Percent – Porcentaje de Descuento en Woocommerce Plugin
Replace the Offer Word on Woocommerce Shop
When we install Woocommerce, the word offer appears on all products that have a discount price. This plugin replaces that word with a discount percentage, taking into account the regular price against the sale price
What does this plugin does?:
- Replace the Offer Word on Woocommerce Shop
No options. Just install & activate the plugin.
Plugin Requirements
- This plugin requires WordPress 4.9 or greater with the Gutenberg Plugin installed and activated (for testing purposes) or WordPress 5.0 or greater
- This plugin requires PHP 5.6 or greater
- Go to your WP Dashboard > Plugins and search for ‘percent’ or…
- Download the plugin from WP repository.
- Upload the ‘percent’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
Something went wrong after activation
This plugin is compatible with any type of theme, external plugin or Javascripts functions. It is a very light plugin, so you will not have problems with conflicts or loading speed