Display Categories Widget will display Child categories on your sidebar. Can be placed on widget in sidebar.
Display Categories Widget will display Child categories on your sidebar. Can be placed on widget in sidebar.
Our development is being tracked on GitHub URL. Please fork, code, raise pull request, suggest improvements on GitHub.
Features 1. Limit number of categories that appears.
Exclude categories from display.
Restrict levels of categories that can be shown.
Display categories as list or dropdown.
Hide categories that does not have any posts.
Display/Hide number of posts available in categories.
Display/Hide category description on hover in title attribute
How to contact plugin support?
We support through https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/display-categories-widget and http://www.iteamweb.com/open-source-softwares/wordpress/wordpress-plugins/display-categories-widget/
Arbitrary section 1
Upload display-categories-widget folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
Go to widgets page
Drag and drop the widget where ever you need
Choose the parent category to display the child categories in the front end
On the backend widget configuration can be made like this
This is how the widget will appear on your screen, you can add design to the class
Display categories with number of posts inside them
Will the plugin show parent category?
Yes its optional, if you need to make parent category visible you can enable from the widget
Is the category sorted?
The sorting order is ascending and it sorts on the name of the category
Exclude categories does not work?
Check if you have entered the category id’s and not the category names.
Will this plugin work for PHP version 5.6?
Yes, this plugin will work for PHP5.6 and if you face any parse errors , please report in support section forum.