Delivery Drivers for WooCommerce

January 25, 2024

Delivery Drivers for WooCommerce Plugin

Streamline your mobile workforce and increase your bottom line.

Streamline your mobile workforce and increase your bottom line.

Manage your mobile workforce

Delivery Drivers for WooCommerce offers better driver management for all delivery services who use WooCommerce.

Your business benefits from this plugin by giving your drivers the ability to easily connect with both the customer of the order and your dispatch center.

Time saved is money earned.

Get more done

The Delivery Drivers for WooCommerce plugin helps your business by reducing paperwork, communications and other manual tasks that eat up your time.

Manage your drivers

This plugin gives you the ability to add new users with the designated Driver role to your WordPress site.

Once the driver has been added to your userlist, you can edit orders and assign a specific driver to the order.

Driver capabilites

Give your drivers the ability to view their assigned orders, mark an order as Out for Delivery and then Completed after the order has been delivered.

With these capabilities passed along to your drivers, you now have additional time free to manage other areas of your business.

For any mobile workforce

Below are a few examples of delivery services that can benefit from the Delivery Drivers for WooCommerce plugin.

  • Flowers
  • Health & Beauty
  • Mobile Massage
  • Alcohol Delivery
  • Restaurant
  • Grocery Stores
  • Cannabis
  • Healthcare
  • Cleaning
  • Laundry
  • Mechanics
  • … and more!

Pro Features

Delivery Drivers for WooCommerce Pro includes the following additional features:

  • Auto-assign drivers when an order is submitted
  • Accept driver applications from the Driver Dashboard
  • Integration with Twilio for SMS messages!
  • Email/SMS driver when they’ve been assigned a new order
  • Email/SMS customer when the driver marks an order as “Out for Delivery”
  • Email/SMS administrator when the driver marks an order as “Completed”

Delivery Times for WooCommerce

Our newest plugin gives you a highly customizable way for your customers to select a delivery date and time during checkout.

Learn more at Delivery Times for WooCommerce

Delivery Fees for WooCommerce

Our WooCommerce delivery fees plugin adds a custom shipping method to WooCommerce specifically for delivery services.

Learn more at Delivery Fees for WooCommerce


  1. In your dashboard, go to Plugins -> Add New
  2. Search for Delivery Drivers and Install this plugin
  3. Go to Settings -> Permalinks and re-save the page
  4. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done 🙂


  1. Delivery Drivers WooCommerce Settings page

    Delivery Drivers WooCommerce Settings page

  2. Delivery Driver column added to the Edit Orders screen

    Delivery Driver column added to the Edit Orders screen

  3. Driver dashboard, displaying all assigned orders (theme in use: CannaBiz)

    Driver dashboard, displaying all assigned orders (theme in use: CannaBiz)

  4. Order details display (theme in use: CannaBiz)

    Order details display (theme in use: CannaBiz)

  5. Delivery Driver information displayed on customer's order details page

    Delivery Driver information displayed on customer's order details page

  6. Google Maps Directions for delivery driver from Store address to Customer address

    Google Maps Directions for delivery driver from Store address to Customer address

  7. Drivery dashboard for admins, showing delivery drivers details

    Drivery dashboard for admins, showing delivery drivers details



  • Added fontawesome in adin dashboard for driver details rating stars in admin/class-ddwc-admin.php
  • Bugfix for warnings that displayed if google map API call doesn’t get a lat/long in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Updated ddwc_customer_signature_box_order_status filter to an array instead of a string in public/ddwc-customer-signature-script.php
  • Updated customer signature box to hide after saved in public/ddwc-customer-signature-script.php
  • Updated customer signature box to hide after saved in public/js/ddwc-public.js
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • Added customer signature box when order is delivered in multiple files throughout the plugin
  • Added contact type setting in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-settings.php
  • Added ddwc_contact_type_link helper function in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Added ddwc_display_customer_signature_image helper function in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Added ddwc_customer_signature_box_title in public/ddwc-customer-signature-script.php
  • Added ddwc_customer_signature_box_description in public/ddwc-customer-signature-script.php
  • Added ddwc_customer_signature_box_button_clear_text in public/ddwc-customer-signature-script.php
  • Added ddwc_customer_signature_box_button_save_text in public/ddwc-customer-signature-script.php
  • Updated telephone links to switch based on contact type setting in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated telephone links to switch based on contact type setting in admin/ddwc-metaboxes.php
  • Updated telephone links to switch based on contact type setting in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-driver-ratings.php
  • Updated driver phone number button to use new contact type link in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Updated various styles throughout multiple areas of the plugin in public/css/ddwc-public.css


  • Bugfix PHP 8.0+ issue with bulk assign settings in admin/class-ddwc-admin.php
  • Updated ‘completed’ order status display styles in public/css/ddwc-public.css
  • Updated order details table class name in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated various styles throughout the plugin in public/css/ddwc-public.css


  • Added setting to optionally display vehicle details in order details in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-settings.php
  • Bugfix to removed rogue ‘Bicycle’ text from outputting on user profile page in admin/ddwc-user-profile-settings.php
  • Removed unnecessary wp_ajax_nopriv_ usage in admin/class-ddwc-admin.php
  • Updated driver display on order details to show/hide vehicle details in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-driver-ratings.php


  • Bugfix for driver metabox not saving when saving the order in admin/ddwc-metaboxes.php
  • Bugfix for driver metabox order notes and status changes when saving in admin/ddwc-metaboxes.php
  • Bugfix for broken redirect when driver changes order status in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Bugfix for esc string outputting html instead of text in delivery-drivers-for-woocommerce.php
  • Updated wc_get_order() to use new WC_Order() in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Updated text strings for localization for translations found in the languages folder
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • Added ddwc_driver_average_rating_args filter in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Added ddwc_delivery_address_google_map_geocode_url filter in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Added ddwc_driver_dashboard_assigned_orders_args filter in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated drivers order table to include a product image in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated text strings for localization for translations found in the languages folder
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • Added ddwc_allowed_tags helper function in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Added new Hindi translation in languages/delivery-drivers-for-woocommerce-hi_IN.pot
  • Updated various security related issues found with Codacy throughout multiple files in the plugin
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • Added ddwc_woocommerce_store_address helper function in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Updated text strings for localization for translations found in the languages folder


  • Added ddwc_driver_dashboard_completed_orders_order_details_url filter in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added FontAwesome and enqueued the stylesheet in public/class-ddwc-public.php
  • Added new German translation in languages/delivery-drivers-for-woocommerce-de_DE.pot
  • Added new Arabic translation in languages/delivery-drivers-for-woocommerce-ar_AR.pot
  • Added thank you message when driver star rating is clicked on customer’s order screen in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-driver-ratings.php
  • Added view profile link to driver details metabox on Edit Order screen in admin/ddwc-metaboxes.php
  • Updated driver vehicle details display requirements on order details page in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-driver-ratings.php
  • Updated delivery rating in metabox to display stars instead of numbers in admin/ddwc-metaboxes.php
  • Updated driver rating to use stars in admin view of the driver dashboard in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Updated text strings for localization in languages/delivery-drivers-for-woocommerce.pot
  • Updated text strings for localization in languages/delivery-drivers-for-woocommerce-es_ES.pot
  • Updated text strings for localization in languages/delivery-drivers-for-woocommerce-fr_FR.pot
  • Updated text strings for localization in languages/delivery-drivers-for-woocommerce-it_IT.pot
  • Updated textdomain from ddwc to full plugin slug throughout multiple files in the plugin
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • Added new Spanish translation in languages/ddwc-es_ES.pot
  • Added new French translation in languages/ddwc-fr_FR.pot
  • Added new Italian translation in languages/ddwc-it_IT.pot


  • Added customer note to order details in driver dashboard in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added additional div wrappers to driver display on customer order in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-driver-ratings.php
  • Added orders table for admins to see orders for specific drivers on the driver dashboard in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added order statuses to bulk edit on Orders screen in admin/class-ddwc-admin.php
  • Bugfix driver availability issue where the checkbox toggle wasn’t saving in admin/class-ddwc-admin.php, public/class-ddwc-public.php and public/js/ddwc-public.js
  • Bugfix bulk update conflicts on the admin Orders screen in admin/class-ddwc-admin.php
  • Updated driver details to hide license plate if bicycle is the selected transportation type in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-driver-ratings.php
  • Updated assigned orders table to be filterable in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated button styles for driver contact buttons in public/css/ddwc-public.css
  • Updated driver contact button and out for delivery input styles in public/css/ddwc-public.css
  • Updated driver transportation type select box width on Edit User screen in public/css/ddwc-public.css
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • Added ddwc_date_format & ddwc_time_format filters in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added ddwc_driver_dashboard_assigned_orders_statuses filter in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added ddwc_driver_dashboard_change_statuses_redirect_url filter in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Added documentation link to settings page in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-settings.php
  • Added check for DDWC Pro with admin notice if version number is older than currently available in delivery-drivers-for-woocommerce.php
  • Bugfix updates redirect errors on driver status change in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Bugfix to hide the ‘Call Driver’ button in Edit Order metabox if no driver is selected in admin/ddwc-metaboxes.php
  • Updated date/time formats to use default WordPress settings in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated dropdown of available drivers on Orders screen in admin/class-ddwc-admin.php
  • Updated delivery drivers metabox dropdown to remove “Assign a driver” text as default in admin/ddwc-metaboxes.php
  • Updated text strings for localization in languages/ddwc.pot
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • Added ddwc_driver_dashboard_phone_numbers filter in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added ddwc_delivery_address_google_map_mode filter in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added Google Maps Mode option to the WooCommerce DDWC Settings page in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-settings.php
  • Updated text strings for localization in languages/ddwc.pot
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • Added 3 filters for change status redirect URL’s in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Added ddwc_delivery_address_google_map_geocode filter in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Added ddwc_delivery_address_google_map_geocode function before Google Map in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added ddwc_my_account_endpoint_title_driver_dashboard filter in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-account-tab.php
  • Added ddwc_driver_dashboard_completed_orders_before_tbody action hook in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added Google Maps Geocode WooCommerce setting in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-settings.php
  • Updated text strings for localization in languages/ddwc.pot
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • Added driver dashboard for admins, displaying delivery drivers data in a table in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added 2 action hooks for the admin driver dashboard delivery drivers table in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added 3 filters for the admin driver dashboard delivery drivers table in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated CSS for admin’s driver dashboard delivery drivers table in public/css/ddwc-public.css
  • Updated text strings for localization in languages/ddwc.pot
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • Bugfix that made the Bulk Edit options empty if no users with driver role found in admin/class-ddwc-admin.php
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • Added delivery drivers to the Bulk Edit options in the Edit Orders screen in admin/class-ddwc-admin.php
  • Added a new order status “Order Returned” in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-orders.php
  • Added “Call Driver” button to Edit Order screen driver metabox in admin/ddwc-metaboxes.php
  • Bugfix for driver’s picture image alt, removing hardcoded text and using driver name in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-driver-ratings.php
  • Updated the order status functions to include an “Order Returned” button when out for delivery in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Updated assigned orders table to show orders with “Order Returned” status in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated removed login name from driver select in metabox in admin/ddwc-metaboxes.php
  • Updated CSS for driver status change buttons in public/css/ddwc-public.css
  • Updated text strings for localization in languages/ddwc.pot
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files in the plugin


  • Bugfix removed formatted address filter from everywhere except driver dashboard in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-settings.php
  • Updated formatted address filter on driver dashboard in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated driver name in Orders screen select boxes to only use display name (removed login name) in admin/class-ddwc-admin.php
  • Updated text strings for localization in languages/ddwc.pot


  • Added ddwc_driver_dashboard_assigned_orders_order_details_url filter in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Bugfix re-added a missing variable for billing phone number in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Bugfix re-added a missing variable for billing address in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated text strings for localization in languages/ddwc.pot


  • Added $order_status to ddwc_driver_dashboard_change_status filter in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Added ddwc_driver_dashboard_store_address filter in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added filter to remove customer name from formatted addresses in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-settings.php
  • Added 6 action hooks to the driver dashboard in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Bugfix removed exit lines from status change helper functions in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Bugfix updated store state/country based on if the raw country code has : or not in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated $delivery_address to use WC formatted addresses in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated the_title filter to no longer pass $id in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-account-tab.php
  • Updated ddwc-dashboard table font-size in public/css/ddwc-public.css
  • Updated driver availability to use the ddwc_driver_dashboard_top action hook in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated text strings for localization in languages/ddwc.pot
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files


  • Added $store_address variable to ddwc_delivery_address_google_map filter in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added ddwc_assigned_orders_title_before action hook in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added driver availability option to driver dashboard in multiple files throughout the plugin (commit)
  • Added Transportation Type, Model and Color fields to driver details in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-driver-ratings.php
  • Added styles to driver details table on customer order page in public/css/ddwc-public.css
  • Updated variable names with underscores in admin/class-ddwc-admin.php
  • Updated text strings for localization in languages/ddwc.pot


  • Added ddwc_my_account_menu_item_driver_dashboard filter in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-account-tab.php
  • Added ddwc_assigned_orders_empty_before action hook in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added ddwc_dashboard_login_form filter in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added ddwc_my_account_check_user_role_array filter in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-account-tab.php
  • Added ddwc_check_user_roles helper function in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Added Go Pro link to DDWC Settings page in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-settings.php
  • Bugfix login redirect issues on checkout page in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-settings.php
  • Updated user role check to use the new ddwc_check_user_roles function in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-account-tab.php
  • Updated .pot file with new translation strings in languages/ddwc.pot
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files


  • Added Delivery Driver column on WooCommerce Edit Orders screen in admin/class-ddwc-admin.php
  • Added Delivery Driver column jQuery codes in admin/js/ddwc-admin.js
  • Added ddwc_order_number filter in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added ddwc_delivery_address_directions_text filter in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added ddwc_google_maps_origin_address filter in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added 3 action hooks in the completed orders table in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated priority of the ddwc_endpoint_content action in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-account-tab.php
  • Updated filters to pass the order ID number in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated check if payment gateway is not false in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated Google Maps to use Directions API in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated content display for the driver’s order details page in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated .pot file with new translation strings in languages/ddwc.pot
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files


  • Added 5 new filters to the driver dashboard shortcode in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-shortcode.php
  • Added functions file with two helper functions in admin/ddwc-functions.php
  • Updated function name prefix for user login redirect in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-settings.php
  • Updated .pot file with new translation strings in languages/ddwc.pot
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files


  • Bugfix for shipping address check that gets used with Google Maps in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated delivery address display to display billing address if no shipping address is active in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php


  • Added 9 new filters for the driver dashboard in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated default address display to use WooCommerce function in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated address used with Google Maps to include country in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files


  • Added conditional check for WooCommerce view-order endpoint when loading javascript files on front-end of website in public/class-ddwc-public.php
  • Updated script loading to remove unnecessary admin.js file in admin/class-ddwc-admin.php
  • Updated text strings for localization in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated .pot file with new translation strings in languages/ddwc.pot
  • General code cleanup throuhgout multiple files


  • Added display driver phone number setting in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-settings.php
  • Added driver phone number to customer order details in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-driver-ratings.php
  • Added (optional) text to out for delivery messsage text in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated delivery fee to use the proper decimal placement in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated CSS to include styles for SMS Updates title text on checkout in public/css/ddwc-public.css
  • Updated .pot file with new translation strings in languages/ddwc.pot
  • General code cleanup throuhgout multiple files


  • Added ability for driver to add a note during the “out for delivery” status change in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added Company name to customer address display in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added CSS for driver’s out for delivery message in public/css/ddwc-public.css
  • Updated .pot file with new translation strings in languages/ddwc.pot
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files


  • Added Delivery Driver details and star ratings on order details page in includes/class-ddwc.php
  • Added Delivery Driver details and star ratings on order details page in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-driver-ratings.php
  • Added Delivery Driver star ratings CSS in admin/css/ddwc-public.css
  • Added Driver rating to Delivery Drivers metabox in admin/ddwc-metaboxes.php
  • Added Delivery Driver star ratings JavaScript in public/class-ddwc-public.php
  • Added Delivery Driver star ratings JavaScript in public/js/ddwc-public.php
  • Added Delivery Driver star ratings CSS in public/css/ddwc-public.css
  • Added Driver Ratings option to the DDWC WooCommerce Settings page in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-settings.php
  • Added 2 new action hooks in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added new filter for driver login redirect in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-settings.php
  • Bugfix removed ‘no completed orders’ text in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • WordPress Coding Standards updates in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated text strings for localization in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-orders.php
  • Updated .pot file with new translation strings in languages/ddwc.pot
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files


  • Added text output if there are no completed orders in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added ddwc_assigned_orders_empty filter in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added ddwc_assigned_orders_empty_after action hook in empty orders output in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • General code cleanup throughout multiple files


  • Added 2 new action hooks for the Assigned Orders table in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added Completed Orders table to Driver Dashboard in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added 2 new action hooks for the Completed Orders table in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated My Account tab text to Driver Dashboard in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-account-tab.php
  • Updated billing name in the order details view with table codes in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated Assigned Orders table display options and details in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated .pot file with new translation strings in languages/ddwc.pot


  • Added payment gateway info to order details in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added year to the order date displayed with order details in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Bugfix shipping/billing address display in order details in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated Order Details title bottom margin in public/css/ddwc-public.css
  • Updated CSS to include new class name for delivery charge in public/css/ddwc-public.css
  • Updated order details display style and content in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated .pot file with new translation strings in languages/ddwc.pot
  • Various code cleanup and doc updates throughout multiple files


  • Bug fix for driver-dashboard query vars in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-account-tab.php
  • Updated the_title to say Driver Dashboard for driver-dashboard page in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-account-tab.php
  • Updated code to display customer name in driver dadhboard in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated .pot file with new translation strings in languages/ddwc.pot
  • Various code updates and general code cleanup throughout multiple files


  • Added checkbox for drivers to hide completed orders from assigned orders table in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Added checkbox for drivers to hide completed orders from assigned orders table in public/js/ddwc-public.js
  • Added checkbox for drivers to hide completed orders from assigned orders table in public/css/ddwc-public.css
  • Added redirect on login for delivery drivers to the Driver Dashboard in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-settings.php
  • Added ddwc_driver_dashboard_order_table_tbody_top and ddwc_driver_dashboard_order_table_tbody_bottom action hooks in order details table in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Hide “Go Pro” link if Pro plugin is active in delivery-drivers-for-woocommerce.php
  • Updated individual order details table data in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated .pot file with new translation strings in languages/ddwc.pot
  • Various code updates and general code cleanup throughout multiple files


  • General code clean up in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-orders.php and admin/ddwc-woocommerce-settings.php
  • Updated text with new translation strings in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php
  • Updated text with new translation strings in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-orders.php
  • Updated text with new translation strings in admin/ddwc-woocommerce-settings.php
  • Updated .pot file with new translation strings in languages/ddwc.pot


  • Added .pot file for localization in languages/ddwc.pot


  • Added conditional check for delivery address display in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php


  • Added two new action hooks in admin/ddwc-dashboard-shortcode.php


  • Initial release


  • Version: 3.6.1
  • Active installations: 500
  • WordPress Version: 3.0.1
  • Tested up to: 6.4.5


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