New extension WebGL Slideshow
  • Added: New element WebGL Slideshow
  • Fixed: WebGL Media Hover Distortion orphan dependency
  • Fixed: Gooey Menu Link grid styling issue
  • Changed: Gooey Link / Gooey Menu Link > Miscelanious refactoring
  • Added: Goeey Link / Gooey Menu Link > Spacing preset
  • Added: Goeey Link / Gooey Menu Link > Horizontal Offset for default and hover text
  • Added: Link Media Reveal / Link Media Reveal Menu > Lazy load support for image and video
  • Added: Appsero integration for plugin usage analytics

1.1.1 – 26/12/2022

  • Fixed: svn upload

1.1.2 – 28/12/2022

  • Fixed: PHP 7.4x heredoc exception error on extensions actions files

1.2.0 – 07/02/2023

  • Added: New extension WebGL Kinetic Typography Background
  • Added: New extension Magnetic Cursor
  • Fixed: WebGL Media Hover Distortion custom height issue
  • Fixed: Ink Cursor parsing console error

1.2.1 – 08/02/2023

  • Fixed: WebGl Kinetic Typography image animation speed not applied on frontend. After the plugin update, please enter the speed value you had before under Image Animation so that it takes effect.

1.2.2 – 31/05/2023

  • Added: WebGL Slideshow Element > Disable on Touch Devices option
  • Added: WebGL Slideshow Extension > Disable on Touch Devices option
  • Deleted: WebGL Slideshow Element > Apply Cover option
  • Deleted: WebGL Slideshow Extension > Apply Cover option
  • Fixed: WebGL Slideshow Element > Blob’s effect Blur not applied
  • Fixed: WebGL Slideshow Extension > Blob’s effect Blur not applied
  • Added: WebGL Fluid > Disable on Touch Devices option
  • Added: WebGL Kinetic Typography > Disable on Touch Devices option
  • Fixed: Handle GSAP local vs GSAP CDN for compatibility with Breakdance 1.3.0 and prior versions

1.2.3 – 14/07/2023

  • Fixed: Compatibility with Elements Hive Pro
  • Fixed: WebGL Slideshow Element > CORS error on default images

1.3.0 – 12/08/2023

  • Added: On Scroll Color Switcher element
  • Fixed: WebGL Media Hover Distortion GSAP dependency compatibility with breakdance version < 1.3.0

1.3.1 – 12/08/2023

  • Changed: On Scroll Color Switcher > Change color setting to Target instead of Trigger. This should make it clearer that color items are the Targets that will their colors changed, while the backgound items are the triggers when the page background color will change

1.3.2 – 16/08/2023

  • Fixed: WebGL Media Hover Distortion > Responsive height
  • Fixed: On Scroll Color Switcher > Dependency error

1.3.3 – 29/08/2023

  • Tweaked: WebGL Media Hover Distortion > cleanup CSS
  • Fixed: Link Media Reveal > JS error when element is inside a container other than section
  • Fixed: Link Media Reveal > z-index compatibilty with Gooey Overlay
  • Fixed: WebGL Slideshow > Add crossorigin to texture loading
  • Tweaked: WebGL Slideshow > Cleanup CSS

1.3.4 – 05/09/2023

  • Added: Demo Sections to Design Library
  • Fixed: WebGL Media Hover Distortion > container not going full height of parent container

1.3.5 – 31/10/2023

  • Tweaked: Delete API Call to Demo Sections server during server-side page generation
  • Fixed: WebGL Slideshow > Blur Level on Blobs effect

1.3.6 – 24/03/2024

  • Enhanced: Glue Button > Complete rewrite for a more stable and smoother interaction
  • Enhanced: Glue Menu Button > Complete rewrite for a more stable and smoother interaction
  • Enhanced: WebGL Slideshow element & extension > Refactored and optimized rendering profile, significantly reduced Total Blocking Time impact in PSI
  • Enhanced: WebGL Slideshow element & extension > Optimized loading speed of dependencies
  • Enhanced: WebGL Fluid > Refactored and optimized rendering profile, significantly reduced Total Blocking Time impact in PSI
  • Enhanced: WebGL Fluid > Optimize loading speed of dependencies
  • Enhanced: WebGL Kinetic Typography > Refactored and optimized rendering profile, significantly reduced Total Blocking Time impact in PSI when used below the fold
  • Enhanced: WebGL Kinetic Typography > Optimize loading speed of dependencies
  • Housekeeping: Updated Appsero SDK
  • Housekeeping: Got rid of GSAP workaround for BD <1.3

1.3.7 – 24/03/2024

  • Fixed: Delete orphaned references to old GSAP dependency scheme


  • Version: 1.3.7
  • Active installations: 700
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5
  • PHP Version: 7.4


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