Login/Signup Popup ( Inline Form + Woocommerce )
XootiX By XootiX

June 21, 2024

Login/Signup Popup ( Inline Form + Woocommerce ) Plugin

Replace your old login/registration form with an interactive popup & inline form design

Live Demo
A simple and lightweight plugin which makes registration, login & reset password process super smooth.
You get two awesome fully customizable designs – Popup & Inline form with shortcodes.
You can choose which field to keep from the fields manager

Features And Options:

  • Supports Woocommerce
  • Fully Ajaxed (no refresh)
  • Login, Sign up , Lost Password & Reset password Form.
  • Customizable Fields
  • Fully Customizable.
  • WPML compatible


  • Custom Registration Fields – Add extra fields to registration form , display them on user profile & myaccount page. (See Fields page to know supported field types )
  • Social Login – A single click login & registration with Google, Facebook, Apple & X(Twitter).
  • One time Password (SMS) Login – Allow users to login with OTP ( sent on their phone or email) therefore removing the need to remember a password.
  • Recaptcha – Protect your form from bots using recaptcha. Choose from google recaptcha(v2/v3), Cloudflare Turnstile or Friendly GDPR. + Password strength meter + Limit login attempts
  • Email Verification – Sends verification email on registration & restricts login access until email is verified


  1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Click on Login/Signup Popup on the dashboard.


  1. Registration Form.

    Registration Form.

  2. Lost Password Form

    Lost Password Form

  3. Reset password form.

    Reset password form.

  4. Available registration Fields

    Available registration Fields

  5. Customizable Field

    Customizable Field

  6. General Settings 1

    General Settings 1

  7. General Settings 2

    General Settings 2

  8. Style Settings 1

    Style Settings 1

  9. Style Settings 2

    Style Settings 2

  10. Shortcodes



How to setup?

  1. Go to apperance->menus
  2. Under Login Popup Tab , select the desired option.


Please check “How to use” tab under plugin settings for more information.

Use shortcode [xoo_el_action] to include it anywhere on the website. ( See info tab in settings to know more )
[xoo_el_action type=”login” display=”button” text=”Login” change_to=”logout” redirect_to=”same”]

For Inline form
[xoo_el_inline_form active=”login”]

You can also trigger popup using class.
Login – xoo-el-login-tgr
Register – xoo-el-reg-tgr
Lost Password – xoo-el-lostpw-tgr
For eg: Login

How to translate?

  1. Download PoEdit.
  2. Open the easy-login-woocommerce.pot file in PoEdit. (/plugins/easy-login-woocommerce/languages/
  3. Create new translation & translate the text.
  4. Save the translated file with name “easy-login-woocommerce-Language_code”. For eg: German(easy-login-woocommerce-de_DE)
    , French(easy-login-woocommerce-fr_FR). — Language code list
  5. Save Location: Your wordpress directory/wp-content/languages/

How to override templates?

Plugin template files are under templates folder.
Copy the template to your theme/templates/easy-login-woocommerce folder
If the template file is under sub directory, say in /globals folder then the copy directory will be
theme/templates/easy-login-woocommerce/globals/ For more info, check template header description



  • Fix – Security issue
  • Fix – Field label WPML compatibility.


  • Fix – Password reset link not working for non-woocommerce users & when “Handle reset password” option disabled.
  • Fix – Fields disappeared in 2.7.1


  • New – Import/Export settings option
  • Fix – Password eye toggle not working without icons.


  • New – Field styling options
  • New – Option to open popup using custom classes
  • New – Show custom fields under users profile table
  • Fix – Reset field not working


  • Fix- Field settings were not getting saved for some users.


  • Fix – Autofill browser’s saved email/password for login ( Visit Fields page after update to make it effective )


  • New – added login_redirect and register_redirect attributes for inline form shortcode
  • Fix – missing translation
  • Fix – RTL settings styling
  • Fix – alignment issues when field label is active


  • Fix – Deprecated warning fix


  • Fix – error generated without woocommerce
  • Update – Translations


  • New – Single field Form pattern
  • New – Popup style – Sidebar
  • New – Navigation pattern option ( Footer links, Tabs )
  • New – Add logo above form
  • New – Polylang support
  • New – RTL Support
  • New – Option to edit shortcode of my account page
  • Update – removed scrollbar script to reduce file size

Template updates


  • New – Password eye toggle
  • New – Login, reset & lost password fields under field editor.
  • New – Tab & Button texts as settings
  • New – Separate login and registration forms using inline shortcode
  • New – Email can be set as optional
  • Fix – #login & #register opening popup only once


  • Security fix


  • Security fix


  • Security update
  • Settings UI update


  • New – Added option to replace woocommerce checkout login form
  • Fix – Minor Bugs


* New – WPML Compatible
* Tweak – Template Changes
* Tweak – Code Optimized
* Tweak – Fields Tab separated
* Fix – Inline Form always showing on the top
* Fix – Multiple IDs warning
* Fix – Popup Flashing on page load
* Fix – Minor Bugs


  • Fix – Registration issue for non woocommerce users
  • Fix – OTP login activate/deactivate issue


  • New – Mailchimp integration
  • New – Added attribute “display” & “change_to_text”in shortcode [xoo_el_action]
  • Tweak – Generate username functionality more secured
  • Minor improvements


  • Fix – Security issue


  • Added “Hello Firstname” for menu item
  • Minor bug fixes


  • Major Release.
  • New – Form input icons.
  • New – Remember me checkbox.
  • New – Terms and conditions checkbox.
  • Tweak – Template changes
  • Tweak – Removed font awesome icons , added custom font icons.


  • Fix – Not working on mobile devices.
  • New – Sidebar Image.
  • New – Popup animation.


  • Fix – Not working on mobile devices.
  • New – Extra input padding.


  • Initial Public Release.


  • Version: 2.7.3
  • Active installations: 40,000
  • WordPress Version: 3.0.1
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5


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