Open-source port of CRM/ERP software Dolibarr(tm) to WordPress
DyaPress ERP/CRM is the open-source port of the existing CRM/ERP software Dolibarr(tm) as a plugin to WordPress .
This plugin is mainly only visible in the admin area of WordPress. Its main advantage are easier installation and upgrade.
However please note starting with version 15, almost all the plugin files are now in a unique separate archive which is downloaded on upgrade/installation. This archive is around 70Mb and count once extracted for around 230Mb. So you need at least 300Mb of free space to use the plugin on your hosting.
Even if translation are not yet visible using WordPress gettext system, Dolibarr is translated to 82 languages other than English which are available to DyaPress as well. Automatic translation according to your language in WordPress is available, unless you force another language from configuration.
As of Dolibarr software, DyaPress plugin allow you to enable the feature you want by activating the corresponding included module you need. furthermore you can setup your own company profile as well as how VAT is handled on your part.
Human Resources Management (HR)
Customer Relations Management (CRM)
Vendor Relation Management
Financial Modules (Accouting and Treasury)
Product Management (PM)
Projects and Collaborative work
Some others Modules
DyaPi Microservices allows connecting already connected software to DyaPi together. The first existing softwares to be supported are DyaPress ERP/CRM, Dolibarr, PrestaShop and Shopify. You may found more documentation on DyaPi website.
DyaPi microservices are written in Golang for maximum performance and scalability. For example, displaying 1000 orders at once in WordPress backoffice takes less than a second typically to download.
The existing DyaPress e-Commerce plugin will be completely updated to a newer WordPress plugin compatible with DyaPi. This plugin will allow connexion to any software already connected to DyaPi and not only DyaPress or Dolibarr.
folder to the /wp-content/plugins/
directoryThe plugin need at least PHP 5.6 and up to PHP 8.1 to work with latest version 16.
The best supported PHP version is still 7.4. If you want to use PHP 8.0 or 8.1 you need version at least as it contains fixes on Dolibarr code to work nicely with PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1.
Yes, it is possible : You need to merge the Dolibarr database in the same database of WordPress and to copy all your documents directories documents
to wp-content/uploads/dyapress
Yes, it is possible : You need to export the Dolibarr database in a new database that will be used by a fresh install of Dolibarr with at least the same or a newer version. You need also to copy all your documents directories in wp-content/uploads/dyapress
to documents
directory of Dolibarr.
You are an administrator, so you can update the DyaPress options relative to WordPress integration, but you have no access to DyaPress as another user has already it.
You need to ask (or use) the other user to access DyaPress, so you need to create another DyaPress/Dolibarr user which is the next question.
Yes, but you need to both add the WordPress user and the Dolibarr user with the same login name in order for the user to connect to WordPress and have an access to DyaPress menu and features. Update user access right in DyaPress/Dolibarr user menu directly.
Note Dolibarr user login may not be the same as WordPress login, as only the first characters in the range [a-zA-Z0-9_] are used for Dolibarr login, it may happens if you used special characterss in WordPress login like an email and it such case only the left part of email (before @) will be used to match the user login.
If a WordPress user is not added to Dolibarr users base, the user will not have any access to DyaPress and the menu will not even be displayed at all if the user is not an administrator.
There is a problem running REST API when Query Monitor plugin is actve, please deactivate it as it causes a Fatal error in both REST API Explorer or API itself :
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'QM_Component' not found in .../wp-content/plugins/query-monitor/classes/Util.php:312
Only REST API is affected by Query Monitor, all the other part of DyaPress code is running correctly. REST API is using Restler whihc scan all the code loaded which may causes this error.
As of Dolibarr, all your data are stored on your WordPress database.
As an option, you may want to connect to DyaPi microservices to allow exchange with your other softwares like already connected PrestaShop, WooCommerce, Shopify, Dolibarr or more to come. This service will be available by end of 2023.
You can get more informations about DyaPi microservices website.