Allows you to easily display a count down/up timer, the time or the current date on your website, and to schedule an automatic content modification.
Easy Timer allows you to easily insert into posts, pages and widgets of your website an unlimited number of count down/up timers that refresh every second, and the time or date. Each countdown timer shows the time remaining until the date you choose, and, if you want, reveals a hidden content when this date is reached. Each countup timer shows the time elapsed since the date you choose or the time spent by the Internet user on the webpage.
Easy Timer also allows you to schedule an automatic content modification.
You can install Easy Timer through the “Add Plugins” page of the “Plugins” menu in WordPress (Plugins => Add New => Upload Plugin). Upload the plugin file without unzipping it. You can also install it like this:
Once you have installed Easy Timer:
Javascript may be deactivated in your browser. In this case, activate it. Check the “Add JavaScript code” field in the options page of Easy Timer. Check the “footer.php” file of your WordPress theme. Make sure there is a call to “wp_footer”.
Insert into the PHP files of your theme a code like this:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[your-shortcode]'); ?>
Edit the “functions.php” file (create it if it doesn’t exist) of your WordPress theme and add this line of code:
add_filter('comment_text', 'do_shortcode');