Delivery Fees for WooCommerce

May 28, 2023

Delivery Fees for WooCommerce Plugin

Adds a custom shipping method to WooCommerce for delivery services.

Delivery Fees for WooCommerce adds a custom shipping method to WooCommerce specifically for delivery services.

When you add the DFWC Delivery Fees shipping method to your shipping zone, it automatically turns your WooCommerce store’s Shipping text into Delivery.

Built for delivery services

WooCommerce lets you add Shipping Zones but what about companies who only offer delivery?

That’s where the Delivery Fees for WooCommerce plugin comes in!

We know that not all businesses ship products, instead delivering them directly to customers.

So to go along with our Delivery Drivers plugin, we created the Delivery Fees for WooCommerce plugin which adds a custom WooCommerce Shipping Method to cater to delivery services like yours.


  • Unlimited shipping methods and cost rules
  • Offer free delivery with minimum order
  • Automatically change “Shipping” to “Delivery” in order details.
  • … and more!

Pro Features

Delivery Fees for WooCommerce Pro includes the following additional features:

  • Adds Fee types for flat fee or percentage
  • Adds Fee type for distance (per mile)
  • Adds Fee type for time (per minute)
  • Require a minimum order amount before checkout

Delivery Times for WooCommerce

Our newest plugin gives you a highly customizable way for your customers to select a delivery date and time during checkout.

Learn more at Delivery Times for WooCommerce

Delivery Drivers for WooCommerce

This plugin allows offers better driver management for all delivery services who use WooCommerce, streamlining your workflow and increasing your bottom line.

Learn more at Delivery Drivers for WooCommerce


  1. In your dashboard, go to Plugins -> Add New
  2. Search for Delivery Fees and install this plugin
  3. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done 🙂


  1. DFWC Delivery Fees Shipping Method options

    DFWC Delivery Fees Shipping Method options

  2. Delivery fee displayed in Checkout (changing "Shipping" to "Delivery")

    Delivery fee displayed in Checkout (changing "Shipping" to "Delivery")

  3. Customer's Order Details page with delivery fee & "Delivery Address" instead of "Shipping Address"

    Customer's Order Details page with delivery fee & "Delivery Address" instead of "Shipping Address"

  4. Order details in WordPress dashboard with "Delivery" instead of "Shipping"

    Order details in WordPress dashboard with "Delivery" instead of "Shipping"



  • Updated code for PHP 8.0 compatibility in multiple files throughout the plugin
  • Updated text strings for localization for translations found in the languages folder


  • Added new German translation in languages/dfwc-de_DE.pot
  • Added new Afrikaans translation in languages/dfwc-af.pot
  • Updated WordPress Coding Standards in various areas throughout the plugin
  • General code cleanup in various areas throughout the plugin


  • Updated various security related issues found with Codacy throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • Updated textdomain to use the full plugin slug delivery-fees-for-woocommerce in multiple files


  • Added new Spanish translation in languages/dfwc-es_ES.pot
  • Added new French translation in languages/dfwc-fr_FR.pot
  • Added new Italian translation in languages/dfwc-it_IT.pot
  • Updated text strings for localization in languages/dfwc.pot
  • General code cleanup in various areas throughout the plugin


  • Added DFWC Pro version check with notice displayed if it’s outdated in delivery-fees-for-woocommerce.php
  • Bugfix fatal error in backend due to WC session data being called but not found in admin/dfwc-woocommerce-delivery-fees.php
  • General code and inline docs updates throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • General code and inline docs updates throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • Bugfix to change Shipping text to Delivery text (bug introduced in v1.2) in admin/dfwc-woocommerce-delivery-fees.php
  • Updated to hide “Settings” link except if DFWC Pro is active in delivery-fees-for-woocommerce.php
  • Updated and removed public js and css files from loading in public/class-dfwc-public.php
  • Updated .pot file with text strings for localization in languages/dfwc.pot
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • Added helper functions file and is_rest function in includes/dfwc-functions.php
  • Added a ‘Settings’ link on the All Plugins page in delivery-fees-for-woocommerce.php
  • Updated ‘Ship to’ text on Edit Orders screen for translation in admin/dfwc-woocommerce-delivery-fees.php
  • Updated text translation filter priorities in admin/dfwc-woocommerce-delivery-fees.php
  • Updated change shipping text function to not run in_admin and in_rest in admin/dfwc-woocommerce-delivery-fees.php
  • Updated .pot file with text strings for localization in languages/dfwc.pot


  • Added dfwc_free_delivery_minimum filter in admin/dfwc-woocommerce-delivery-fees.php
  • Updated code to set default empty variables to remove notices in admin/dfwc-woocommerce-delivery-fees.php
  • Updated Shipping case for translated text in admin/dfwc-woocommerce-delivery-fees.php
  • Updated text strings for localization in admin/dfwc-woocommerce-delivery-fees.php
  • Updated .pot file with text strings for localization in languages/dfwc.pot
  • General code and inline docs updates throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • Initial release


  • Version: 1.6.0
  • Active installations: 300
  • WordPress Version: 3.0.1
  • Tested up to: 6.2.6


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