A Wordpress wrapper for the popular PHP based TCPDF Library to generate PDF document on the fly.
Inspired by the TCPDF Library plugin of Rheinard Korf, this plugin exposes the TCPDF library version 6.3.5 to be used by other plugins or themes. This greatly reduces the size of plugins and will ensure that you always have the latest TCPDF version (compatible with WordPress minimum requirements) available. You can also configure if you want to include the wrapper globally or manually within your plugin or theme.
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.Please go to Settings-> TCPDF Library, Disable the global inclusion option and copy the sample code provided that needs to be added within your plugin.
Yes. However, you need to follow the TCPDF documentation and add the required code within your plugin/ theme to generate the PDF document of your page or a post.