Neatma By Neatma

April 20, 2024

Disable XML-RPC-API Plugin

A simple and lightweight plugin to disable XML-RPC API, X-Pingback and pingback-ping in WordPress 3.5+ for a faster and more secure website

Protect your website from xmlrpc brute-force attacks,DOS and DDOS attacks, this plugin disables the XML-RPC and trackbacks-pingbacks on your WordPress website.

(These are options you can enable or disable each one)

  • Disable access to xmlrpc.php file using .httacess file
  • Automatically change htaccess file permission to read-only (0444)
  • Disable X-pingback to minimize CPU usage
  • Disable selected methods from XML-RPC
  • Remove pingback-ping link from header
  • Disable trackbacks and pingbacks to avoid spammers and hackers
  • Rename XML-RPC slug to whatever you want
  • Black list IPs for XML-RPC
  • White list IPs for XML-RPC
  • Some options to speed-up your wordpress website
  • Disable JSON REST API
  • Hide WordPress Version
  • Disable built-in WordPress file editor
  • Disable wlw manifest
  • And some other options

What is XMLRPC

XML-RPC, or XML Remote Procedure Call is a protocol which uses XML to encode its calls and HTTP as a transport mechanism.
Beginning in WordPress 3.5, XML-RPC is enabled by default. Additionally, the option to disable/enable XML-RPC was removed. For various reasons, site owners may wish to disable this functionality. This plugin provides an easy way to do so.

Why you should disable XML-RPC
Xmlrpc has two main weaknesses

  • Brute force attacks:
    Attackers try to login to WordPress using xmlrpc.php with as many username/password combinations as they can enter. A method within xmlrpc.php allows the attacker to use a single command (system.multicall) to guess hundreds of passwords. Daniel Cid at Sucuri described it well in October 2015: “With only 3 or 4 HTTP requests, the attackers could try thousands of passwords, bypassing security tools that are designed to look and block brute force attempts.”
  • Denial of Service Attacks via Pingback:
    Back in 2013, attackers sent Pingback requests through xmlrpc.php of approximately 2500 WordPress sites to “herd (these sites) into a voluntary botnet,” according to Gur Schatz at Incapsula. “This gives any attacker a virtually limitless set of IP addresses to Distribute a Denial of Service attack across a network of over 100 million WordPress sites, without having to compromise them.”


  1. Upload the disable-xml-rpc directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory in your WordPress installation
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. XML-RPC-API is now disabled!

To re-enable XML-RPC, just deactivate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu.



Is there an admin interface for this plugin?

Yes, You can find the “XML-RPC Security” in your admin menu.

How do I know if the plugin is working?

There are three easy methods for checking if XML-RPC is off:
1. Easiest way is going to this url: http://yourdomain/xmlrpc.php enter your domain name instead of ‘yourdomain’ if you see “Access forbidden!” or “403 error” it’s working.
2. First, try using an XML-RPC client, like the official WordPress mobile apps. The WordPress mobile app should tell you that “XML-RPC services are disabled on this site” if the plugin is activated.
3. Or you can try the XML-RPC Validator, written by Danilo Ercoli of the Automattic Mobile Team – the tool is available at http://xmlrpc.eritreo.it/ with a blog post about it at http://daniloercoli.com/2012/05/15/wordpress-xml-rpc-endpoint-validator/. Keep in mind that you want the validator to fail and tell you that XML-RPC services are disabled.

Something doesn’t seem to be working correctly

If the plugin is activated, but XML-RPC appears to still be working … OR … the plugin is deactivated, but XML-RPC is not working, then it’s possible that another plugin or theme function is affecting the plugin functions.



  • Initial release


  • Fix bugs


  • Remove pingback link tag in header
  • Add ability to fix htaccess file permission


  • Fix warnings for htaccess permission


  • Fix blank page when using W3 Total Cache and some other cache plugins


  • Fix code conflict with Autoptimize plugin


  • WordPress 5.7 compatible
  • Fix some issues


  • Fix code conflict with some other plugin
  • Fix hiding data in WooCommerce Product Tabs


*Major Update
*Add “XML-RPC Security”settings menu
*Add some new features
*Fix plugin deactivation bug


  • Add new feature fix hotlinks
  • Change notif timing


  • Add an option to disable auto change htaccess permission
  • Fix “DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT” warning
  • WordPress 5.8 compatibility


  • Fix compatibility issue with WordPress 5.9
  • Fix htaccess cleaning function


  • Fix some minor bugs
  • Refactor the entire codes
  • Add a fallback function for situations htaccess is not working

  • Hotfix for error on update

  • Hotfix for error on removing wordpress metadata

  • Fix warning undefined variable $htaccess_code when disable hotlink fix is off
  • Fix warning Undefined array key “plugins” on PHP 8+

  • Fix removing pingback header issue in the last major update
  • Update tested up to wp 6.1

  • Fix issues on uninstallation hook
  • Minor improvements on admin review notification

  • Fix bug with disable wp reset API option

  • Update Jetpack default whitelist IPs
  • Fix bug with update actions function
  • Keep enabling WP RSS in default settings
  • Test with WordPress 6.3 and update tested up to


  • Hotfix for .htaccess error and disabling the admin notices


  • Version: 2.1.5
  • Active installations: 90,000
  • WordPress Version: 5.0
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5


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