Automatically cache and host google fonts locally on your server to make site faster and GDPR compliant.
Looking for local google fonts? EasyFonts is a lightweight plugin that gives you the option to host and cache your existing Google fonts locally on your local server. Improve website speed and load fonts from your own URL instead of Google. With EasyFonts, you no longer need to rely on external servers to load Google Fonts on your website, which can slow down your website and negatively impact user experience.
Use the options in the plugin settings to download and use Google fonts locally.
This plugin will work with almost all the themes and page builders.
directoryYes, it is legal to host Google Fonts locally on your server because Google Fonts are published under a licenses that allow you to use them on any website, no matter if it’s commercial or personal.
The woff2 font format is the most efficient and lightweight font format and most widely supported format among modern browsers. By only loading the woff2 font format, your site will have faster load times and better performance.
By hosting Google Fonts locally on your server, you can ensure that the font data is not being sent to external servers, which can help to make your site GDPR compliant.
You can check if your site is using Google Fonts by looking at the source code of your site and searching for the “” or “” domains. You can also use browser developer tools to inspect the network requests and see if any requests are being made to these domains.