Disk Usage Sunburst

September 25, 2023

Disk Usage Sunburst Plugin

Visualize and drill down the disk usage of your whole WordPress installation. Find and identify big files immediately!

This plugin (Tools -> Disk Usage) shows all files of your WordPress installation at once. These are displayed in a so
called “Sunburst Chart”. Each arc of the chart is either a directory or a file. Move your mouse over an arc to see the size
of the file or directory. The bigger the arc is the bigger is the file/directory.

Very useful to determine the biggest files in your WordPress installation!

Click on an arc to zoom in, and click in the circle to zoom out again.

Questions? Drop us a mail: wp-dev (at) raidboxes.de


Thanks to Mike Bostock for his great “d3js”: http://d3js.org

Thanks to Mike Bostock for his awesome “Zoomable Sunburst” implementation: http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4348373

Thanks to Jeffrey Sambells for his “Human Readable File Size with PHP”: http://jeffreysambells.com/2012/10/25/human-readable-filesize-php


  1. Upload disk-usage-sunburst.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. See it in action under Tools -> Disk Usage!


  1. Plugin in action

    Plugin in action


Where is it?

After activation you find the tool under Tools -> Disk Usage

Does this plugin work on a WordPress Multisite?

Yes since 1.1 it does. Note: For privacy reasons you need to be a Superadmin to use this on a Multisite.

Loading bar doesn’t go away

In this case unfortunately this plugin can’t calculate the sizes of all your WordPress files. Check if there’s a PHP time limit in your WordPress and try to increase it.



  • Fix: added missing readme.txt changes


  • Fix: removing trunk/ folder from plugin source code


  • Update: Successfully tested up to WordPress 6.1.1


  • Update: renamed RAIDBOXES to raidboxes


  • Update: Fixed wrong svn trunk commits


  • Update: Removed unused resources


  • Code-rework to make it more efficient and only load resources on it’s plugin page
  • Made the plugin multisite compatible (Thanks to @shawfactor for his idea)
  • Successfully tested up to WordPress 5.7


  • Update: Successfully tested up to WordPress 5.3


  • Update: Successfully tested up to WordPress 5.1.1


  • Update: Successfully tested up to WordPress 4.8.2


  • Update: Successfully tested up to WordPress 4.7.1


  • Advice: If you don’t see anything, increase php time limit… This plugin is maintained!


  • Bug fixed: browsers without SVG support didn’t see anything. Now these will get a nice red error message 😉


  • Bug fixed: Show error message if calculation of file/directory sizes fails (e.g. because of time limit)


  • Bug fixed: converted short array syntax to long array syntax to support PHP versions < 5.4.0 (thanks to websupporter, https://wordpress.org/support/topic/parse-error-syntax-error-unexpected-146)


  • Code enhanced: replaced code 10 with ‘administrator’ capability when calling add_submenu_page (thanks to doume, https://wordpress.org/support/topic/v100-deprecated-argument-in-function-call)
  • User Interface enhanced: tooltip follows mouse cursor when mouse is moving
  • Bug fixed: the distance between tooltip and mouse cursor was dependent on the scroll position


  • First Version


  • Version: 1.1.8
  • Active installations: 8,000
  • WordPress Version: 4.0
  • Tested up to: 6.1.7


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