Slack Notifications by dorzki
dorzki By dorzki

December 17, 2019

Slack Notifications by dorzki Plugin

Get WordPress notifications to your team's Slack channel.

Light and customisable WordPress plugin to integrate your site with Slack.

Choose what type of notification you would like to receive:
* WordPress Update Available
* Plugins Updates Available
* Administrator Login
* Failed Administrator Login
* New User Registration
* New Comments
* Nee WooCommerce Orders
* WooCommerce Product with Low Stock
* And much more!

You can contribute by simple Forking me on GitHub.


Install the plugin by:

  1. Upload dorzki-notifications-to-slack directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Settings -> Slack Notifications Integration page and setup integration and select desired notifications.


  1. <code>Settings Screen</code> Configure Slack Integration settings, like WebHook url, desired channel, bot name and icon.

    Settings Screen Configure Slack Integration settings, like WebHook url, desired channel, bot name and icon.

  2. <code>Notifications Screen</code> Choose which notifications to get anf configure to which channel it will be sent.

    Notifications Screen Choose which notifications to get anf configure to which channel it will be sent.

  3. <code>Slack Notifications - Part 1</code> Get notifications to you Slack channel.

    Slack Notifications - Part 1 Get notifications to you Slack channel.

  4. <code>Slack Notifications - Part 2</code> Get notifications to you Slack channel.

    Slack Notifications - Part 2 Get notifications to you Slack channel.


What is Slack?

Slack is an awesome team collaboration tool which is free and has a lot of API integrations to popular services.

Does the plugin disable email notification?

Not at the moment, in future version there will be an option to disable them.

What about more notification options?

In future versions we will add integration to popular plugins.

I need help / i want to suggest something

Please feel free to contact me webmaster[AT]



  • [HOTFIX] Fixed WooCommerce order not showing products.
  • [FEATURE] Added Contact Form 7 integration.


  • [HOTFIX] Fixed CPT notification being fired for unwanted CPT.


  • [FEATURE] On post type update the user who updated will be displayed on the notification.


  • [FEATURE] Added failed administrator login notification.
  • [HOTFIX] Skip notification if a comment was marked as spam.
  • [HOTFIX] Fixed typo on new note notification. (Thanks to Music47ell)
  • [HOTFIX] Fixed wrong IP address when the server is behind load balancer.


  • [HOTFIX] two factor collision.
  • [FEATURE] Added new support page.


  • [HOTFIX] Fixed issue with const no accepting return value. (Thanks to Sven Wagener)
  • [HOTFIX] Fixed issue with PHP 5.4. (Thanks to Sven Wagener)
  • [HOTFIX] Fixed text domain.


  • [FEATURE] Added RTL support.
  • [HOTFIX] Fixed issue with plugin doesn’t update database.


  • New version with new UI and better notification customization.
  • Added actions and filters.
  • Added native WooCommerce support.


  • Fixed an issue when a CPT is being updated a notification of publication was fired, thanks to nunas for reporting.


  • Fixed wrong parameters order on custom post type notification.


  • Removed languages directory.
  • Added the ability to post to several channels.


  • Fixed issue with old PHP versions.


  • Fixed broken plugins notification.


  • Added future, pending and updated post notifications.
  • Added future, pending and updated page notifications.
  • Several plugin fixes.


  • Fixed issue with image embed on WYSIWYG editor.


  • Changed text domain slug to plugin slug.
  • Added error notice if there is a problem with API.
  • Fixed notifications not firing because of value type.
  • Added test integration button.
  • Updated Hebrew translation files.


  • Fixed plugin text domain function.
  • Added Hebrew translation.
  • Plugin directory cleanup.


  • Fixed translation strings.
  • Added .pot file.


  • Fixed notices errors ( thanks to LocalGhost-IL ).
  • Fixed issue when sometimes the slack notifies on new theme without version ( thanks to yehudah ).
  • Added support for Travis CI & PHPUnit ( thanks to barzik ).


  • Now when a notification is generated, the website name & url will be appended at the end.
  • Added the ability to choose if and for which custom post type to enable notifications.


  • Hooray! First version!


  • Version: 2.0.7
  • Active installations: 2,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.5
  • Tested up to: 5.3.18
  • PHP Version: 5.4


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