Disable WordPress Update Notifications and auto-update Email Notifications

May 10, 2024

Disable WordPress Update Notifications and auto-update Email Notifications Plugin

Disables WordPress core update notification and plugins update notification update checks and notifications.

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This plugin will completely disables the Plugins, Themes, and WordPress core update notifications displayed by WordPress based on your plugin settings. Apart from this it will also disable auto-update Email Notifications.

🎉 Disable auto-update Email Notifications

Since WordPress 5.5 version, if you have enabled plugin and theme auto-update you will receive an automated email notifications when any plugin or theme auto-update is successful or failed.

If you manage a dozen of websites, then the you will receive the constant stream of auto-update notifications emails and may be it annoying you.

I have added a new feature to cure the problem by automatically Disable auto-update Email Notifications for plugins and themes auto-update email notifications.

👉 Most importantly, This plugin is free and always will be free.


  1. Unzip the ZIP file and drop the folder straight into your ‘wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the wordpress admin >> ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. For plugin configurations go to settings >> Disable Notification Settings
  4. Save settings. It’s done.


  1. screenshot-1.png


  2. screenshot-2.png



Does this plugin disable the automatic updates in WordPress higher versions?

Yes, will disable the core and plugins update checks.

Can I disable the theme update notifications too?



2.4.2 – 13/03/2024

  • Add: Generic function and option names
  • Fix: Security and performance issues

2.3.2 – 22/09/2021

  • Fix: Hides all checkboxes in admin issue

2.2 – 15/01/2021

  • Disable auto-update Email Notifications which was added as part of the WordPress 5.5 version.
  • Fixed PHPCS warnings.

2.1.0 – 08/06/2016

  • Fixed admin css issues


  • Initial release.


  • Version: 2.4.2
  • Active installations: 10,000
  • WordPress Version: 3.5
  • Tested up to: 6.5.5


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